Goose lovers – please help!!

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Iain and Celtic,

You are my friends.

I am astonished at what I'm reading and hearing.

The universe works as it wills, and we can never see an end from a beginning with 20/20 vision.

I have kept out of this, and not do to lack of concern for the parties involved. I don't think I can bring peace here, and it make my heart sad.

I'm going to go hang out with my geese in the barn now.
No worries Marty. Do post updates on Lucky and baby girl, hoping they both starting gaining better movement for you soon. have a fabulous Thanksgiving, and enjoy the day and the birds as well. I have forage pans ready to give to the geese as their treat for tomorrow. Figure they would like a special meal too. I will update about the dewlaps, they are definitely spoiled and catered to here with everyone taking them treats during the day.
Gray that arrived this morning, was cruising past the apple trees we temp fenced off with lattice so they didnt chew on them while in the garden. Squishy describes this bird well, looking forward to calming down and settling in.


Happy Thanksgiving to you too, RURU, and to our fellow BYCers! I hope everyone has a chance for a little family time, I know there are still a lot of people that have to go in to work. And even then, sometimes "family time" = hectic time, but its important to take a moment to breathe & appreciate all that you can. To Iain and the adopters, I probably said this before, but you did such an amazing job in helping these geese - to "outsiders", they may be considered just farm animals, but to those of us on the Goose forum, we know that they have the ability to touch our hearts.
Respecting the fact that there are many different reasons to own geese, 100 geese were saved from pretty crummy conditions. One Hundred!!! (taking the group that went with Mr Metzer into consideration as well). That's incredible!!! As it is Thanksgiving, I would like to say THANK YOU to Iain Utah for all your efforts of coordinating, and Celtic Oaks for your assistance in finding these guys permanent homes.

Although the rescue mission has been concluded, I know there are many of us that have been following the stories of these now fortunate geese, so I kindly (yet eagerly) ask the Adopters on the forum to please continue posting updates (
) of your rescued birds and the adventures of their new lives. Without a doubt, you are all appreciated beyond words (or HONKS!) by your newly added geese!!

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As the creator of the this thread and the person responsible for rescuing these geese, bringing them back to health for the past 4 months, and finding homes and sending them all over the country... this mission and thread is done. I am thankful to Richard (local avian rescue director), Sundance (byc'r who helped me worm/tag geese), Dr. Scott Echols (vet extraordinaire who tested them all and doctored the sick/injured), and most of all, my husband for the help. I am thankful to the BYC adopters: Abacus, Psue/Jerry, Lightning, Marty, Jen C., Berner Babe, KraftyLadies, as well as the non-byc adopters. And I am especially thankful to these geese for enriching and inspiring me. Whether or not they have deep keels, etc., they are beautiful and sweet and I feel lucky to have them in my life.

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Morning all!

Happy Turkey day in return. Ours is in the oven and about to go give the birds their forage trays for the day. Warm here too, bet we have birds seeking out the shade today in larger numbers after being cooler for a few days. Poor new group will be in shock at first going from the cold and snow to our spring/summer like temps. They mastered the in ground ponds yesterday though, so shouldnt be any time at all before they are acclimated to the warmer weather. Until then, double pool water changes and sprinklers on part of the day to help them cool off.

Chicken not a single goose we have from the rescue are in the meat pen (sorry you mistook that), I was just stating how even the meat birds are more spoiled than some birds. They have a stall in the same barn as the other geese making sure they are never out at night at risk to predators. That flock happens to be hold over adults from 2011 and 3 juveniles from this year for breeding next year. Again sorry you miss understood that.

Happy geese (honking as the lead group moves off to the front) on green green grass enjoying their sunshine and pasture wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving.
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Since private disputes continue to be posted here, and the geese have now been rehomed, will close. Further updates can be done by PM.
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