lethargic chicken

  1. L

    Stopped Laying Lethargic Weight Loss but stable

    I’m writing today as we are slightly concerned about one of our 32 week old White Rocks, named Crystal. When we got her she was laying consistently every day, like the rest of the flock. She started to show slight broodiness after about a month, when we would find her just staying in the nesting...
  2. L

    URGENT! - Hen has been very lethargic for a couple of days HELP!

    Hi everyone, my hen is about 3 years old and about 4 days agostarted acting very slow and now is not moving much at alll. I brought her inside last night to watchher and she is still eating and drinking, she did a few little poo’s I’ll attach the photo they seem normal colour however there’s...
  3. R

    Poopy Butt, Lethargic Chicken with swollen belly

    We have a sickness that seems to be spreading through our flock very slowly. We are working with 2 mentors to get through this but, I wanted additional opinions. It started off, I noticed some poopy butts. This is abnormal for our flock. Then, I noticed a buff orpington (3yrsold) standing on her...
  4. Suep666

    Slow girl

    Hey folks.. been a chicken keeper for some years and I’ve seen many different illnesses and injuries... and you guys here have been the saviour of many of my girls with your advice.. anyway.. Our Cream Legbar.. Newt.. she’s 3 years old but recently she’s gone a little slow.. her wings have...
  5. SpaghettiJo

    PLEASE HELP!! I can't tell what's wrong

    Hi, one of my chickens (3yr old red sex link), Bertha, is not doing well at all. She has laid maybe two eggs in the past year, but I was not too worried about that because her health hasn't suffered until now & she's always been one of my strongest (& one of the two alphas of our small flock of...
  6. S

    Lethargic chicken help!!!!

    Help! One of my hens is acting very lethargic. She is all puffed up and she lays wherever you put her. She isn’t eating and seems to be losing weight. It’s the second day of this so I brought her inside and was able to get her to drink a little. I’ve checked her over really well and she isn’t...
  7. Randu

    2 yr old hen - poo-covered butt feathers, behaviour change

    Problem: I have a 2yr old layer hen that has recently developed a very poo (and dirt from dirt bathing) covered area below her vent. Today I noticed when she was trying to poo, they looked normal, but very small amounts coming out and sometimes runny - compounding her dirtiness. She also was not...
  8. goodatnaps

    6mo pullet can't move legs, lethargic, vet Dx seems wrong

    My 6ish month old layer Diana (she's laid maybe 3-4 eggs total, stopped the day after she lost the ability to stand/hobble) started limping about two weeks ago. We noticed one of her toes was curled out and backwards, and she was hobbling to avoid putting pressure on it. We tried to split the...
  9. K

    Nutrition and Maintenance Care for Sick Chickens.

    Yesterday after 3 hours at the Vet office deliberating between euthanasia and treatment- I chose treatment option with a re-evaluation at the Vet's office in 14 days. Abigail- my 14 month old Australorpe has a distended abdomen and secondary respiratory infection. The x-ray showed masses in...
  10. Caroline’sCluckers

    Sick Sapphire Gem

    8FB7668F-6E88-47C3-874F-C4266BE7E02E by Caroline’sCluckers posted May 7, 2019 at 10:12 PM My 10 month old hen has become suddenly ill. For the last two days her comb/wattles have been pale and she is consistently panting. Even on her roost at night she is panting. She is low energy and not...
  11. N

    Lethargic and skinny roo

    Hello, A few days ago we noticed one of our roosters sleeping a lot during the day and not moving very much when I approached it. We decided to isolate it, not knowing what is wrong with him. Since we are currently raising chicks and ducklings, we have starter feed that I’ve been feeding him...
  12. O

    Urgent! Chicken falling over/bright green poop.

    Hello! My chicken, Petunia, is an almost four-year-old Leghorn (she was a rescue from a hatchery, so we got her when she was two years old and have had her since July 2017, I assume her life in the hatchery was stressful). She's gotten sick before (I thought on the brink of death) and Corid...
  13. Potsmama

    Scaly leg mites?

    My hen Potato is acting off. She may be favouring the one leg just slightly. I noticed she her legs and feet looked weird, almost “crusty”. She just had a warm bath and I took a baby toothbrush and gently cleaned her feet. This is an after bath photo. Would you guys say this is scaly legs...
  14. AccidentalChickenLady

    Lethargic chicken w/ diarrhea, lost weight, small bugs (+photos)

    Apologies in advance for the long post, but my hope is to provide as much detail as possible, and get some suggestions for at-home remedies (or those that can be administered at home) to try and save my favorite bird! My 1.5-year-old Barred Rock, Raven, has had some runnier-than-normal poops...
  15. N

    Can Anyone Help Me Determine Cause of Passing...?

    So, this is the first time I've ever had this happen. And this is the third hen to fall ill, the second to pass away. But I don't quite know, again, what has happened. One of my Sumatra, we found, was acting very odd. We're not sure how long she has, but it couldn't have been for more than a...
  16. RenoHuskerDu

    Young 'un sleeps too much and sneezes

    She's just a few months old. We bought three like her to start laying in a few months. The others are fine, but this one got picked on more than the other two for a few days. She's a bit smaller, she sleeps half of the day away, and we hear her sneeze from time to time. She's quarantined now in...
  17. E.D.GardenFarm

    Chicken all fluffed up, lethargic, won't eat/drink, watery poop. She doesn't seem well, what do I do

    1) What type of bird, age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others? We're not 100% sure as we got her from a rescue group, she is an ex-caged hen, she is about 15 months, I don't know about her weight 2) What is the behavior, exactly? She was staying under a...
  18. Coye16

    2.5yr Pekin Bantam: Advice Please: Sick, Grieving or Lonely?

    Hi Everyone Abit of background: Afew weeks ago I posted a thread about my Pekin Bantam - she had a swollen eye/ earlobe with a tick on which we removed. She was lethargic & not eating much & after 2.5 days the swelling did not go down. We took her to the vet who gave her an antibiotic injection...
  19. silkiefrizzles

    Sick chicken, head tilting/shaking and weight loss

    Little polish cross hen, about 2 years old, I've had chickens that have had similar symptoms and died, does anyone know what it could be? She's tilting/shaking her head, sometimes acting lethargic or standing like she is in pain, she has lost weight and has green poo. The chickens that have had...
  20. Coye16

    Pekin Bantam: removed tick but face swollen & remains lethargic

    Hello I’m looking for some advice please! I have a 2.5yr old pekin bantam who is unwell. Her Symptoms: Lethargic - noticed her sitting & closing her eyes afew days ago. Swollen on one side of face & around eye - noticed this yesterday. Small black tick on swollen side of her face which I...
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