
  1. oodle

    Chickens when given the choice of water

    Setting: My chickens are outside during a rainy day. They are standing near a nice, fresh, and cool container of clean water specifically for them. They are also near a dirty old hole filled with mud water. My chickens will 100% of time choose to drink the mud water.
  2. ChickenWitch1

    Sick and very lethargic chicken

    My EE bantam roo started acting off about a week ago. He seemed to have less interest in interacting with the other chickens, which is very unusual for him. It started getting worse a few days ago so I brought him inside. He’s eating only a bit, and i’m giving him water through an eye dropper...
  3. G

    Chicken acting really weird? Temporary sickness or serious disease?

    My pet chicken has been acting weird since yesterday. Yesterday I noticed she was slow (not moving around as much), she also seemed very tired, I assumed she didn't sleep well the night before and just needed to sleep some more. But today it's the same thing, Shes slow/lethargic (slow to react...
  4. ChickenWitch1

    Chicken gasping for air and shaking neck/head?

  5. ChickenWitch1

    Hookworms in chickens?

    I lost a chicken a couple days ago to what I thought was gapeworms. She had all the symptoms of it. Another chicken started showing the same symptoms so I took her to the vet yesterday and they tested her feces. They said she does not have gapeworms, but hookworms? Does anyone know what the...
  6. ChickenWitch1

    Help?! Sick chicken with head hanging to the side?

    Please someone help. I have a hen, around 15 weeks old. She started acting oddly a few days ago, being very lethargic, gasping for air, and not eating much. We thought it might be the heat, and brought her inside for a few days. I checked her crop to see if it’s impacted and it’s not. Now about...
  7. ChickenWitch1

    15 week old light brahma - male or female?

    This brahma is 15 weeks old and it came from a pullet bin. It has had no signs of being a male until now, it just crowed this morning? I immediately assumed it was a boy, but then I looked it up and saw that hens will sometimes crow, especially the “alpha females” of the group, and this one is...
  8. Farmchickstogo

    Unabsorbed yolk sac?

    So, I had 5 old english game bantams in the incubator, hatch day is today. Today 3 of the 5 hatched. Just a few minutes ago the 4th hatched but it has a little bit of yolk sac still exposed. The chick is acting fine and it hatched completely on its own. I am going to leave it in the incubator...
  9. Emilyschickenslife

    My cockerel has lost a fight, and is very weak and won’t drink or eat, HELP!!

    This morning two of my cockerels have gotten themselves into a fight, one of them lost (cooper) and he is now laying down in a separate bit to the other chickens, but he looks to be very weak and I haven’t seen him eating or drinking, what can I do? Here’s a picture of his eye, I have cleaned it...
  10. TheHerbs3

    New and Improved Poultry Names Needed

    Yeah, there's names like "Chicken" and "Goose", but those aren't interesting. Do have any improved names for poultry? Are there any poultry that need better names that aren't listed? Chickens: Fluffy butts Ducks: Semi-Aquatic Fluffy-Butts Geese: Giant Semi-Aquatic Fluffy-Butts Swans...
  11. Chicken poppy

    Purpose of your flock? *chickens*

    Purpose of your chicken flock? remember that im asking this for the majority/all of your flock, if you have multiple, like pets and showing & breeding, choose other and tell me below!
  12. Chicken poppy

    *PRIZES* Cutest fluffy fowl contest. ends: 3/5/22 5:00 PM EDT

    Welcome to the cutest fluffy fowl contest! This is for chickens only! The contest will end 3/5/22 5:00 PM EDT. to enter this contest there will be 4 standard catagories Rooster Hen Cockeral Pullet *with a bonus catagory being a cross catagory* - Your chicken MUST be one of the following...
  13. ky_bird

    Quail 4-h showing

    Hello guys, I’m about to get a dozen quail hatching eggs ( 6 of celadon and 6 coturnix ) I’m wanting to show them in 4-h, maybe some chickens too. I don’t really know anything about 4-h showing and was looking for advice, I’m not planning on selling any or using them for meat. It would also be...
  14. demonic

    Mice in my coop

    My current chicken coop was built into a shed but we didn’t convert the whole thing. Half of the shed is the coop, and the other half is the shed area. They have access to the shed area because the hallway in the shed is basically how they come out into their run. In our shed, we have several...
  15. Keziah

    Bald spot?? Over mating or mites?

    Hi everyone! So I noticed that my favorite hen (Muffin) had a patch of her fluff showing, so I went to see what was up and found her back almost completely feather-less. It almost looked like a broody hens belly, but on her back. She also had scabs and super super dry looking skin on her back in...
  16. Chicken poppy

    Chicken diapers? Recommends?

    Hey! So recently ive been wanting my babies to come inside (they want to of course) but i have to keep getting them out because i dont want poop all over my floorboards. Ive looked into chicken diapers wanting some thoughts on that. Do note im doing this because they want to come inside and i...
  17. Chicken poppy

    Looking for silkies

    Hey! So im possibly looking for silkies, which im intrested in getting some. at the moment not looking for eggs (got rid of our old incubator) so just young chicks. Im in love with the splash/white but every single color is beautiful and would love to look if anyone has some for sale 🔵I most...
  18. Chickengale86

    Thanks for the opportunity to join

    So excited to be here here are my girls
  19. EasterChickens

    how much do i feed chicken scratch?

    Hello everyone, I know it's pretty weird of my-self to ask how much chicken scratch should i feed to my chickens but I really want to feed them the best/desired amount. I bought a bag of Dumor 6 grain chicken scratch at my local TSC (LINK to chicken scratch...
  20. EasterChickens

    Chicken's wing bow bleeding and kind of infected PLEASE HELP!!

    Hello everyone, I'm very disappointed that my chicken saddle didn't work very well. I bought it around 2 months ago and it was working very well at the start and now when i took it off and checked her wing bow/shoulder, its ripped off with no feathers and is bleeding and I'm VERY sure it is...
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