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  1. pasofinofarm

    DAY OLD PICS! post #225. 12 hatched!

    Quote: He may be on to something! We had someone with Wade Jean Black Copper Marans contact us about a trade for GCMs egg for egg... well we weren't looking for more chickens but.... some deals are just too good to pass up... Anyway, out of 8 eggs 4 hatched and guess what???? Three pullets and...
  2. pasofinofarm

    DAY OLD PICS! post #225. 12 hatched!

    It could be a pair on the Marans... but I want to say two pullets. The cockerels are usually almost yellow with dark patches. No guesses on the ameraucanas until they get primary feathers.. and even then you want to be carefull not to cull too early and miss a pullet. I'll dig around for...
  3. pasofinofarm

    DAY OLD PICS! post #225. 12 hatched!

    And doubly sorry for the double hi-jack! Quote: I hope you didnt take that post in a negative manner. I didnt mean it like that at all, sorry. I know everything has a part to play in the matter. Like the weather and how bad the PO knocked the boxes around, etc. Also that some eggs it takes...
  4. pasofinofarm

    DAY OLD PICS! post #225. 12 hatched!

    Quote: Wouldn't that be nice... but no... I think it's time to candle and see if they are still alive. If not all breakout will show is formed peeps but you may detect dry membranes and have some idea of why they did not pip. You sometimes see this kind of delay in older eggs but these were...
  5. pasofinofarm

    DAY OLD PICS! post #225. 12 hatched!

    Quote: I feel your pain. I recieved eggs(7 of them) on Jan 28th and put them under my broody hen around 4:30 in the afternoon. So I counted the next day as Day 1, so twenty-one days later would have been the 18th. I only had one hatch that day and one pip. Its day 23 and I only have 4...
  6. pasofinofarm

    DAY OLD PICS! post #225. 12 hatched!

    Cockerel on the left, pullet on the right.
  7. pasofinofarm

    DAY OLD PICS! post #225. 12 hatched!

    Hi M, Although I have seen hatches that were only staggered by 5 hours (I know because EVERYBODY was out) I have also seen hatches staggered by 36 and even 48 hours and have heard of longer ones than that. I believe the Faverolles will still hatch. Funny I got up in the middle of the night...
  8. pasofinofarm

    DAY OLD PICS! post #225. 12 hatched!

    Well if none of the SFs have pipped then I guess they are slow... Too funny because as grown chickens they look like a grandma chicken to me. I can always picture a Faverolles hen sitting in a rocker with a crochet shawl across her shoulders and wire rimmed glasses settled on her beak reading...
  9. pasofinofarm

    DAY OLD PICS! post #225. 12 hatched!

    Update! Update! and Pics! Pics! Pics!
  10. pasofinofarm

    DAY OLD PICS! post #225. 12 hatched!

    Quote: It has been my experience that sometimes during hatching all the guages go nuts... It is so frustrating. Once while using an LG it was so bad that I turned the therm/hygrometer over face down and just wouldn't look at it, the stress was going to kill me. I have also opend eggs I...
  11. pasofinofarm

    DAY OLD PICS! post #225. 12 hatched!

    Can't wait to hear the final candling report... I think as close as you have kept an eye things should be comming up chickies!
  12. pasofinofarm

    DAY OLD PICS! post #225. 12 hatched!

    Quote: Is that real? My son in Mesa told me about Sherrif Joe but I thought he might be making it up since we have such a cushy prison system in Texas. I am sure they will leave the 'bator alone with that hanging over their heads! I am often up very late too with DH working nights. I do have...
  13. pasofinofarm

    DAY OLD PICS! post #225. 12 hatched!

    OK M I am just going to ride on your thread since I don't have enough to say to start one of my own. I candled tonight and 23 of the 24 made the hatcher.. these are all SFs. The one that didn't was alive but looked like a day 14 egg not a day 18 egg with not filling the shell good and the...
  14. pasofinofarm

    DAY OLD PICS! post #225. 12 hatched!

    Quote: Is he including the cockerels that will get shipped? Hey maybe we should start a guessing game. I already put in for mine and yes I say all six Favs to since I'm sticking my neck out anyway! I have 24 favs in the 'bator for a friend that should pop this week... I'll let you know...
  15. pasofinofarm

    DAY OLD PICS! post #225. 12 hatched!

    I predict you will hatch 25 of 29. Day 18 will probably turn up a couple more that don't make the hatcher and you will always get one or two that fail to pip... who knows... it just has something to do with shipped eggs... What Ms. Prissy says is so true... from the barn to the 'bator makes such...
  16. pasofinofarm

    DAY OLD PICS! post #225. 12 hatched!

    Hey M! do you feel better now??? On the yolk intact... that is not necessarily a sign of an infertile egg, although that can certainly happen. For great pics and info look here: The green are always the hardest as the brown pigment is laid over the...
  17. pasofinofarm

    DAY OLD PICS! post #225. 12 hatched!

    I have never gone so far as to clean the candler between eggs. I do not incubate shipped eggs with my own eggs and clean the 'bator between hatches. I also only buy eggs from those certified TPIP or NPIP. You can also use an egg wash if you are concerned about bacteria but I have never done that...
  18. pasofinofarm

    DAY OLD PICS! post #225. 12 hatched!

    We have ALL dropped an egg... goodness i've thought one was dead and cracked out a live peep... or the time I threw out one that didn't hatch and then it did... right in the trash can... I managed to save him but that experience made me feel supremely stupid for a moment. Now everything gets...
  19. pasofinofarm

    DAY OLD PICS! post #225. 12 hatched!

    Well I for one can not wait! I think once you see them growing you will feel lots better about this whole thing... Starting the chant... Candle, Candle, Candle! Blessings, Melissa
  20. pasofinofarm

    DAY OLD PICS! post #225. 12 hatched!

    Did you get a candler? The Marans can be pretty hard to see through. There is a great on on e-bay for $12 or the next best thing is the mini-mag from Wal-mart of Academy with the rubber end on the side with the light. You can get up close and personal with it but it gets hot so you have to work...
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