I need humane ways to euthanize chicks


12 Years
Jan 15, 2008
Central Florida
I have a chick that just hatched with a serious leg deformity, and its screaming and there's nothing I can do. If I just wait it will be days. I want to know of a humane way to euthenaze it. I will not physically kill it with my own hands, I cant bring myself to snap its neck, or anything like that. And I cant bring it in to the vet's. Is there any household drugs or another way to do it?
Please help and please be sensitive.
I used the method described in the link from ChooksChick, and it worked perfectly. I used the zip-lock bag with baking soda and vinegar. It was quick, painless, and non frightening for both me and the chick.
I am wondering if this method can be safely used for adult chickens before processing for the freezer? Will it somehow make the chicken inedible?
A breeder friend i know can tell all his good breeders at day olds. Everything that cannot be used it simply tossed in a bucket of chilled water. They go right to the bottom and die. While i wouldnt do this myself, according to him it is humane.
Awful subject, but the chick we had with a leg deformity my DH shot with our rifle. we dug the hole, placed it in and shot. It killed both of us and it was sadly easy cause it couldn't walk at all.
Oh that is so sad, I'm sorry you have to do this. Do you have a gun? I would think what the above poster said would be the quickest way but the baking soda and vinegar seems the least gruesome.

We had to put a rat down once, I read about people putting them in the freezer to die, but I thought that would be a nonsense way to go. The boyriend took her outside, put some of her fave treats on the ground and while she was happily eating away he used a shovel on her neck. She was gone really quick and never knew what was coming. Sad thing to have to do, but it was either that or a long prolonged suffering.

I would never drown anything, that sounds like a terrible way to die.
I had to cull a chick for the first time and used this method - it worked perfectly - no sign of any pain or fear.

You need to read through everything very carefully and use the correct amounts. I had previously tried using hydrogen peroxide & baking soda in a little cooler to put my chick down (before finding the above site) and had to remove her because she was flapping about in the cooler and I couldn't stand it (I felt sorry for her). I had read about using the HP & BS, but hadn't known how much to use at that time. She was groggy when I removed her, but started eating normally about 10 minutes later. I felt horrible that I had caused her distress.

The next day, I tried again following the directions found in the posted link very carefully. I talked to her gently and placed a rag around her face (for darkness) before placing her into the chamber to keep her calm. She laid there calmly till she fell asleep - - there was no flapping or noise. I then put the second dose into the chamber which finished it for her peacefully.
It's best to find a friend to do it for you. However, I think the most tried and true humane way is to put the chick in a paper bag and cut the neck with a scissors or press down quick with a knife. This way you won't see it. You have to think of the chick and put your feelings aside. I feel for you, it's never easy.

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