Jest Another Day in Pear-A-Dice - Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm in Alberta

In for an iced outside...

Time to read... :caf

One of the links you have given...

Choice of animal

According to the Talmud, a shofar may be made from the horn of any animal from the Bovidae family except that of a cow[26] although a ram is preferable.[27] Bovidae horns are made of a layer of keratin (the same material as human toenails and fingernails) around a core of bone, with a layer of cartilage in between, which can be removed to leave the hollow keratin horn. An antler, on the other hand, is made of solid bone, so an antler cannot be used as a shofar because it cannot be hollowed out.

There is no requirement for ritual slaughter (shechita), and theoretically, the horn can come from a non-kosher animal because under most, but not all, interpretations of Jewish law the shofar is not required to be muttar be-fikha (literally: permissible in your mouth); the mitzvah is hearing the shofar, not eating the animal it came from.[28] The shofar falls into the category of tashmishei mitzvah, objects used to perform a mitzvah that do not themselves have inherent holiness.[29] Moreover, because horn is always inedible, it is considered afra be-alma (mere dust) and not an unkosher substance.[30]

The Elef Hamagen (586:5) delineates the order of preference: 1) curved ram; 2) curved other sheep; 3) curved other animal; 4) straight—ram or otherwise; 5) non-kosher animal; 6) cow. The first four categories are used with a bracha (blessing), the fifth without a bracha, and the last, not at all.[31]

A ram is preferred...curved ram :D

Thank you! :hugs

The Jacob Sheep horns also make good buttons, tops for walking canes...and as my one ewe did, Lego would use her curved horns to hold up gateways so she could slip thru and to hold down saplings as she walked along EATING THE TREE LEAVES
Heel low:

Aug 04 2017 IMGP2893.jpg

Aug 4, 2017
On Aug 4, the Girls had been here in Canada for two years. Time flies when having :celebrate

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They sure know this is their home now. :highfive:

Aug 04 2017 IMGP2868.jpg

Mail Call!

My application for the tattoo letter prefix DRPR and registration of Èva, Èder, & Èden has been approved by the Canadian Livestock Records Corporation. Jest waiting on the three lambs' registration papers to arrive by mail. I love the whole process (past the waiting part!) of registering animals. So much fun having PAPERED critters. Jest love that!

You can see some of our ovine beasties; Jacobs and Dorpers. There were more but some of the Jacobs have passed on (say what...having too much fun and time flies by, & we get old and die...say WHAT?), so don't remain listed under a person's active ownership. Still in the system with their pedigrees and information but just not active. There will be another sheep breed added here too soon...but I am skipping ahead of the new news here. :hmm

So decided that a lady I met in person back in 1998 (I did a sheep publication presentation on behalf of Alberta Agriculture at the AGM for the Katahdin Association herein Alberta), that I am going to get a Katahdin ram lamb for weaning company for Èder from her. She is someone I trust and we instantly jived in the same way we reason... She's originally from New Zealand (Kiwi accent is so fun to listen to on the telephone) but here in Canada as long or longer than I have been. I guess we're old and we simply just get each other. I love what she's done over the decades with her flock (her tattoo letters are FLK...pretty kewl, eh). She does things I do and I just admire her attention to details and we both love them silly SHEEPS!

At around three months of age, it will be time then to remove the ram lamb Èder from the ewe flock before he breeds someone like his sister or mother! The new ram lamb and Èder will be slowly introduced to Èder's sire Boss Man and the ram flock (belching, beer drinking, and scratching at will) will begin to be a force in earnest. Boys will be boys and gotta love MY bratty boys, eh.

Aug 4 2017 IMGP2777.jpg

Èden and her over 48.5 pounds :eek:

Èden did not tip the scales at 50 days at fifty pounds...1.5 pounds shy of that but hey, good enough. She is bodaciously BIG! :love

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Èva - note her hairy areas...
She may shed out well despite me thinking otherwise which would be GREAT!

So I have two choices on a ram lamb as a weaning buddy for Èder...see what you guys have to say on choosing--should be FUN. I already know which one Rick wants and me, stuck undecided but may lean towards Rick's choice! :lol:

Here yah go...simple labels for names based on colour pattern for now. These are purebred Katahdin ram lambs born in February, both are triplets and the sires of both of the ram lambs are half brothers to each other (Grandpa is the same ram).

