blood in poo

  1. Eglanterina

    Watery poo with blood?

    My little hen has been lethargic for about a week now. She does eat a bit and is drinking water (maybe more than normal). She has watery poo for the last few days and I've been giving her water with electrolytes. This morning her poo seems to have a bit of blood in it, picture attached. Any...
  2. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Coccidiosis in Adult Hen? Help!

    All 7 of my chickens are 15 months old and appear healthy (visually)--eating, drinking, moving around, etc. However I noticed a small amount of gelatinous blood in two small wet poops (kinda discharge-y looking) presumably from one of my birds. Looked more like blood than intestinal lining...
  3. E

    Blood tinged poop PLEASE HELP!!!

    I have 13 young chickens, 10 - 3 week olds, 1 - 8 week old, and 2 - 6 week olds. I was told they were all vaccinated for coccidiosis at the time of purchasing but I just brought home the 2 - 6 week olds yesterday and because I was told they were vaccinated for Marek's and coccidiosis I didn't...
  4. RiversideChick

    A little blood on poo... first eggs and horny roo

    Hello! I have a question about a small amount of blood I found in my coop that appeared to be mixed with mucus and poo. I'm guessing it's related to either that my pullets have just begun laying or that my surprise cockerel has started trying to make babies. The whole flock is vaccinated...
  5. Leaguinea

    Chicks with bloody poop

    I have some Silkies that hatched out approx 4 weeks ago. They are doing good except that i noticed yesterday there is bloody poop in the brooder. The blood is bright red, not dark and I thought at first that one of the chicks was injured. Everything online points to coccidiosis... I am in...
  6. mariac

    Coccidiosis - how long through treatment before no blood visible?

    I adopted 3 ex-batt hens about 3 weeks ago (they are 18 months old). They were all in a very poor state and had also had the stress of transport before I collected them. I have had them separated from the rest of my girls and have given them much TLC and good quality feed. They were all...
  7. kMamaHen

    Poop: Normal or Coccidiosis?

    I'm such a newbie. Do you think these are normal poops, or should I begin treatment for coccidiosis? You experienced chicken keepers, is it worse to medicate unnecessarily or to "wait-and-see"? Thank you kindly for any advice. 1. 2. 3. Coccidiosis seems to be what every book, article...
  8. HuskerHens18

    Very ill chickens

    I was gone for FOUR days, and in that short span of time all hell has broke loose. I'm losing chickens like crazy with no symptoms, and now today there are symptoms and I don't know what to do. I had one hen sent in to the University and nobody has called or emailed back yet. Ages range from...
  9. ChickenMamaSarah

    Lethargic hen with squishy crop and blood in poop

    Agnes is one of my first chickens and I’m so worried about her! About three days ago I noticed her not eating as much and drinking more water than usual. She didn’t want to leave the coop and has white/yellow diarrhea on her vent feathers. She’s been increasingly lethargic and now isn’t...
  10. Susie Seagrave

    5 Week-old Chicks - Blood in Poo

    URGENT I have just a few birds - members of the family, of course! I wanted to get a few more, so less than a week ago, I bought 3 female chicks, all about a month old. I do not know the flock they came from, as I purchased them from the only feed supplier in my area. After two days, I noticed...
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