
  1. MIchickenlady

    Chicken walking backward-video-how to help her?

    I have a 7 month old EE girl who is doing EXACTLY what the hen in the video does- walking backward repeatedly with her head down. (My video would not load). Shes last in the pecking order, gets pecked often, and keeps to herself quite a bit. I've checked her over, no bugs, ears look fine. I've...
  2. Vanschelt

    Should I be concerned - Hen's feathers are thinning, Tail feather not growing back etc...

    I have a 3 year old hen whose feathers are thinning out. It's like she has a receding hairline, tail feathers aren't growing back since winter and feathers on her bottom have become very thin. She also has developed unusually long toe nails as well. Also, she sleeps away from the other 5 hens...
  3. S

    Bare patch

    First time chicken owner of my 12 week old chickens has a bare patch roughly 2x3” on her chest—completely bare down to the chicken skin. A bunch of her feathers are lying around in the coop. The others don’t seem to be pecking at her. Help
  4. I

    I need to know- does this mean my baby duck is unhealthy?

    i recently became concerned about one of my newer ducklings, which i named Frank. We bought her and two others (All Pekins) from the local farm store in early May this year (2019, specifying just in case) and moved them out into the coop in late May, and we keep new birds in a little “jail”...
  5. T

    help duckling feet

    hello i got a 3-4 week old mallard duck, i realized her feet was peeling i looked it up and it said it was normal, but now the web between her toe dried up on both feet and fell off. i dont know if that is normal? she acts like her normal self. please help me i am worried i cant stop looking up...
  6. Krazy_chicken_lady1205

    What’s wrong with my chick

    somethings wrong with one of my chicks, it was the last one to hatch about 2-4 days after everyone else, It’s quite clumsy and has something wrong with its head, it keeps trying stand up y’all but then falls, but I’m more concerned about it’s head, it also keeps falling over onto its back and...
  7. T

    duckling webbed feet?!

    hello i got a 3-4 week old mallard duck, i realized her feet was peeling i looked it up and it said it was normal, but now the web between her toe dried up on both feet and fell off. i dont know if that is normal? she acts like her normal self.
  8. 3speckled3

    Injury on wing

    When I went out today I noticed that one of my chickens had a strange bald spot on her wing. It looked a bit torn up. It didn't seem to bother her if I stretched her wing out and her only reaction was when I directly touched it. Could it be from getting mounted? I know bald spots from that are...
  9. C

    Possible Chicken diseases??

    Hello! I am hoping to get some guidance as I just had another chicken die. I took over my mom's flock almost a year ago. Three weeks ago one of the 4 year old chickens died. She looked exhausted and was lethargic. I thought she was broody as she didn't show any signs of being ill. She died and I...
  10. Nadacx

    New chick mom here...

    Hi! I recently bought my chicks about a week ago and was informed that when I bought them, my chicks were at least a day or so old. I have a black australorp (Madeline) two silver wyandottes (Mable and Myrtle), and a golden Wyandotte (Meredith). Now, I’ve had them or almost a week and have seen...
  11. DSauber


    Ok, today is day 23, 9 out of 12 eggs have hatched. 1 of the 3 left is still alive. (I checked) How long do I wait till I help it? I don't want it to die.
  12. Sarsa72

    Help. Pekin Duck feet!!

    My female pekin duck has tjese on her webbers. I have been putting s thin layer of peroxide on it and cleaning it gently but it has me concerned. I'm still a newbie duck mom, they are 7months old. She doesn't seem to be in pain or anything but still scares me The male is fine and doesn't look...
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