
  1. Zen Wildlife Rescuer

    Duckling Has Eye Infection!!

    Hey everyone. As you all know, I am a wildlife rescuer. However, here in our area we don’t get ducklings often. We were called to pick up this little one who needs help desperately. Does anyone know what this is? All help is appreciated.
  2. r_o_o_s_t_e_r

    heterochromia in chickens?

    hi, i have a polish rooster that i think has heterochromia, if chickens can have heterochromia. here he is- his name is louis it’s a bit hard to capture on camera- i’ll catch him and take a better picture if anyone wants one. anyways, i recently bred him with some of my hens (ameraucanas)...
  3. becks123

    HELP! Both eyes swollen shut

    Hen was missing yesterday afternoon but came home to roost last night. Now I realize she was probably missing because she couldn't see her flock... Found her this AM with eyes closed/swollen. I figured she was stung or something. Washed her head with hydrogen peroxide then with betadine to...
  4. 4Urbanchix

    Pullet keeps closing her eye for prolonged periods of time

    Hello chicken community, I have an 8 wk old black Australorp pullet who keeps closing her eye for prolonged periods of time. When I first noticed it I thought she was sleeping but then she started walking around with her eye still closed. She was completely fine this morning and I feel bad for...
  5. Sick, lethargic silkie . Eyes closed

    Sick, lethargic silkie . Eyes closed

    Hello ! my 6 month old silkie is ill. Backstory- She started acting lethargic and her eyes were cloudy . I separated and treated with corid . Has been in quarantine for a month and hasn’t gotten better . She has a weird head movement going on . Eyes are closed most of the time but no gunk...
  6. W

    New chick, eye problems

    Hello, We just got our new flock of 8 chicks this morning. Everything seemed fine but this afternoon I noticed that one of my salmon faverolles had what looked like yellowish liquid on its back and the feathers around the eye. She's keeping one eye shut most of the time. We tried to clean it...
  7. Qualien

    Cockerel with potential vision problems

    I have a young lavender ameraucana (sp?) Cockerel with lighter eyes than the rest of my flock. He seems to be okay, other than he is very sensitive to light changes, and doesn't seem to have peripheral vision. He follows movent in the front, but doesn't react to anything beside him, unless it...
  8. Very light Silkie red sores by eyes. Is it possibly lice or mites?

    Very light Silkie red sores by eyes. Is it possibly lice or mites?

    Our silkie rooster has been very violent lately but that is to a whole separate hen. This particular hen, Judy has had some white crunchy stuff on her wing feathers. They aren’t fluffy and full like the other two silkies. She’s separated from the other two her in flock. She is in a clean tub...
  9. Lilchknmomma

    My poor polish😥

    So ive had "issues" with my polish rooster since I got it at a few days old.(5/28/2020) from the start I noticed it had crusties around the eye even had the eye crusted over a few times in between cleanings. I would use Q-tips with warm water to moisten and clean and would use coconut oil to...
  10. orangesplash

    Why are the ears/cheeks so swollen? the eyes are also not wide open

    Please if the following two videos can be seen by experts and if i could be told ehat treatment regime to follow, i would be grateful.. thanks in advance :)
  11. K

    Puffy eyes, no other symptoms

    Hi everyone, im new to chickens and this is my first flock. I have 11 chickens and a rooster all about 13 weeks old now and free range. About a month and a half ago, I started noticing one or two chickens with a reddish and puffy eye. About two/three weeks later, about half the flock had at...
  12. D

    Duckling eyes stuck closed...?

    So our black swedish hatched 2.5 days ago now, had a bit of a troubled hatching with the yolk sac, but we're mainly worried about it's eyes. It looks like they're goopy or stuck shut...? We feel so bad cause she can't see anything, and must be so scared. We keep trying to gently wash them out...
  13. It_is_I_Rae

    Chicken with eye injury, acting lethargic

    I just discovered that one of my chickens' eye is injured. She was keeping it closed so I figured it was some minor irritation or something but when she opened it I found that instead of brown, it was a solid cloudy red color like it was filled with blood or something. I couldn't see the pupil...
  14. L

    Hen Suddenly has White Eyes

    Hi all, Background: adopted 6 chickens off Craigslist 2wks ago. Added to single hen (remnant of fox decimated flock) at home. Affected hen is a new one. Was healthy at adoption. Sold as 2yo barred rock. Situation: everyone was normal, eating, drinking, flocking. I was checking frequently...
  15. P

    Chicken Eye watery foam Help

    hi my chicken is all well in health. its just that her eyes becomes watery foam. what do you think is wrong with her and i also checked any injuries or anything around the eyes and i couldnt find anything
  16. Kalimak

    Please help

    I'm not sure what I'm dealing with here. I took the best pictures I could for now. I hope it helps.
  17. webbysmeme

    It's webbysmeme again! I need help again! Please?

    A while back a possum attacked my old blind hen, you all helped me with her. In that same post, I posted some pics of my little dogs eyes that had been badly scratched. His eyes are still healing. Just now he got sprayed in the eyes by a skunk that was eating eggs in the coop! How do I clean his...
  18. Chippychick123

    Hens eyes shut

    my hen who is about a year old I noticed yesterday she would sit in the same spot with her eyes closed and no matter what treat she I put out she wouldn’t open her eyes more then a slit it got worse this morning and she won’t open them even a little will she be able to make it another day so I...
  19. Helen_Jayne

    Conjunctivitis treatment

    Hi, I have a beloved silkie who can't open her eye, it looks nasty with a white crust sticking it together. Can I use human eye ointments on her? I washed it with saline solution to unstick the eyelids but she still won't open it, it does look sore. I noticed her eye was a bit gacky yesterday...
  20. S

    Little chicken cannot open eyes and is off balance

    Our little chicken has never had great balance, but I thought I should add it. He cannot open his eyes, aside from a little part. He drinks when I put water up to his beak, he tries to eat, but he can't quite see it. Preening like he's comfortable, a little fluffed out (less fluffed now that I...
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