The love childen's Adventures...sad update

i am so sorry!! poor Leon! how is he handling things? i'd for sure get him some girls- he is from the chickendads, right? maybe check with them on possible girls
Went to the Farm store yesterday and thanks to my DH who is enabling my chicken hobby I walked out with 5 new babies to add to Leon's flock we got 2 silver laced Wyandottes 2 brown leghorns and 1 mystery red chicken from the rainbow layer bin. I am so excited I still want some EE"s but I guess I will have to wait until later. I am thinking that if one of my bantam's goes broody this year I will let her hatch some bantam eggs. I have 3 EE bantams that lay pretty blue eggs and Leon is from a brown egg layer so I would get my green egg laying hens that way. We are also working on making the garden larger and then we are going to make the chicken pen larger and attached to the new coop. With Dh now working it will help us get all these projects done. Leon has turned into a great rooster He has stopped attacking me and takes really good care of his girls. just thought I would update everyone on Leon's life.
Oh! Sorry to here you have been having a tough time!
Good for you not giving up! And thank you for updating this thread! I was missing Leon!!
Well his girls kept him busy yesterday while free ranging they checked out the new coop which is almost done and they were testing the new nest boxes as they sang their egg song Leon was running between the new coop and the old coop to check on his girls and then the girls decided they all wanted the same nest box so he had to deal with that and keep track of the ladies dust bathing and the ones that were finding worms in the dirt being dug up for the new larger garden. I think that he was one very worn out rooster and he does not even know about the 5 new ladies coming his way in a few weeks. here is some picture of the new babies

I am glad you enjoyed Leon's story his new adventure will start when we build the new pen to go with the new coop. He is a great little rooster and I am going to be hatching some eggs from my girls and see what kind of babies Leon makes. He isn't real happy right now because our weather has been really nice to the next day we are getting snow. I am trying to get the garden planted grass planted from him and his girls eating it all last summer and their new pen built kind of hard to do that since we are getting rain and snow almost every week. I am also trying to get Leon another Ameracuana girl he lost his this last winter. She was his favorite girl. So we shall see what I find at the feed store at the end of April.
My DH went out to turn the water on and my Leon started flogging my DH ankles all of a sudden my BO hen Blondie came over and started to flog Leon so Leon quit for a while my DH went back into turn the water off and Leon started flogging him again and once again Blondie came over and started flogging and pecking my rooster protecting my DH from Leon flogging him has anyone else heard of this kind of behavior before. Blondie does squat for both of us. So do she see my DH as the head "rooster"? I missed the whole thing and DH did not have a video camera to capture this on film, neither hen or rooster or DH have any wounds or where hurt badly in this whole thing. I just have never heard of a hen flogging a rooster to protect a human. So Leon will be in some retraining over the next few weeks. Must be the spring weather causing this he has been so good up till now. So far he has not flogged me since he was young. DH thinks this whole thing is just funny and laughs at Leon so no hard feelings plus Leon can barley touch DH leg mostly his ankles when he flogs so no damage. Silly rooster.
More bad news. My DS's dog got the 5 chicks, she found the one weak spot on the new coop. I am just so sad first i find out my in laws are coming up on Saturday (last) for the weekend.
went out to spend time and feed the babies and found all 5 dead.
Then Saturday spent all day scrubbing and cleaning for the visit. We spend Saturday night and all day Sunday with them. The left Monday. I am just worn out. Leon is still flogging everyone who comes into the pen including me. He is in so much trouble right now. I am not sure if I will get new chicks tomorrow at the feed store. I guess I am just feeling a little down right now. I love my chickens and everything but I just had to much on my plate this weekend. I did get 1/2 my garden planted.
will finish this weekend. I just feel like sitting down and crying right now. Hope everyone else had a great weekend.

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