Please help my baby duck


Nov 18, 2015
Hi. I have an almost one month old henni duckling that was born not able to walk. I have been researching this whole time and can't figure out what is wrong with her. I don't think it's a niacin deficiency because she was born like that and her legs look fine. She has no balance and just rolls over on her back. She can hold her balance for a few seconds now and take a few steps sometimes. I take her out of her cage to give her food and water many times a day and have been giving her vitamins with niacin for about 3 weeks but I don't think I was giving her enough. I've upped the dose now. Any help I could get for her would be greatly appreciated. Thankyou
Hi. I have an almost one month old henni duckling that was born not able to walk. I have been researching this whole time and can't figure out what is wrong with her. I don't think it's a niacin deficiency because she was born like that and her legs look fine. She has no balance and just rolls over on her back. She can hold her balance for a few seconds now and take a few steps sometimes. I take her out of her cage to give her food and water many times a day and have been giving her vitamins with niacin for about 3 weeks but I don't think I was giving her enough. I've upped the dose now. Any help I could get for her would be greatly appreciated. Thankyou
@Geminii Welcome to BYC

Have you put her into water [warm] to see if she can move her legs in water. Stay right with her while she is in the water.
I believe they can be born with nutritional deficiency if the mama duck had one. Also when giving niacin it has to be plain not flush free or time released. 125 mgs to 1 gal of water per day for 10 weeks. if she is eating good then my best option is Brewers yeast sprinkled over her feed 1 Tab to 1 cup of feed.

How is she doing other wise is she eating good, pooping normal?
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Was the duckling from a hatching egg you ordered? Or is this a duckling from your own flock? That info may help these ladies get to the root of the issue.
I hope you find some answers!!!!
If she is able to swim (with your supervision) it may strengthen her legs. Miss Lydia is the very best duck person to ask for advice.

I don't have ducks (yet!) but Miss Lydia is who I'm counting on for help when I do get them. Good luck with your duck, I hope things improve soon.
My friend has a duck that has some sort of disorder...he's disabled...walks on his knees-the bend in his legs! His feet just don't work! I would have to ask her what it is that he's got but i think he was born with it too! Let us know how it does in the water! If urs shows no improvement and it seems to be the same sort of problem my friends duck has, i will find out more from her for u! She keeps her duck inside and he gets round very well for not using his feet...he has super strong wings due to his disability even tho he is supposed to be a flightless bird!

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