HELP! Facial swelling


✝️Christ is everything!
Apr 7, 2022

I have a Welsummer pullet (they are free range) that I just noticed today has some facial swelling on both sides. She is acting normal otherwise. Everyone else seems fine. Should I be concerned?

It is to late tonight to get pictures, but I will in the morning.

Thank you for your help everyone!
Photos will be helpful.

When you check her in the morning, take note of any other symptoms like coughing, sneezing, mucous, etc. Look her face over for bugs, ticks, injury/scabs, etc.

It could be respiratory illness, or as suggested above, gotten stung, possibly suffer some injury somehow... Time will tell.
Could she have found a bee or other stinging bug? Is breathing ok?
Thank you so so much for your help! It is extremely likely that it could have found a bee, as we have an abundance of honey bees/bumble bees/ wasps due to all our wildflowers. She is breathing and acting complete normal.
Pic please.
Here are some pictures that I got this morning. The swelling has appeared to gone done, but still noticeable.
Photos will be helpful.

When you check her in the morning, take note of any other symptoms like coughing, sneezing, mucous, etc. Look her face over for bugs, ticks, injury/scabs, etc.

It could be respiratory illness, or as suggested above, gotten stung, possibly suffer some injury somehow... Time will tell.
Thank you so so much for your help. I really appreciate it! I checked her this morning and the swelling has appeared to gone done a little. There was no scabs, mucous, bubbles, injury’s or scabs, she wasn’t coughing and she was acting completely normal. Just a little swollen. I attached some pictures to the post above.

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