White blisters on comb and wattles.


12 Years
May 6, 2007
Dayton, TX
Foggy has these. I have Dan and Chelsea out side taking pictures. If they come out I will post ASAP!

When they picked him up water came out of his mouth. They are bringing him in and placing him in a cage in the house until we figure out what this is.
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Oh please! Let this be something easy to fix. I can't lose him. I have had him too long. Dan thinks we need to take them all out and disinfect the coop. What do you guys think?
It is a fungal type of disease. I have to isolate him, put vaseline on the spots and then disinfect the whole coop.
I have never seen anything like that. giving the coop a good cleaning might be a good idea. you would want any of the others to come down with it. good luck and let us know what it is
Fowl pox virus attacks the skin and the surface of the mouth and throat. Depending on location, pox is referred to as either skin pox or 'wet' pox.

The skin form is most common, showing wart-like eruptions. Fleshy pale lumps form yellow pimples which may enlarge and run together forming masses of yellow crusts. In about a week these scabs darken and fall off.

The 'wet' pox or canker form shows up in the mouth, nose and throat as cheesy masses which interfere with eating and breathing.

Expected course/Spread Nodules appear 5 to 8 days after infection. The scabs clear up in 3 to 4 weeks in simple cases.

The pox virus can be carried and transmitted by intermediate hosts such as mosquitoes and other bloodsucking insects.

Fowl pox can also be spread directly by infection of small wounds in the skin and mouth of the bird. Overcrowding birds increases the risk of injury and may result in fighting and pecking. Correcting this aspect of management will reduce the risk of spread. The virus cannot enter intact skin but can survive for a long time in infected material such as scabs and litter.

Diagnosis In all outbreaks, wart-like lumps are found on many of the birds and this is a reliable guide to diagnosis.

Similar diseases
wound scabs
canker (trichomoniasis)
thrush and
avitaminosis A.

Treatment is of little value. Lesions normally heal within 4 weeks. In severe cases it may be necessary to remove scabs and treat with antiseptics.

Prevention is firstly by reducing exposure to mosquitoes. This can be done by screening sheds and by dealing with mosquito habitats. Secondly, vaccination is effective.

...another article (click on link provided)

...treat areas with iodine...You can find photos here:

http://gallus.tamu.edu/Youth programs/Fowl pox.pdf
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Well I hope that when I finish the yard and they can get out more it will help keep the coop clean. I think the hay got wet during a rain storm. It has been raining for weeks here. I am going to do my best today to fix it.

I took Foggy to the lady I bought him from and she told me he has.........wait for it........


So dlhunicorn was right and she gave me this gooey stuff that she said would help. I took all the boys (rocky had some) and moved them into a dog pen away from the girls. They look so funny with the white stuff on their combs. The lady said treat all the boys first and then as a precaution all the girls. She said that as long as it doesn't spread to the skin I can save them. I hope so.
Update: Rocky has no more spots and Foggy's are drying up real good. Rowdy never had any but we treated him just the same!!
What was the white gooey stuff the lady gave you to put on them? I have three hens and one had bumble foot. The vet gave her a lot of antibiotics then took the kernal out. Now she has the yellow blisters or bumps on her comb and waddle and I think one buy her eye. I don't know wether to take all three to the vet or try the white ggey stuff ( what ever it is.
I have two chickens that recently have developed the yellow bumps on their combs and waddles. Mosquitoes have really gotten bad lately here though. What is the gooey medication the lady gave you to put on your chickens Cheri?

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