A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

I have an 8 week old poult that injured her leg jumping down from something. No swelling, no bruising, no visible injury. Just doesn't want to put weight on one foot and seems to be getting worse trying to keep up with the others, who are flying around the yard.

I want to confine the poult in a small cage so she can heal, but she screams peep-peep-peep all day in there. The other poults are nearby but she still screams.

Should I put the cage in a dark place so she just sleeps? or buy her a feed store chick for company? or buy some noise cancelling headphones...? the noise is making me crazy
I would confine the poult but not in a small cage. Probably be best if a similar sized one is kept with it.
would a chicken chick work? i only have 4 poults and there is huge drama whenever they are rearranged :(
I do not recommend putting a chick in with it. Turkeys are drama queens because you let them be drama queens. They will get over it when you start ignoring them.

They have you trained to respond to them.

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