
  1. RynNightmare

    Red duck poop! Normal or cause for concern?! Freaking out!

    If it’s not one duck it’s the other 😅 Just posted something the other day about Sammy and tonight I went to put the ducks up and noticed red droppings. I watched both of them until I watched them poop and Sammy is thankfully fine, but Colby is having red poop. It doesn’t look like pictures I’ve...
  2. KathiQuacks

    Hen “mating” with other hen for a LONG time. Will she be okay?

    So, I have a drake (Cherry) and two hens (Caramel + Pitaya). When Cherry mates with my hens, he’s very quick about it. My hens do tail up, he does tail down, and it’s done. I’ve never seen him take longer than 10 seconds to mate. Occasionally, I’ll see Pitaya on top of Caramel trying to...
  3. M

    3 Year Old hens haven't laid in years!!!

    So we have one very large rooster (Unknown Breed), 6 Buff Orpington hens (2 of which are 5+ yrs old), 2 Leghorns who have just started laying, a New Hampshire Red, a Sapphire Splash, and a Barred Rock. The 4 younger Buffs are 3 years old (About to be 4 this spring), the 2 Leghorns are mature...
  4. F

    Duckling Cant stand up without falling down

    Hello everyone! We took in a few duckeggs after our ducks layed them and our chicken started sitting on them, she gave up on the eggs around day 15, many days later one of the 5 eggs died in its last stage because he was unable to get out and we were to late to help, with this in mind we thought...
  5. Chickadee00

    Is keeping quails and chickens together possible?

    I have a very big flock of about 50 chickens. I've got some big hens like sulmtaler, lakenfelder and medium sized ones like lohmanns. They live together with a lot of bantams for example sebrights and dwarf cochins. My question is - since my very large run would be quail safe (double close...
  6. EriLynCap

    Newbie with potentially deteriorating chickens

    I apologize in advance for the length and for any future clarification questions. I am terrified of making things worse due to thinking I understand and being wrong. I have 4 chickens and a rooster. When I got them mid July they were this year's hens to my understanding and seemed very healthy...
  7. Cnjecker

    Previous Layer Not Laying but in Nesting Box

    I have a 2 year old Ameraucana who would leave me a pretty green egg each day. She hasn’t laid in about 4 days but I find her in the nesting box each day- but no egg. All of my other hens lay brown eggs so I’m not confusing her eggs for another or vice versa. I’ve had a broody hen and she’s not...
  8. Eigen

    Eye turning black on Wyandotte chicken ?

    Hello, my chicken named Koki who already had a thread about her now has a weird eye that first turned white then turned black right after, she doesn't have any other symptoms, she eats and runs towards us when we give them snacks, she drinks fine and even lays delicious eggs, the thing is her...
  9. NubbyRyuu

    Why's My Old Girl's Booty Looking Big?

    Funny title, serious question. I've noticed my old girl, my 5yo Barbu D'Anvers Cross, Georgia, her butt looks like it's getting big. Compared to her daughter and my Silkie girls, their butts don't look like hers. Now Georgia has hit Henopause, she hasn't laid an egg since last year, but...
  10. SummerTheAnimalGirl

    HELP! Facial swelling

    Hello! I have a Welsummer pullet (they are free range) that I just noticed today has some facial swelling on both sides. She is acting normal otherwise. Everyone else seems fine. Should I be concerned? It is to late tonight to get pictures, but I will in the morning. Thank you for your...
  11. Crazy Duck Lover

    Solved Should I be concerned?

    I don’t know too much about trackers on websites and stuff, but my privacy report tells me BYC has had 86 trackers try to track me in the last 7 days. It’s my most tracked website. Should I be concerned about this?
  12. luckysamara199

    Why is my chicken stool white liquidy? (Picture)

    hi I’m kind of concerned about my hens. I have two polish hens. They are 5 months old one is Gold laced polish and the other one is silver polish. It’s been 2 weeks and I notcied their stool is liquid I don’t know what it means. Should I be concerned? Is it normal? Please give me advice
  13. luckysamara199

    please help I’m freaking out

    hello, I’m really concerned about my hen. She is Golden buff polish and is 5 months. I noticed a few days ago she started dropping clear liquid from her mouth. I’m really concerned. Is it normal? Is there something I can do about it? Is she sick does anyone know what this is?
  14. luckysamara199

    Why are my chickens fighting?

    Hello! So I have 5 chickens at my house a 6 at a ranch. Today I took my 5 chickens to the ranch to meet the other batch of chickens for the first time. When we got there they started fighting each other even the hens were fighting my rooster. Does anyone know why they fought?
  15. N

    New to raising and seeking help.

    I got 5 isa brown chicks and 1 rhode island red chicken on Sunday at 4-5 days old making them 8-9 days old today. I am concerned about 3 of my chicks. Two of my isa browns are shaking their heads a lot and I'm not sure if I should be concerned. My other concern is that my rhode island red chick...
  16. chickenchicklady

    No more eggs

    Hello! I have a flock of about 12 girls. A couple Roos. I typically get between 9-12 eggs a day. But the last three days I’ve only gotten one egg. Is this normal? I know it’s normal to not get as many, but will some of them just stop playing completely In the winter? Or do I need to check them...
  17. K Mole

    Lump on chest of chick?

    Good evening, One of our chicks has a large, round lump on her chest. I know that chickens have crops, but this seems larger than her sisters and hard. This is also our baby chick who has random bald spots, so I'm getting worried. Does it look normal or should we be worried?
  18. MissFrizzletheChick

    Possible Emergency?? One chick dead, another to come?!

    Hello. I have a few chicks, all less than a week and a half but varying in age a little bit. One of them was 3 days old as of yesterday, but she died. One thing I noticed about her was that she was peeping all the time and trying toforce herself under the others, and I went through the checklist...
  19. Lob21

    Why is my hen standing weird

    My hen Susan was acting normal then she froze still like this. She was like this when they mated last week but the Tom didn't do it today. Susan would freeze like this then run towards me rapidly and bend her legs like she was going to jump. She is a very non-agressive turkey as well as our tom.
  20. Lob21


    I just uploaded this video on my turkey Susan. She has a pimple like growth that I am concerned about.
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