Happy Day! We joined the 'New Egg' group! I noticed one of the silver phoenix pullets was messing around in the nest box earlier today and when I went to look later, here is what I found!

We were given two Welsummer hens that were already laying, and here is the new egg next to one of theirs that I also collected today. It's tiny, just the cutest thing! Also one of those Welsummers has decided she is broody, so I have my first broody hen too. She snuck off and is sitting on two eggs.
Happy Day! We joined the 'New Egg' group! I noticed one of the silver phoenix pullets was messing around in the nest box earlier today and when I went to look later, here is what I found!

We were given two Welsummer hens that were already laying, and here is the new egg next to one of theirs that I also collected today. It's tiny, just the cutest thing! Also one of those Welsummers has decided she is broody, so I have my first broody hen too. She snuck off and is sitting on two eggs.
It is always so exciting to get that first egg, whether it is actually your FIRST egg or just a first from a new breed or new bird !!!
Can I spray althe chickens with the penthran stuff its consetrated

Read the label and dilute as recommended for chickens. Don't spray the concentrate on anything you don't want dead. Usually something like 1 ounce of concentrate in a gallon of water, but it varies, so read before you bleed.

Permethrin(sp?) is good stuff. Kills bugs, but doesn't hurt people or chickens.

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Happy Day! We joined the 'New Egg' group! I noticed one of the silver phoenix pullets was messing around in the nest box earlier today and when I went to look later, here is what I found!

We were given two Welsummer hens that were already laying, and here is the new egg next to one of theirs that I also collected today. It's tiny, just the cutest thing! Also one of those Welsummers has decided she is broody, so I have my first broody hen too. She snuck off and is sitting on two eggs.
Are you sure that isn't a sparrow egg?

How do I get rid of lice in chickens I checked them just a few mins ago and Mr frizz has lice idk how cuz I gave him a bath using cat flea and tick shampoo will I get rid of it before the 20th he's my show chicken I news help what do I do!??!?!??!??!??!??!??!?
I vote for the weed dust stuff.
Quote: Leghorns are known egg layers.
Yea that's the name permethrin my dad has it concentrated
Dilute or it could cause a bad reaction. While not the same, think of it like bleach, you would not want to put bleach directly on your skin but tossing a rag with diluted bleach water on it into the washer is not that bad.

Took the family to the poultry show at the not so far away fair today. I got to see some mature heritage RIR, they were lovely. I even took the time to ask the judge a couple of questions. I was surprised by the amount of time the judges spent privately quizzing the 4H people before passing out ribbons. Then when it came time to judge the birds, the judging went super fast. Thankfully the RIR were first in line. No Sumatra's were shown but there is always another fair next week. Any one know when the poultry judging is for the Johnson County Fair?

Ohh and I think the birds got mad at me for being gone most of the day. We got 2/3 of the normal amount of eggs. So either they did not lay or something ate them shell and all. No evidence of a snake but it was my first thought followed by I wonder if one of the chickens is eating eggs.
Happy Day! We joined the 'New Egg' group! I noticed one of the silver phoenix pullets was messing around in the nest box earlier today and when I went to look later, here is what I found!

We were given two Welsummer hens that were already laying, and here is the new egg next to one of theirs that I also collected today. It's tiny, just the cutest thing! Also one of those Welsummers has decided she is broody, so I have my first broody hen too. She snuck off and is sitting on two eggs.

congrats rancin, we joined the egg group yesterday! pretty eggciting
wheezy~ Glad to see you back-- and Congratulations on your marriage! Your coop is wonderful and it's cool that the bantams and ducks are coop mates.

racinchickins~ Good news about your new layer!

Sally~ Congrats on a perfect hatch rate!

jchny~ Have a great camping trip! Hope it's peaceful. Fireworks are getting on my nerves because they are stressing my chickens and cats. Yesterday, our neighborhood sounded like a war zone. I thought of you and others who live out in the country away from noisy neighbors.

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