Swollen legs, can't walk!! Please help!! UPDATE she is still alive!

Hollywood Chickens

10 Years
Mar 12, 2009
My 14 week old Ancona has been sitting around all week, but it has been raining a lot so I didn't really think that much of it.
Today she couldn't walk so I examined her legs and they are swollen and lumpy!! I will try to get a picture, but what is it!

They are not swollen like scaly leg mites, the skin in swollen.
I am giving her vitamins and honey right now, I don't know what else to do.

Thank you!

ETA:I opened the coop and she was dead.

Can it infect and kill my other chickens? please I don't want to loss them!

ETA2: Okay I am officially a bad chicken mother. I just went to lock up the coop and counted the chickens and I panicked when I couldn't find my SLW, so I did a head count, and I still have 5 Anconas!! my SLW died this morning and I assumed it was the sick Ancona!
The sick Ancona is walking around better, and is looking so much better it took me all day to realize it is the same chicken!!
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Can it be cured? or passed to the other chickens? I have a flock of 36 I would hate to loss them.

I will do some research, thank you very much!!
According to Wiki it is replicated in the egg, but another place says that it can effect other chickens by touch, she has isolated herself the past few day so I hope the others will be okay.

Is there anything I can do?

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