The love childen's Adventures...sad update

Aww, Pam, so sorry about the babies. Sounds like life is unwinding all at once for you!
My DD found some more SLW at tractor supply so went to get them I went to get what I thought was brown leghorns and guess what they were they are Easter Eggers I was so happy I got those that is what I had wanted to find. So I came home with 7 babies 2 SLW, 2 EE's and 3 bantams which are my DD's they all have feathers on their feet I will post pictures of them. Leon is still in training but Blondie is taking care of that if a human enters the pen she makes sure to keep her eye on Leon. I think he is getting sick of being hen pecked.
I am going be hatching some eggs as soon as Sourland's broody magic spell works, I am deciding which hens eggs to use. Any help would be appreciated here is the list of hens which eggs should I try.
1 red sex link
1 black sex link
2 barred rocks
1 BO
2 barnyard mixes-Miss prissy has feathered legs also
3 bantam EE's (lays blue eggs)
2 BA
Which of these does anything would make great babies with Leon
Well, I know that Tyson has some pretty babies from my BRs.
Hannah hatched out two BR baby crosses for me, and then I went to the local feed store and bought her 3 sexlinks to stuff under her as well. Then we hatched out 8 of Tyson's children in an incubator. Two of which were Hannah/Tyson's. One is so tiny it is insane. never being happy with enough...I ordered 24 Orp eggs....they should be here next week. Into the incubator they go, as soon as they get here. Actually, hatching out all the chicks...DD and I are going to sell young birds - once we can tell gender - and hope to help "finance" our recent chicken addiction and the soon to be addition of a Serama trio we are getting for DD to show. I think the DH thinks we are off our rocker. Oh, did I mention I need to build a third run/coop to house all my extras? Hmmmm, did I?
Well, I know that Tyson has some pretty babies from my BRs.
Hannah hatched out two BR baby crosses for me, and then I went to the local feed store and bought her 3 sexlinks to stuff under her as well. Then we hatched out 8 of Tyson's children in an incubator. Two of which were Hannah/Tyson's. One is so tiny it is insane. never being happy with enough...I ordered 24 Orp eggs....they should be here next week. Into the incubator they go, as soon as they get here. Actually, hatching out all the chicks...DD and I are going to sell young birds - once we can tell gender - and hope to help "finance" our recent chicken addiction and the soon to be addition of a Serama trio we are getting for DD to show. I think the DH thinks we are off our rocker. Oh, did I mention I need to build a third run/coop to house all my extras? Hmmmm, did I?

I know the feeling I love my chickens and I love chicken math. I am going to try a few eggs just to see what I can get, It amazes me that Leon being a bantam that he can mate with the big girls. I am going to try with the BR's and miss prissy and the EE's and see what I get. I think those are my picks for this year... Now come on sourland's magic work I need a broody.
I got 7 new babies, 2 SLW, 2 Easter eggers, and 3 bantam cochrins. Those are for Leon. I am so happy they are a week old now and doing great.
Well Miss Prissy went broody and is sitting on 5 brown eggs I am not sure who's eggs she has, I have not been able to tell anyone's eggs apart right now except of splashe's which I know is one of the eggs under her. The are due to hatch on May 24th, Leon is still in re-training he is still flogging I don't understand he does so well for a while then it seems he has to push his luck. Blondie is still beating the crap out of him when he goes after a human so that helps. I am hoping that once we get the new pen done and he's in there it will throw him off and he will settle down. It just seems that we can't get things completed. I guess I am just feeling a little over whelmed with all the projects this summer. The garden is planted and growing so that is a good thing. Now to get chicken pen up, their salad bar planted and get the patio done and we would be set. Oh yea and building the DGD's a play house.
i am thinking his behavior issues are hormone overload- once spring is history, he may settle down- i have noticed older roos mellow out- the young ones are like teens....
I have 2 teenage boys I understand hormones I was thinking it was the spring weather also. He is only a year old so maybe with time he will settle down. I am hoping when I add the 7 new girls he will be to busy to bother with any bad behavior.
adding the girls will help- and in time he will settle down- he is hardwired to protect his flock and in his funny brain you guys are part of his flock...soooo.... you get his 'special' attention!

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