DAY OLD PICS! post #225. 12 hatched!

I certainly appreciate all of the well wishes and good hatching vibes that came to us. The kids just love watching the little peeps.

Yes, congrats on your birds..

I've been reading thru tons of messages here tonight and seen various bators, various tips which will be useful as well.

I haven't done this since back in the 1977 range, when I hatched some turkey and ducks out. Since then I haven't had any poultry.

Last fall I bought some Silver Duckwing Pheonix and Red DP also which are on the "Wild" side.

Anyway, I have a hen (SDP) that is setting now only 6 months old.

I wasn't expecting that so soon. I read that one article on broody hens someone had posted which is very good info, but unfortunately I do not believe my wild little chicks will be so accomadating to me on trying to move them ..

Here's why I state that.. I knew she didn't have to many eggs under her so I was going to place another under her.. as my hand was about 1 foot away she squacked and ran out the door..LOL

She had 1 turkey and 2 hen eggs under her.. which I added the extra yesterday.. Today same thing, she ran out the door and I added 1 more turkey egg and 3 more hen eggs.. Last day that i will do that and that's pushing it, I know...

It's cold here yet and the nest is on a concrete floor with a very few wood chips under her and some dried grass clippings .. But the way they have done their nest, you might as well say there is no nest..

But I figure the chicken knows best... LOL

So if all goes well I might be another grandpa
And doubly sorry for the double hi-jack!

I hope you didnt take that post in a negative manner. I didnt mean it like that at all, sorry. I know everything has a part to play in the matter. Like the weather and how bad the PO knocked the boxes around, etc. Also that some eggs it takes shorter times and other longer. I would say for about the first 2 1/2 weeks the hen did get off the nest for about an hour a day, but would go right back. Plus she only has one wing so she may not have been able to cover them as a normal hen would be able to. One of the two remaining eggs I can hear chriping every now and then. So I think thats a good sign, and maybe Im just being too antsy. If I only get the 4 chicks outta this hatch then Im fine with that. I posted pictures of my four babies, do you think you could give me your opinion on what you think they are?

I didn't mean I was offended at all. I was just thinking that folks that might be hatching under broodies might be following this thread and it was a piece of general information. First that you can decrease your chances of hatch by over handling eggs in the 19-21 day period and secondly that a 50% hatch rate is considered pretty good on shipped eggs.

I have had folks contact me and ask me to ship 2 eggs because they only want two hens of that breed... so I try to educate when ever the chance comes up. I guess I go skipping off down the yellow brick road and the poor person who's post I was using as a springboard reads in to it that I am sending every word their way... my bad (as my teens would say).

Where are your pics posted Havi? I would love to see them.

Great job M. Eggs are yours any time.

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After I get back from work, I'll get pics of the 12 little darlings.

We are giving the coop a real good cleaning... I'm going to get a brand new brooder box and get it ready for the coop. (they are in a small box in the kitchen at present under a light (doesn't make DW that happy)

Hopefully, we'll have our hot water heater fixed by later today. It's been a long week with bucket showers from water heated on the stove.

After the coop is cleaned and the others are ready for bed we'll vaccinate the lot of them and call it a day.
Here are their day and two day old pics.

First to hatch, Speckled Sussex, "Oliver" if "he" turns into a hen, she'll be "Olivia!"


Next our Wheaten/Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas from pasofinofarm (Melisa)
Any guesses on gender?


Next my Golden Cuckoo Marans... I'm thinking I got a roo and a pullet.
In the eggtopsy, the one that didn't hatch was a pullet by coloring, shucks.


Next... our leghorn w/ spradle leg. We named him Bowlegged Billy.
At first he couldn't walk at all, now he's getting around pretty fast... amazing... tonight we are going to tape the legs a tiny bit closer together.


Here is a group shot of the Leghorns. The bossy one at the front left is "Goliath" I'm guessing roo and he has attitude and was and is HUGE!


My kids are begging for them to stay a couple more nights in the house... we'll see, I need to get them out back into a bigger brooder box. They all seem to be eating and drinking well.

We'll see how we do getting them to 20 weeks... I hope I have at least some of them laying by the end of July when it's REAL warm.
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I love the Golden Cuckoo Marans!
Mahonri you've done such a great job, it was very nice of Melissa to give you another try at hatching out some eggs!
looking at these pictures makes me feel soo anxious...I cant wait till the eggs Melissa sent me hatch as well!
I want to have myself some babies too..

Well keep up the good work and please keep us updated on the chicks' growth!
How adorable. The marans are just darling. Don't be so sure Goliath is a roo. The last chick I had that was big and had personality ended up being a pullet.
Awwwwww...... oooooh...........awwwww....... I am in love with little bowlegged Billy! Actually, I am in love with all of them!

If you have a extra hatching vibes, *por favor mandelos a mi?

What a great job, Mahonri!

*Please send them to me?
It could be a pair on the Marans... but I want to say two pullets. The cockerels are usually almost yellow with dark patches.

No guesses on the ameraucanas until they get primary feathers.. and even then you want to be carefull not to cull too early and miss a pullet.

I'll dig around for some pics of Am chicks... I know I don't have any on the 'puter and will have to scan them in. OK done!

First pic... Marans pullets except the one in the middle with all the yellow (only head showing), cockerel. Am all the way on left pullet, two in middle cockerels, one on right pullet.

Second pic far right fav (don't they look prehistoric?...sorry), Ams in the middle cockerel on each end and pullet in the middle.

Tell DW that this is a pic of 30 chicks in a brooder in my mud room so no freaking out on the extra day of chicks in the house! The kids will be grown and gone before you know it and the house will stay spotless but never be the same. My mud room is now pristine, lol!


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