egg laying

  1. chloeonz

    Egg laying & New Home

    Hello again, just wondering roughly how long the stress of a new home for a hen that was already laying will ease so she starts laying again? I cant find much research online but saw one article briefly say laying should commence within a few days, so, it has been “days” and still nothing, has...
  2. cluckmecoop7

    How long does it take to lay an egg?

    Hi everyone, One of my chickens, Kiwi, is sitting in the nesting boxes trying to lay an egg....I think. I'm not positive... Well, she's been sitting in there of about 7 to 10 minutes. When I peek in, she seems to be trying to lay an egg. How can I be sure? Also, it's about 85 degrees right...
  3. A

    Normal amount of eggs?

    I have 5 laying hens (3 Easter Eggers and 2 Buff Orpingtons) that are 3 years old, and a Blue Australorp that is a year old and we're getting 1-2 eggs per day during spring and summer now. Does this sound normal? This is my second flock and I feel like our first flock we were always drowning in...
  4. pecksandkisses

    Adult bobwhites not laying...ideas?

    Hey, friends. I have 5 mature female bobwhites that hatched out in September. None of them have laid eggs yet. I was wondering since I got the "Georgia Giant" variety there may be something wrong in their genes since they were bred specifically to be larger. Once there were a total of 16 in the...
  5. Jimshad Rahman

    When Ducklings separate from Mom?

    When the Muscovy Ducklings separate from thier Mom?? And when the mom mate again and lay eggs?
  6. Emerald Rife

    Can a khaki Campbell Drake breed with a Muscovy hen?

    My two female muscovies have just started laying eggs! I was excited to have some fir baking that were non fertile. I have a larger flock of khakis and pekins hens and only one khaki Drake. I was fairly certain that he could not mate with my muscovies because I have yet to witness it. However...
  7. chxmommajess

    My best egg layer quit!

    Hi! I'm Jess, I live near Ann Arbor MI. This is my first post although I have come here for advice and guidance many times over the years through google searches. I currently have two chickens. Sakura is my bantam double laced silver barnvelder. "Tree puff" (a young child named her) is a...
  8. Muscovy-palooza

    Muscovy Egg laying ?'s

    Will muscovy lay if separated from a Male? Do they have to be bred each time they lay an egg for it to be fertile? If I remove the eggs will they still keep laying? My only experience with this was the female was irritated when I kept taking her eggs. I left her a few and she decided that she...
  9. Duckman39

    BB red sitting. I need yalls help!

    so I found my BB red hen sitting on a bunch of eggs in my barn. She won’t move and I’m afraid that something will eat her because I have cats , raccoons , coyotes coming up at night all the time. Is there any way I can move her and the eggs to a safe place and her still sit on the eggs? What’s...
  10. spiritpots

    Chicken's laying in corner of coop - not nesting box

    I have three chickens, which I've had for about a year now and they have always laid in one of two nesting boxes. They always lay in just one box, never laid in the other box. All three generally lay every day so after hearing a lot of squawking today from my brown leghorn I went to check for an...
  11. HappyFeetHens

    Hen Eating Other Eggs But Not Her Own?

    One of my hens is laying pretty consistently through this crazy bout of weather. Yesterday, I found another egg from her (can tell by the color; she’s a leghorn and my others are RIRs) and then I found two broken egg shells in the other next box. They were completely crushed but not much liquid...
  12. Louisetho2

    When do Australorps start laying?

    Hi guys. I’ve got one australorp hatched on August 8 last year, she’s been laying since late or early January. She’s doing really well and laying everyday. I’ve got another one that hatched on 18 September and still didn’t lay an egg... is she too young or am I just unlucky? She’s much bigger...
  13. NubbyRyuu

    Plymouth Rock/Cream Legbar Mix?

    Looking at some chicken breeds and saw one called a Cream Legbar. I then remembered Cin has a Plymouth Rock hen that looks like she's constantly angry because her head feathers are always up. Cream Legbar has the same thing going on. Could she be a mix of the two, or is she just an angry birb?
  14. K

    My Chicken Becomes Hysterical Before Laying

    My young chicken (Red-sexed born in Sept. 2018) becomes hysterical & spastic running & jumping around the cage about 1-2 hours before laying an egg, her first egg she was much quieter and seems to escalate each day. The coop/cage has a quiet, separate darkened nesting box indoors, so free from...
  15. Mini-Daisy

    When will my EE hen start laying ?

    Hello, My hen Sulley has yet to lay her first egg (she’s around 5 months old) and seems to be not planning on laying any eggs soon, or at least that’s what I’m thinking and I was wondering what the reason for that could be. Since around two month it has been cold here,but she has been dealing...
  16. Equiem

    Can chickens lay inconsistent sized eggs?

    Just a question I can't seem to find an answer to It's my first full winter (in the UK) with my 3 rescued ex-batts and I'm still getting 2 eggs a day My theory is that one chicken isn't laying. I've (accidentally) disturbed her - been up to their pen whilst she'd been in the nest box so she has...
  17. SGTdebo305

    Hen laying tiny eggs

    Hello everyone, so I have 6 hens that are laying right now but I have 2 that are laying tiny eggs almost the same size of a guinea egg or Maby a bit smaller. The 2nd image is comparing it to a normal size olive egg. This has been going on for atleast 2 months now. Is there something I need to...
  18. Cyprus

    Solstice affecting egg laying

    I have 12 hens, 10 who actively were laying by fall. Come our first snowfall at the end of November and everyone immediately stops, including the Leghorns. I haven't had an egg from them in well over a month. We have had a super mild winter, almost no snow. Funny thing is, immediately following...
  19. selenag

    Not laying eggs?

    Hey guys , I’ve had my hens for over a year now and they’re diet is pretty decent and they’ve been free ranging since they were 2 months but not one of them has layed a egg I’ve looked all over my property and found no eggs hiding. So any opinions on why they don’t lay eggs would be really nice.
  20. Peppercorngal

    I'm So Excited!

    My only Speckled Sussex named Sadie Thompson was hatched in January. She's always been a runaround sort of gal, very curious and constantly running back and forth to check out anything new. I thought that she would never lay an egg and so far I am right. I did notice, however, that recently...
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