
  1. demonic

    How many nesting boxes are suitable for this amount of birds?

    I currently have 3 hens and 3 nesting boxes. 1 is recovering from worms and still isn’t laying yet and the other 2 lay in seperate nesting boxes. However, I have 10 ISA brown chicks still in the brooder who are around 6 weeks (I know it’s time for them to start going out but I’m postponing it...
  2. C

    Lethargic & In nesting box all day, not broody

    Hey everyone, My pullet (she hasn’t laid yet but she’s overdue) has spent the majority of the last 2 days in the coop/around nesting boxes. When she’s out she’s a lot slower, she used to run everywhere. She’s eating & drinking but not from her normal feeders only from foraging. I saw her...
  3. demonic

    Is there a certain way chickens like to roost that doesn’t match my coop?

    I built a coop into one of my backyard sheds for my 5 hens a few weeks to a month ago, and obviously they would have trouble adjusting. they would fall off the roosting bars and basically slept everywhere but the roosting bars. However, nowadays I realize they do know how to get on it, but don’t...
  4. 10HensandaRoo

    Chickens not laying in the nesting box!

    Alright, I need help. My hens just started laying a few days ago. The first few were out of the nesting box, which I had researched and this was normal at first. But now they keep laying there. I put some dummy eggs in the nesting box, but they do not even go in there. I have fresh, clean hay in...
  5. Eggs by Happy Chickens

    Girls won’t lay in the nest boxes??? Here’s how to help them

    So I assume if you are visiting this article you may be wanting to stop your girls from laying eggs all through your yard or just laying them in the coop floor, right? Okay so here is the first question I have for you are your girls free ranging and laying their eggs all around your yard? If...
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