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  1. lomine

    Lets talk about goats!

    Yeah, I’ve seen videos. All I can think about is how they are teaching the goats that it’s okay to jump all over people. It might be cute with a 10 lbs kid, not so cute with a 60-80 lbs adult.
  2. lomine

    Lets talk about goats!

    Google Mini Nubian. They are a cross between Nubian and Nigerian Dwarf. Talk about cute. :love
  3. lomine

    Lets talk about goats!

    Really? That's too bad. I haven't used it myself but had thought about using some. Right now my 3 goats have a 48x80 horse corral. It's just the traditional wood fence with three horizontal rows of boards with 4 ft welded wire across the bottom to fill the gaps. The previous owner put it all up...
  4. lomine

    Lets talk about goats!

    So they get to be in the horse pen all day? That sounds good. Tethering is totally up to you. I know there are lots of folks that do it and it is normal practice in countries outside Northern America. I would never do it because I have read stories about goats breaking legs and necks. But...
  5. lomine

    Lets talk about goats!

    I think you should go as big as you can based on your situation. I have found it's better to go big and have too much space instead of running out. Temporary electric fencing may be a good option for you if you want to move them around the property.
  6. lomine

    Lets talk about goats!

    10x10 is a pretty small space once you add in housing, hay rack, water buckets, etc. I have read a lot about the dangers of tethering goats so you may want to look into that further.
  7. lomine

    Lets talk about goats!

    Oh yes you are right. Thanks for spotting that. I fixed it.
  8. lomine

    Lets talk about goats!

    It will depend on the size of the run and how long they will be confined. If they are only confined at night you could get away with less space but if they only get out for short periods of time you'll want more space. Here's a good rundown on vaccinations and worming...
  9. lomine

    Lets talk about goats!

    Thanks. I got really lucky finding a place with such a nice barn already built.
  10. lomine

    Lets talk about goats!

    It was the first snow for Sugar and Cookie. They weren't to keen on checking it out. :lol:
  11. lomine

    Lets talk about goats!

    If you feel uncomfortable, I say just wait. I can't offer tips on giving shots since I haven't had mine long enough to need their next shots. I plan on having the vet do it first so I can watch. Then I'll decide if I want to do it myself.
  12. lomine

    Lets talk about goats!

    I have the old tires off my brother's truck. I dug holes in the ground and 'planted' the tires upright. The goats like to jump up on them and it didn't cost me anything. I bet if you went to a tire shop and asked for old tires they would give them to you. Saves them a recycling fee.
  13. lomine

    Lets talk about goats!

    Poor thing. She defiantly wasn't well cared for. Sorry I can't offer any advice as I am newer at this than you. I am glad she's with you now and will get the care she needs.
  14. lomine

    Lets talk about goats!

    That makes total sense, thanks.
  15. lomine

    Lets talk about goats!

    So you didn't find that to cause them problems as they got older? It would certainly make things easier as you don't have to worry about them being with the does and doelings. But I've read a lot of sites/books that say to do it between 8 and 12 weeks. The reason being they are less likely to...
  16. lomine

    Lets talk about goats!

    I've never made soap but I'm pretty sure since it isn't consumed there are no issues selling it. Lots of folks around here sell it at farmer's markets and the like. However, in the state of Colorado it is illegal to sell raw milk for human consumption. It can be sold for pet consumption though...
  17. lomine

    Lets talk about goats!

    My alerts weren't working for some reason until this morning and come to find I missed so much. Glad to hear things are going well for everyone. I've had my girls for a few months now and I am thoroughly enjoying having them. I'm really glad I decided to start with an experience milker so it...
  18. lomine

    Lets talk about goats!

    You mean to tell us you didn't plant those raspberries specifically for the goats? :lau
  19. lomine

    Lets talk about goats!

    How cute! They do look very similar. Little twins.
  20. lomine

    Lets talk about goats!

    Haha yeah. They've made that very clear.
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