Choose ONE ram lamb. :p

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This is Freckles...his grandmother was Gr Champion ewe three years back at one of the sheep shows.

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This is Spotted...

x 1 Spotted.jpg


Spotted at top and Freckles at the bottom. :hugs DANG, I wish this choosing one was easier!

x freckle and spotted.jpg

The Katahdin breed is a hair sheep and renown for lack of muttony tasting meat. At the AGM, they served a breeding ram for dinner...he was magnificent. No off taste whatsoever. :lol:

They are not allowed to dock tails (which I love!) in this breed if they are to be registered.

There is a cover grading system in place and accredited persons grade their hair coat after six months of age. Registration of the animal may be pulled if they do not pass the coat inspection, especially in the rams.

The Katahdin ram lamb (and in the works right now, we may also get a purebred ewe for him) will be quite compatible to be bred to our two Katahdin/Dorper ewes, Ditto and Decor if we choose to do this.

Yes Benny @Akrnaf2 ...a bonafied meat mix in the works...Katahdin sire (excellent tasting meat) and Katahdin/Dorper ewe mix. For me, the potential colour patterns have me hopping up and down thinking..."Oh what colour patterns me may have!"


Aug 4 2017 IMGP2832.jpg

Ditto left bottom, Decor right top
and why yes, these ARE pretty plump ewes!

Now you guys just try and imagine what the lambs will be coloured & patterned like. I am thinking if the dominant black in the Dorper portion of their genetics don't block out the phaeomelanin or white spotting from either of these Katahdin ram lambs...those lambs produced are going to be some WOW factors! Then Benny will be frustrated because I can't/won't EAT the extra pretty sheep...I cannot report back on how they taste or how the finish turned out on them because I keep coming up with all sorts of excuses as to why I can't eat my sheeps! :D

By the by...laughed...sales flyer from grocery store...on sale...keep that in mind...ON SALE rack of lamb from Alberta lamb still TWICE as expensive per pound as sirloin beef steaks. Cripers...has me wondering how much a regularly priced rack of lamb is at that grocery store...I need to go see & decide if'n I need to take out a bank loan to buy lamb for consumption!! TWICE as expensive as beef...when ON SALE, eh! :rolleyes:

Little wonder why Canadians eat more pork than lamb--can't afford to eat lamb! :barnie

Doggone & Chicken UP!

Tara Lee Higgins
Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm, Alberta, Canada
Sheeps done a GREAT job... :ya

Aug 08 2017 IMGP3152.jpg

Rick came home and asked me if we (the sheep, dogs and I) could see about mowing (eating!) the other side of the ditch at the other gate...we have a job to do tomarrah!

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Today's area...done mowed right on down!! :D

Picked enough Saskatoon's for three two made this evening. One in freezer already and one ready to bake in the morning--way too hot to heat the house up today!

Rick gets to come home to homegrown Sask pie and whipped cream...whee hee hee.

I'll have to remember to post pics...before we eat it all up. I laced the top crust and it looks so devine! :love

Lambies are too cute to eat:yesss:

Aug 08 2017 IMGP3119.jpg

Yes, DD...too cute. :hugs

Aug 08 2017 IMGP3138.jpg

Now which ram lamb do we add to the Girls' flock?

Spotted or Freckled?? Freckled or Spotted??

:confused: me choose one ram lamb, eh. Help! :frow
Heel low:

They are getting to the SPOT very quickly! .......
And let me correct you Tara not to the "Girl's flock " but to the GRILL'S flock! :lau
Magnificent animals you have there! :thumbsup

Excellent...GRILL...indeed. :p

Thank you for liking them sheeps! :hugs

Markets here are fab on sheeps...any sheep that goes to market (auction) is pulling a $300 price tag. Sheesh! The feed lots are asking for 50,000 (that's running at capacity) and only getting about 20,000! There is room to grow but that will never be market I am part of. WE are too small for production like that...but we still have fun.

