
  1. B

    How long to feed flock raiser to molting chickens

    Hi all. My chickens are in the process of molting I believe. They are still laying though. All I have read says they usually stop during molt. Is this normal? Some are missing some patches of feathers now in areas. It has been a slow process I have noticed over the last few weeks. They are also...
  2. Clappmeg

    What's wrong with my Silkies hair-do?

    Hi all, My silkie chicken has always had a nice puffy pom pom on the top of her head. Recently, it has looked really scraggly and almost porcupine-like. I initially thought molting but this is only happening to the one area on top of her head. She also seems to like to dip her whole head in the...
  3. Stuwe

    Does pecking occur at night?

    Here we are again. My sweet girl Hope is molting, hard, again (2nd year in a row). We thought she was doing good at first. Some feathers were falling out but they seemed to be filling in at the same rate - I thought yay! The nightmare of last year has passed! Then I get up to check on them...
  4. alex5chickens

    My chickens feathers are really worn out and they won't start molting.

    I have 4 Barred Rocks and all 4 are in their second fall. (Their birthday was April 2018.) 2 of them had partial molts last winter and their feathers are in great shape, but 1 hen's (my best layer) feathers are in a really bad condition since she's had them for over a year now. Her feathers are...
  5. R


    Hi! My baby girl Billie Jo is having some tough times right now. She is molting, HARD. She is getting picked on. Her back is very much so raw and bloody. We don’t have any roosters! This afternoon when I went out to let her out she was very lethargic, seemed as tho she was very cold, and she...
  6. Aunt Angus

    Quick Question: Pale Comb on 1 yo Brahma

    Hello! My dear Brahma Aster has a very pale comb. Can this be caused by molting? She's at the tail end of her molt (no pun intended). Or should I go ahead and treat for worms just to err on the safe side? Some additional info: 1 yr old Buff Brahma Eating, drinking, acting normally Not laying...
  7. M

    Molting - affecting young ones?

    History: I have 2 light brahmas that are 1.5 years old, and 2 that are about 30 weeks old. The days are getting shorter, so I added light to their coop to add a couple hours in the am and pm. About 1.5 months ago, the little ones started laying small, funky shaped eggs, as normal. Then...
  8. D

    Molting or bullying?

    I have a Russian Orloff in a mixed flock, and she has been molting for several weeks but she is now getting red and sore on her head (see picture). Is this just part of the molt or an injury? Something else? I have another hen (copper Moran) who is currently separated from the flock as she was...
  9. M

    Shivering while molting

    My three year old hen, Nugget, was mid-molt when the temperatures started dropping. During the day we have temperatures in the high 60s but at night it sometimes dips down into the 30s. Tonight I noticed she was shivering when I went to lock up the coop. Is there anything I can do to help her...
  10. Georgeschicks

    Crazy molt... Already?

    Hi! I have four gorgeous chickens normally who turned two this summer. They *kinda* molted last year in mid november. I live in Maryland and this year all my chickens started molting at the end of september. they look terrible right now- here is a pic of one from a few days ago. she has lost...
  11. My Pretty Pekins

    URGENT! Cockerel Problems

    Hey, We have a young cockerel (about 17 months) who is moulting and is rather raggedy around the neck and for some reason has over the past 2 days become very weak. He hardly crows, and has stopped calling for hens to come and get food, he eats it himself. He hardly has anything in his crop but...
  12. jenfred75

    2 chickens dead

    I had 6 hens, 3 buff orpingtons and 3 sex links. On Monday morning I went outside to open the coop and one of my buffs was laying there dead. There were no wounds and nothing seemed off. She was totally fine when I locked them up the night before. Today, Friday, I got home from work and...
  13. Chicken Meeting 6

    Chicken Meeting 6

  14. Urban Waddler

    Hormonal Implanta and Bumblefoot. My gal can’t catch a break.

    So, my sweet year and a half old Loretta has been struggling with her molt, laying goofy thin and rough eggs, had a blood feather break, is getting overbred by her brother (not biological) and now has Bumblefoot on both feet. :(. I brought her to the vet this morning and they took blood, did...
  15. DustBathSpaDay

    Do hens groom their molting companions?

    My year-old Mille Fleurs d'Uccle, Marigold, is molting, and I occasionally see her companion, Kate, a Sebright, plucking feathers from the edge of the molting area. Is this normal grooming behavior? Thanks!
  16. sqatkins

    Juvenile losing major flight feathers

    I just acquired 5 pullets of various youthful ages. The eldest is a Rhode Island Red just 5 months of age. My concern is that she seems to have lost her flight feathers in the week she has been here. They are scattered around the chicken run. It's too early for her to molt, correct? She is the...
  17. DandyAndMahi

    Are my ducklings molting??

    Hi! I’m not sure how old my ducklings are but I’m guessing they’re about 3 or 4 weeks old?? The yellow one is Dandelion and the brown one is Mahi and they’ve recently just started to loose their feathers. I know they’re supposed to molt, but I wasn’t sure if they actually are molting now cause...
  18. Maryam.

    Unusual eggs

    Hey, My 2years old pekin,cookie , is having a hard time. Normally she lays an egg everyday and the eggs are healthy and fine but since a month ago her eggs have a very soft eggs and she laid in unusual places and times(in the middle of the day when they were out playing) which usually my other...
  19. Verbon30

    Silkie molting

    How long does it take for silkie to molt and start laying eggs again. can you help spread it up?
  20. spiritpots

    Why is one of my chickens molting in July?

    I hope someone can help me with this! I have three new chickens (now 16 weeks old) and have been in the process of integrating them to my existing flock of three chickens (each about 17 months old) for the last several weeks. Today I noticed that one of the existing chickens, a Maran, has...
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