"A cave?" Reid asked "As someone who lived in a cave for two years, that's a very poor choice"
"Anything else?" Sandy asked "Anything at all? Everything matters, everything he said was directly from what he thinks" His right eye blinked repeatedly, his left stared straight ahead "Did he ever...ever say anything about wanting to be, say, organic?"
"Yes, a cave. I have not idea why. Don't ask me. No, I can't think of much more. I'll try too when you guys go home. We can meet here again tomorrow. I'll tell you what I've figured out by then" He sighed and put his head in his hands. Then he looked at Sandy. "Organic?? What?"
" he wanted to be more than a robot" Sandy said distantly "Like he wanted to be, for example, a person?"
"Well, I guess we'll go home and meet back here...eight in the morning?" Reid suggested.
"Sounds good to me" Sandy nodded
Reid returned home to the basement he was renting from an elderly couple on a lonely road. He went down to his room and flipped through an old book he had made years ago, searching for an old memory that might be useful.
Sandy went to his apartment and took off his hoodie, hanging it on the wall. He grabbed a peach from the cabinet and flopped down on the couch "What have I gotten myself into?" He wondered aloud, staring at the wall "I said I was never going to get involved again. That I would stay out of everything" He made a fist with his robotic hand, and slowly stretched out his fingers "I can't afford to loose" He finally said "And I guess that why I'm helping" he layed down and stared at the ceiling.
Preview appeared suddenly in the middle of the park. His suit was tall, maybe 6 feet or so. It was a deathly black color mixed with dark grey and stripes of red the shade of blood. "Hello, Maya!" He said in a deep, thundering voice, not at all friendly. "Glad to see you here!" He chuckled and walked in her direction. Even though she was invisible. He knew where she was.


Nigel took a deep breath and let it out for about two minutes. "If I know Preview, he said 'don't come' but he actually WANTS us to come. That's why he told us not to come. I know it sounds crazy. The only problem is . . . which planet is he on?" Nigel sat in the room starting at the ground. Then he slammed his hands on the floor and said, "DARN IT. All my machines, all my robots, computers, hard wear, EVERYTHING I had to make anything was downstairs. And you know what happened downstairs. Everything is gone. What do we do now, Reid?"

Maya turned to look at Preview. "Any news?" She asked Preview, glancing around to make sure no one was around.

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