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  1. schellie69

    The love childen's Adventures...sad update

    It has just been so crazy and busy around here I have not had a chance to post for a while. I did have some bantam EE/Cochin chicks cross I lost them to a predator I only have 1 chick that survived it is doing great. We are still working on building the cover to the run I will post some new...
  2. schellie69

    The love childen's Adventures...sad update

    Today one of Leon's babies died, I was outside working when I heard a noise I went to see and one of the little ones was missing after some searching I found the little one under some logs, it seems while mommy was chasing off some wild birds a log slipped and killed the little one. I am very...
  3. schellie69

    The love childen's Adventures...sad update

    On May 25th the first eggs hatched unfortunately only 1 of the first 3 to hatch survived the first night, that left 3 eggs which where left under broody mommy. On May 28th I found an egg had pipped but mommy was off the nest. I put broody mommy back on the nest and the chick hatched and is doing...
  4. schellie69

    The love childen's Adventures...sad update

    Quote: I have 2 teenage boys I understand hormones I was thinking it was the spring weather also. He is only a year old so maybe with time he will settle down. I am hoping when I add the 7 new girls he will be to busy to bother with any bad behavior.
  5. schellie69

    The love childen's Adventures...sad update

    Well Miss Prissy went broody and is sitting on 5 brown eggs I am not sure who's eggs she has, I have not been able to tell anyone's eggs apart right now except of splashe's which I know is one of the eggs under her. The are due to hatch on May 24th, Leon is still in re-training he is still...
  6. schellie69

    The love childen's Adventures...sad update

    I got 7 new babies, 2 SLW, 2 Easter eggers, and 3 bantam cochrins. Those are for Leon. I am so happy they are a week old now and doing great.
  7. schellie69

    The love childen's Adventures...sad update

    Quote: Well, I know that Tyson has some pretty babies from my BRs. Hannah hatched out two BR baby crosses for me, and then I went to the local feed store and bought her 3 sexlinks to stuff under her as well. Then we hatched out 8 of Tyson's children in an incubator. Two of which were...
  8. schellie69

    The love childen's Adventures...sad update

    My DD found some more SLW at tractor supply so went to get them I went to get what I thought was brown leghorns and guess what they were they are Easter Eggers I was so happy I got those that is what I had wanted to find. So I came home with 7 babies 2 SLW, 2 EE's and 3 bantams which are my DD's...
  9. schellie69

    The love childen's Adventures...sad update

    Quote: Thanks yes it does seem like that. Just need to catch my breath.
  10. schellie69

    The love childen's Adventures...sad update

    More bad news. My DS's dog got the 5 chicks, she found the one weak spot on the new coop. I am just so sad first i find out my in laws are coming up on Saturday (last) for the weekend. went out to spend time and feed the babies and found all 5 dead. Then Saturday spent all day scrubbing and...
  11. schellie69

    The love childen's Adventures...sad update

    My DH went out to turn the water on and my Leon started flogging my DH ankles all of a sudden my BO hen Blondie came over and started to flog Leon so Leon quit for a while my DH went back into turn the water off and Leon started flogging him again and once again Blondie came over and started...
  12. schellie69

    The love childen's Adventures...sad update

    I am glad you enjoyed Leon's story his new adventure will start when we build the new pen to go with the new coop. He is a great little rooster and I am going to be hatching some eggs from my girls and see what kind of babies Leon makes. He isn't real happy right now because our weather has been...
  13. schellie69

    The love childen's Adventures...sad update

    Well his girls kept him busy yesterday while free ranging they checked out the new coop which is almost done and they were testing the new nest boxes as they sang their egg song Leon was running between the new coop and the old coop to check on his girls and then the girls decided they all...
  14. schellie69

    The love childen's Adventures...sad update

    Went to the Farm store yesterday and thanks to my DH who is enabling my chicken hobby I walked out with 5 new babies to add to Leon's flock we got 2 silver laced Wyandottes 2 brown leghorns and 1 mystery red chicken from the rainbow layer bin. I am so excited I still want some EE"s but I guess...
  15. schellie69

    The love childen's Adventures...sad update

    I am thinking about getting some Ameracuan's and Maran's
  16. schellie69

    The love childen's Adventures...sad update

    It has been a sad time Leon lost two of his girls Charlie the Ameracuana and also Star the black sex link. Also a stray cat got the chick that princess hatched out. I have been trying to figure out what to do. I almost wanted to give up on having chickens but I decided that I love having...
  17. schellie69

    The love childen's Adventures...sad update

    Well things have been very busy here. One of Leon's ladies went broody, Princess a EE bantam. She was given 2 eggs to sit on, one was a EE bantam egg the other was my only Ameracuana hen that I have. One of the eggs hatched this morning the Ameracuana egg Both the mommy and chick are doing well...
  18. schellie69

    The love childen's Adventures...sad update

    The reason is we might be able to rent a farm with 10 acres which would be great for my Hobby farm. This place needs a lot of work but we would do the work for the rent which would be a great help to us and the owners, the owners are the children of the elderly friend I was helping. She died on...
  19. schellie69

    The love childen's Adventures...sad update

    Thank you Mrs Chickendad I have been doing that, Leon did flog me again this morning and he got carried around and we talked about chicken noodles. He has since been a good boy so we shall see. I am the only one he does this to. So I can't figure it out. I will give him your message today.
  20. schellie69

    The love childen's Adventures...sad update

    Well the other day I went and got two new pullets they are a barnyard mix and are spending the next 30 days in quarantine, I went to check on them yesterday and while I was checking on the new girls and Leon heard them making noises and decided that I was upsetting the girls and tried his little...
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