flock additions

  1. ThickenTheChicken

    How do I integrate my 3 (2 month old) chicks with my 1 grown chicken?

    I’m in a little predicament after one of my grown hens unexpectedly died. I’m now left with my one grown hen so she is all alone. I have 3 (2month old) chicks living in a different enclosure and am wondering how I can move them all into one enclosure. My worry is that my one adult hen will peck...
  2. Mr Oviraptor

    How Do I Introduce Rooster Together?

    Hi I have a Old English Game Rooster Bantam in a pen with several Hens and I have another Old English Game Bantam In a separate pen by himself, How do I introduce that lonely Rooster to the flock?
  3. sqatkins

    Flock Integration by Scent?

    I recently chatted with an experienced chicken owner over Thanksgiving leftovers and described the troubles I had been having with one of my Rhodies being a real bully bird to the younger (but fully grown) hens when I integrated the flocks. Earlier in the spring when allowed to forage among 21...
  4. B

    How does a rooster act to another bird of another flock

    Well I wanna know how will a rooster of an existing flock react to a hen of an existing flock, I think he will chase her, but will he chase her to death? Or just add her to flock after a mate or so?
  5. Cristalzita

    Looming Hawk

    I have a new flock of chickens which include some smaller breeds, 2 silkies and 2 serama roosters. I am fairly certain one of the silkies ended up being a rooster as well. My problem is, I noticed this has attracted a hawk to loom over my flock. At one point swooping in until they notice I was...
  6. aimz127

    Temporary Coop for New Hens

    Hi folks! I'm looking to add about 5 hens before winter hits as I lost a few pullets during my first year with chickens. From looking at the forum, many suggest quarantine for new chickens to watch for disease/illness before integration. Given that coccidia has kicked my butt this season, I'm...
  7. M

    Taking over a flock

    I’m buying a home that comes with a large coop and about 30 chickens. My wife and I choose to take over the previous owners flock as we didn’t want the birds to be possibly butchered. We currently have three 1 year old Australorps that are quite healthy. However we’ve moved three states this...
  8. Shanshan315

    Flock Integration Advice

    Hi there! I’m new to this site so please forgive me if this has already been asked a million times. I will be integrating four pullets into my flock of four this weekend. I’m doing the “look but don’t touch” method. My questions are these: 1) Once I integrate the new pullets, will they know to...
  9. 5

    Please Advise! Keeping New Members in a Dog Crate?

    So I have three Pullets in an enclosure within my chicken run, to try to acclimate them to my older flock. My flock usually free range, however, I wanted them to get to know their new flock mates, instead of avoiding them, when they free range. My question is this: How long can I expect to...
  10. MakenhaCheeseman

    Adding chicks to the flock

    I’ve been thinking about what to do with my ISA browns when they no longer lay enough eggs. I’ve heard they’re not good meat chickens so I’ve decided to let them live on and just roam and be happy for the rest of their lives, but i’m questioning what to do if i get new chicks. do i have to do...
  11. Emlpz_

    Introducing adult ducks to adult ducks

    Hey all, before I get into what this thread is about, let me give you some background. About two weeks ago, I asked on here what I could do in the situation I was in... having three drakes and one hen, I somehow managed to find a lady who would take in two of my males in a 25-acre farm they...
  12. emalin

    Integration fiasco

    I’ve integrated new chickens several times without issue. What is going on with this batch?! This was a small hatch of just two—one BC Marans rooster & one hopefully olive egger hen (maransXamerucana). They are about 2 months old & I delayed putting them in the coop because of extreme heat...
  13. ChickenNewbie2020

    Broody hen with chicks about to hatch

    We discovered one of our hens was broody. She now has 5 eggs under her and will likely hatch some next week. As I am new to this I don’t know what to do. We have 2 other hens and a rooster (who is not nice) Once the chicks hatch do we have to take mama and babies out of the coop and raise...
  14. L

    What breed of chicken is this?

    Help wanted! What breed are these BLACK chicks? I know there is a Rhode Island Red (she likes to photobomb). Hi! I am newly registered to this website, so I hope someone sees this. About 9 weeks ago, I purchased two baby chicks from a Coastal Community Store. The cashier who checked me out...
  15. Scrumdidlyump

    6 drakes and 1 girl.

    I have 2 blue swedish, 1 definitely boy 2 buff orpington, 1 definitely boy 2 rouen, definitely 1 boy, 1 girl 1 mystery choclate runner All three months, all have grown up together. Everyone gets along swimmingly. Only one quacks. I feel the ponderous cloud of puberty is right around the...
  16. L

    Rooster/Hen size Mismatch?

    We are pretty new to chickens and I have a question about our new rooster. Sorry for the long story 😣. Tl:dr is a leghorn rooster too big for half bantam Easter egger hens? We currently have 2, 1-year old mix breed hens (Easter egger type, one looks like a black polish[Wesley], the other is...
  17. B

    How to coop train chicks when you have no run and with hens

    I have 9 Amberlink hens and 1 leghorn. I let them free range all over my yard. I got 12 new chicks 6 weeks ago and I am about to mix the two groups together. The problem is that without a run if the chicks don’t go back in I can’t catch them. I have them in a dog cage in the coop and plan on...
  18. C

    Broody Chickens! - What’s your ‘go-to’ breed/ crossbreed?!

    Hi everyone! What’s your ‘go-to’ chicken when you want a broody hen in your flock? Yes incubators are great but mama hen is my preference when I have a choice!! I know silkies are renowned broodies but I’m just wondering what your favourite breeds or particular cross breeds are to use as...
  19. Reiki Rooster

    Help me choose breeds please

    Hello, I am adding to my flock, I have 4 buff Orpingtons hens and want to add to them. I’m wanting to get 2 maybe 3 more breeds, dual purpose and attractive. I’d really like diff color eggs blue, dk brown anything but white. Any suggestions would be a huge help! I’m overwhelmed since my husband...
  20. R

    HELP - Rescued Bantam, Flock Introduction

    Hi Backyard Chicken Raisers - So I have a small flock of 4 hens - two australorps, one rhode island, and one barred rock here in Central PA! A friend of ours had two small hens show up in their yard last spring and none of their neighbors claimed them. They had been putting some food out for...
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