That price for the rack of lamb in the grocery store I the way Benny...was Halāl lamb. Pretty kewl they do that more and more now. ;)

I often look over the meat counter and can bring home chicken, lamb that was processed Halāl AND at competitive prices too!

You could just drop by and prepare lamb right in MY kitchen and I can provide you with the proper ingredients...I'd have alot of learning to do regarding the right preparation...but at least the lamb would be something you could work with! :)

I just see Emmy - where is Lacey???

Aug 04 2017 IMGP2881.jpg

Aug 4 - Can you SEE HER now? :rolleyes:

Cripers DD...gonna get you glasses or upgrade yer prescription! Lacy is sitting nestled closest to me on the right side of my chair...she even has a pair of EARS in the photo! :lau

Lacy is the smartest one...sitting shaded in MY shadow peering out at HER sheeps! You know that saying about "providing warmth in winter and shade in summer!" Least I can do for the girl dogs, eh. Sit like a lump and cast a BIG shadow... :eek:

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Aug 8 - HOT DAY, eh!

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Yesterday was a day where you find a shady spot
and only come out in the sun
when absolutely necessary!

I like freckled best.

AGH...I know, it is SO not easy. I am leaning towards the structure on the Freckled boy (the breeder says she cannot take her eyes off this one...always looking nice and attracting her attentions)...but the loud spots shout out at me and Spot has the potential for loud & proud lambs...AGH!!! :hmm

I can't choose...agh...I need to go and see them in person I guess...that will save me all this "I like this one but the other one is nice too" and back and forth...AGH! :lol:

Hey, now, we should all be cursed to be torn in two trying to decide on one ram lamb or the other. That's a GREAT thing. Maybe I don't need to decide and can fill up the Ram BARN to overflowing...ha ha ha...must behave, must choose ONE ram lamb...ONE!

Doggone & Chicken UP!

Tara Lee Higgins
Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm, Alberta, Canada
Heel low:


OK...bumper crop this year of Saskatoons (Amelanchier alnifolia, Pacific serviceberry, western serviceberry, alder-leaf shadbush, dwarf shadbush, chuckley pear, or western juneberry,) so the Girl Dogs & I picked a bucket (before the baby Grosbeaks and Robins had them all!) full.

Aug 7 2017 IMGP3106.jpg

Picked Aug 7

I have not made a pie in recent memory...I really truly DO need to go out and buy some proper pie plates. I did have several and to say how long it has been since I baked a pie is to admit the actual pie plates have that means LONG time no bakey a pie. Shameful!



So the pie I have made is a scream in your face (I still CAN if I make the time for it!) I made dang PIE!

We shall have gobby slices of it tonight, when Rick comes home...slathered in fresh sweetened whipped cream...oh how delightful and mouth is watering and well I could have a slice right now but dang, be good if I waited and we savoured this ourselves, together.

What makes me laugh is it took TWENTY YEARS for these Saskatoon plants I planted to knock our socks off...maybe a harvest like this again next year.

I have left enough unripe berries on the bushes we stopped by after dog run runs and there were a handful that had ripened up again...such fun the three dogs and two oldesters toddle off to smush our faces with purple berries. The simple (and yet not) pleasures in life...ha ha ha. :lol:

So let's get into the pie making process...dive right in, get purple! :drool

You start with pie crust...this one freezes well but WELL...I made TWO pies so when I made the mess, I had one to put in the freezer for when No. 1 son comes to visit...I can pop this one out and we may eat pie to celebrate his visit (he lives on the Coast now...near where my parents live).

RECIPE for Flaky Pie Crust

- 5 cups flour
- 1 tsp. baking powder
- 1 tsp. salt
- 3 tbsp. brown sugar
- 1 lb. lard
- 1 egg (cackling berry!) slightly beaten
- 1 tbsp. vinegar
- cold water to top to one cup mark

Put the egg, vinegar in 1 cup measuring cup and top with cold water to the one cup mark...easy peasy!

Keep mindful that the less you mess with the pastry when compiling it, the more tender and flakey it will be. Less mess = better pie pastry.

Dump flour in big bowl, add in dry ingredients & mix about...then plop room temperature lard into the middle of the mixture and use a pastry hand kneader (pastry blender tool) to break your lard into pieces (bottom right in below photo). Work less, better tenderness.


