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  1. wildsam

    Rouen Duck thread

    Sorry to hear bout Ur Pekin passing :( But Amiga is right (as usual ;) that a lone duck is a depressed duck. Give him someone to talk to and make a muddy mess with!
  2. wildsam

    Rouen Duck thread

    Weird since they do seem to enjoy moles and sometimes even mice...
  3. wildsam

    Rouen Duck thread

    Looks more like a black Swedish or magpie to me! Rouen ducklings look different.
  4. wildsam

    Rouen Duck thread

    Got a few extra Rouen drakes from this years hatch. But it's cold up here in wisconsin right now. Brrr! And yes, the female looks Rouen. But gotta agree the male looks Khaki.
  5. wildsam

    Rouen Duck thread

    That's what I said they are too! And too cute babies!
  6. wildsam

    Rouen Duck thread

    By that age you should easily be able to voice sex them. Girls have a loud quack, the boys' voice is a rasp and lower. Even if you don't see a drake feather that's a tell take sign starting around 4-6 weeks old. And yes, a complete ring around the neck at that age should definitely be a drake...
  7. wildsam

    Rouen Duck thread

    Gee, my Rouen female hatched her second batch of ducklings last week. We still have her 5 week olds. Did anyone want any 5 weekers? They just start getting their feathers. Please PM me if interested.
  8. wildsam

    Rouen Duck thread

    So sorry to hear that. :(
  9. wildsam

    Rouen Duck thread

    Thanks, cgrant! This is her third (or fourth?) try in hatching some herself. First the harsh long winter, then the fickle temps made it very difficult for her to get her clutch and warm at the same time. Now she finally did it! I'm so happy for her!
  10. wildsam

    Rouen Duck thread

    Just went to the gazebo to check on my sitting Rouen and saw a couple of heads poking out under her wing!!! I gently lifted her and found 2 more. So she got 4 tiny babies right now!!!! Immediately put a shallow bowl of water and some oatmeal/scrambled egg by her. Will see how she is doing...
  11. wildsam

    Rouen Duck thread

    By that age you should be able to voice sex them. The females quack and honk loud while males kinda rasp. Plus I found that females are usually a lot more talkative from hatch on!
  12. wildsam

    Rouen Duck thread

    No. They are just from show quality Rouen parents, which means they have better coloring and are as close as possible to Rouen breed standards.
  13. wildsam

    Rouen Duck thread

    They're also lighter and quieter than Rouen. Rouen also are too heavy to fly for more than a few feet. You got mallards. If there is only one black stripe on the eye, it is definitely mallard. With 2 stripes it's a Rouen.
  14. wildsam

    Rouen Duck thread

    Just wait til they're out and you fall in love even more with the wet fuzzies!
  15. wildsam

    Rouen Duck thread

    So cute Fernie! I really hope my girls eggs hatch. She deserves it so much! Just not sure how her "nest mate" will take it. I Hope she don't kill them... :(
  16. wildsam

    Rouen Duck thread

    I got a nice gentle one too many if you want one. One year old now. Trip up north?
  17. wildsam

    Rouen Duck thread

    Fernie, if you're on FB go to some of the pet, duck and waterfowl groups there and just ask. I'm pretty sure someone has done some or could make some for you. Always worth a chance... Unless you want me to ask on there?
  18. wildsam

    Rouen Duck thread

    I know that a couple of people at least make those saddles just for ducks and I think maybe even geese. (Think I saw them on FB? Can't remember) But if you're a bit handy get the pattern for a chicken saddle online and "upgrade" it for your Rouen! Just remember, the closures have to be pretty...
  19. wildsam

    Rouen Duck thread

    That doesn't mean anything. Even a green sheen that shows before they molt is not a pointer to the sex. You can either start telling around 4-5 weeks by voice or around 3 months when the drake feather shows after the white ring around the neck developed.
  20. wildsam

    Rouen Duck thread

    Congrats on your new arrival! Just put 3 more Rouen eggs in the bator from our girl as she is only partially sitting. Had one girl hatch about 3 weeks ago. Yes, she is quaking already! Lol
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