button quail

  1. solidstate

    Button Quail - getting back into quail

    I’ve not hatched any buttons since maybe 2015, or so, and my last button died in 2020. I have recently ordered 15+ CBBQ eggs from burtonspirogue aviaries and they will be arriving on the 26th! I’m hoping for a good hatch rate, but these are shipped eggs so I’m not sure what to expect (my last...
  2. S

    Just started incubating Buttons yesterday

    Long ago — LONG AGO — I was given an adult pair of button quail who managed to raise a clutch in a flight cage for finches. Since we aren’t allowed to have chickens here I thought I would skirt around the issue a bit and try just a small amount of Buttons (18 eggs). At least I know that if...
  3. sleepycat

    changing button quail bedding

    so i've been keeping my button quail on small animal bedding (the lil tissues) and have been considering changing their bedding to something different. the small pet bedding is very expensive, and i spend lots of money getting it for them every month. would i be safe to use soil or dirt for...
  4. sleepycat

    possible broody button hen??

    i have 4 buttons in a large cage (presumably 2 roos and 2 hens), and ever since the hens started laying (around 3 days ago), one of the hens has been hiding away behind the feeder in a little area that is hidden by leaves. i never see her out, besides when i bring them veggies in the morning...
  5. sleepycat

    button quail housing guide

    so i've noticed that a lot of people use improper housing for buttons and tell others to use the same type as well, so i thought i'd share a bit of info from personal experiences. there are a few "rules" you have to tick off before housing your button quail 1 - sizing - does it have enough...
  6. NewfoundMamaBird

    New Button Quail mama

    Good morning all, Just introducing myself as a long time lurker, first day member. Currently, besides the new buttons I hatched, I share my home with 3 rescue dogs that range in size from 7lbs to 80lbs. Moving on to how the buttons came about. My dream has always been a hobby farm where I can...
  7. T

    Lump near chicks wing

    Hi, I’m completely new to the world of hatching and can’t find any information on what might be happening with my little chick. It’s only about ten hours old, I let it hatch with mum and she’s done a fantastic job so far keeping little fella warm and safe. When I saw it this morning it did have...
  8. ButtonNomies

    Billy's first performance

    Strap in coz its cute as fook!!
  9. ButtonNomies

    Egg quality.

    Hi I'm just wondering if healthier birds eggs feel different to those that are less healthy? Example, I had some button hatching eggs sent to me, in the hopes I can hatch out a cinnamon baby to add to my group. The eggs were quite dirty and felt rough. A few were already cracked and damaged but...
  10. ButtonNomies

    My crew so far!!

    So these are my birds now 7 weeks old and just started pairing up, 4 males and 2 (I think not sure on the silver pearl but acts female) females. More incubating and brooding to add more to their colony soon. Darth - Hopper Blue breasted (peeking) - Eddie Tuxedo - Steve Pied - Dustin Silver pearl...
  11. ButtonNomies

    Colour ID Button chick

    Hey peeps, I had a single chick hatch out from a batch. Can I have an idea on the colour ID? It's mostly bright yellow except the top of its head is showing silver and has very faint silver marbling ... so is this baby a silver pearl or silver redbreast or some other? Thankyou ❤
  12. Oreolover13

    Broody Buttons

    Does anyone have advice on getting my button broody like lighting, diet, cage etc. right now it’s a pair in a twenty gallon long tank and she’s been laying consistently. The cage has a sand bath and fake plants but when I tried a nest box (old finch nest box) and she didn’t use it.
  13. G

    Hi, I'm Gen

    Hi everyone, my daughter Joe and I, love fluffy butts. We currently have five chickens, 2 Silkie hens, 1 frizzle hen and 2 Frazzle roosters who are half brothers, 1 of which is a bit special needs, we couldn't bare to cull them once we found they were roosters and Frazzles, we don't breed...
  14. CloneFly

    Can it be done? Coturnix × Button quail

    Hello everyone! I have 3 male button quail, one of which I would really like to breed. I was considering purchasing a few Coturnix Celadon quail and trying to cross breed them. Does anyone know if this would be possible? I'm open to trying to cross breed him with other breeds as well. Please let...
  15. B

    Button Quail Chick Diarrhea

    Hi all, I have a clutch of eight 4-day old button quail chicks. They are in a brooder and have their mom with them. Today I was cleaning their brooder and noticed 2 types of concerning droppings: 1) dark poops 2) diarrhea I'm very worried about any disease spreading with these babies, as they...
  16. QuailsAreSmallDinosaurs

    Help! A sudden behavior change!

    Recently, one of my button quail's behavior changed a lot. This had me very confused and I honestly don't know what to do, I need some help. In the beginning of January I bought two button quails from a local pet store, according to the employee they are both females. One is white and the other...
  17. Annoyed quail

    URGENT need help little button quail scalping

    Need help my male little button quail has lost feathers on his head. I don’t know what happened but he is missing feathers from his head. He may have boinked head so much they fell of? He seems to be acting normal. It may have been the female. He’s a Australian little button quail not king quail.
  18. Q

    Button Quail in Nurture right 360 - Advice

    I'm using the Nurture right 360 to hatch some button quail eggs. I just put them in yesterday but I was looking at the bottom today and thought, what if they're feet can slip through those holes? I know they're legs are especially fragile. Should I open up the bator and cover it with something...
  19. B

    Button Quail Feather Hygiene

    Hi there! I have 7 button quail who are overall doing quite well (as far as I know!). Eating + drinking nicely, laying good eggs - some are even broody!, and I clean their enclosure at least once a week. Their feathers have looked very dingy recently, and I'm not sure if it's a reflection on...
  20. T

    Near Atlanta, Georgia. I NEED a new home for 2 female button quail. No judgement please.

    My roommate took in 2 female button quails, wanting to save them from their home of all males. The original owner needed them gone asap because they were being injured repeatedly. While my roommate had good intentions bringing them home, she did not research these animals at all, and we do not...
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