There is all you need to make flaky pie pastry

Once the lard is in tiny bitty bits, make an impression (hole) in the middle and pour the one cup of liquid in. Mix as needed till you can form four balls. Two tops and two bottoms.


Voila...pie pastry

Now on to the PIE part...

RECIPE for Saskatoon Pie

5 cups Saskatoons (that picked pail above makes THREE huge pies!)
2/3 cup white sugar
3 tbsp. corn starch
1 tbsp. lemon zest (or I used 1 tsp. lemon juice since I had no fresh lemons!)
2 tbsp. butter cut into small pats
1 tbsp. cream
1 tbsp. brown sugar


Pie ingredients - waiting on yah to GET TO IT!

Snell snell...get making those pies, eh. :p

So you roll out the pastry for the bottom of the pie...I also got the top ready and done up. Laced top can be made since the Saskatoons are a pretty juicy berry and letting some of the moisture escape during cooking is GOOD idea.


Pie top in the works, yes a fancy one for the top!

Nothing but the best treatment for the TREAT we've been waiting twenty years on. :lau


Nice trimmed up pastry bottom for pie
(Poke a few fork holes all about's)
Pastry top sitting on a plate in reserve,
Awaiting to be laced on the top of pie
After berry mixture & butter goes in :ya

Sing a Song of Sixpence

Sing a song of sixpence,
A pocket full of rye.
Four and twenty blackbirds,
Baked in a pie.
When the pie was opened
The birds began to sing;
Wasn't that a dainty dish,
To set before the king.
The king was in his counting house,
Counting out his money;
The queen was in the parlour,
Eating bread and honey.
The maid was in the garden,
Hanging out the clothes,
When down came a blackbird
And pecked off her nose.

They sent for the king's doctor,
who sewed it on again;
He sewed it on so neatly,
the seam was never seen.

'Nuff singing...back to making pie...sun goes down late but not THAT late?? :barnie


There, dumped in berry mixture,
pats of butter strategically placed on top berries
Pasty lace ready to be 'arse in this eh!

Room for two more photo files...


Careful clumsy flubs allowed!

Voila...done good eh?


Laced up so good Lacy would be PROUD! :cool:

So you lace it up (simple braid eh) and trim the more room for photos so next post is where we go next... to page 2 of 2...yeh...and hopefully I post it and don't wander off and EAT the pie...oh my! Pie on the brains...that would make good lunch...yes, no...oh heavens, BEHAVE!

Doggone & Chicken UP!

Tara Lee Higgins
Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm, Alberta, Canada
Heel low:


IMGP3190.jpg make the top even brush it with cream
(calories are things you burn...BURN BABY :mad:...never mind!)

So you brush on the cream.


Sprinkle lacing with brown sugar

You can turn on the oven to 425F...pre heat her up.


Ready to go in the oven

Almost looks eatable BEFORE baking, eh.

You bake pie for 15 minutes at 425F, then reduce heat to 350F and bake for a further 50 to 60 minutes. Tis is why I baked it this morning...the house is cool and can withstand some oven heat.


And yes, the pie is ready for consumption!

Just gotta whip up the cream and y'all can get over here NOW...I am feeling weak kneed and famished...dig in...EAT EAT EAT! :lau

Now before I depart I did the second pie for the freezer...

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Non-laced normal type pastry top

Because it goes in the freezer, I just did a top that I figure will protect the contents from freezer burn best.

Put plastic wrap over the pie to be frozen and popped on the glass lid and then tin foiled it. That way it should be good like the day it was made, eh. :D

Jul 31 2017 IMGP2382.jpg

July 31, 2017 Berries of Plenty

I still have enough berries in the fridge for one more something... :confused:

July 31 2017  IMGP2372.jpg

Perhaps just give the berries to the very berry dogs...Lacy & Emmy??

Maybe build another pie, not sure as I have a tad bit of pastry left...maybe a big old tart for a big old fart. Har har...anyway...that be that! :lol:

Doggone & Chicken UP!

Tara Lee Higgins
Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm, Alberta, Canada

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