not eating much

  1. T

    Molting... not eating, rarely drinking...

    I only have 3 girls and this is their first time molting. I'm new to this so I'm not sure what normal molting behavior is like. The girls are miserable. They've been hanging out in the coop most of the day (I do suspect it's also possible they are doing this because of the time of year and...
  2. picklestheduck

    Sleepy duckling not eating much HELP!

    I copied and pasted from Emergency thread to try to get as many answers asap. Hey yall I got two ducklings that were supposed to be khaki campbells from tractor supply on staurday. They are in a rubber-made tote in my garage with a heat lamp and food and water. They are TEENY TINY and are...
  3. picklestheduck

    Tired duckling not eating much!!! HELP!!!

    Hey yall I got two ducklings that were supposed to be khaki campbells from tractor supply on staurday. They are in a rubber-made tote in my garage with a heat lamp and food and water. They are TEENY TINY and are supposed to be about a week old by now. The ones I got happened to be like the...
  4. S

    Lethargic Silkie Rooster Drinking but NOT Eating

    I have a 1.5 year old Silkie Rooster that is extremely lethargic, fluffed-up, drinking lots of water, not eating and runny, clear poo. I brought him in about a week ago as I noticed he was separating from the flock and was a bit “off”. No signs of mites. Through the week he’s not gotten...
  5. L

    Baby chick isn’t good at eating

    I’m back with my 5th question. These tiny fluffs have been a source of constant worry. I have one chick that is a lot smaller than the rest, and isn’t very good at eating. She will just stand and stare at the food and maybe peck at it once or twice, while the rest of the chicks are just...
  6. C

    Sick hen

    One of my little chickens is sick and has been for a few days now. I'm very worried for her because she seems so weak that she's unable to drink or eat. She doesn't move a lot either and usuly just stays under a Bush tail down and eyes closed. At first I thought she was egg bound so I gave her a...
  7. Hanusaur

    One of my chicks sleeps way more than the others and doesn’t eat nearly as much as the rest, is she okay?

    My sister brought home 4 baby chicks from our local feed store 5 days ago. I’ve observed them quite a bit since they’ve come home. 3 of them are super energetic and like to run around and flap their little wings. They eat and drink plenty. Those 3 have a routine where they sleep at the same...
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