raising chicks

  1. Z

    Chicks are pecking at pine shavings when good is right there

    Hey everybody, I have 5 chicks in this brooder. One 2 month old, and four 4 week old chicks. The small ones seem to be eating the pine shavings. I just switched to this feeder from a much smaller one. I did see them peck at the food but then left. Should I be concerned?
  2. G

    Need help with best brooder option for new chicks

    Hello - I had a small flock of laying hens before but never raised chicks. I have 5 coming in a couple of weeks and I’m starting to worry. Having read a lot of posts and advice I’m now very confused as to best method for caring for them. I had thought to put them in my unheated garage (SoCal so...
  3. I

    Chick is having a seizure

    My chick is 13 days old, she's been always fine and way active but today she was kinda standing weirdly, I watched her for a while she fell on her side and starting moving her head frantically and couldn't stand up 😟 any idea what that is ?? It's the first time I have seen a chick doing this and...
  4. ramzroost

    Ramzroost: Another Day in Paradise

    The 2-year-old hen has done well with the 12 new chicks in the coop and run. They scatter when she comes nearby...Unless I'm around. Then they huddle around me. If I sit in the run (Yes. I have a spot to sit) They are all over me! If you didn't already know this about me, I eat the eggs and I...
  5. mandymcg05

    I know I have too many roos, help?

    I have a question for ya'll. This is the first time I'm raising backyard chickens and I have at least 5-8 roos around 6-7 weeks old. Obviously, I can't keep them with my flock, it's not big enough. They are BR and RIR. My question is, should I find them homes NOW or wait until they're bigger? I...
  6. B

    Help with hen and chick adoption!!

    Hi, We are are our third round of chickens and decided to let our silkie who has been Brody forever finally have her chicks. To avoid roosters, we got baby chicks. We moved all 3 hens into our garage in a little nice area we made (including the broody one and her eggs) and waited a day. next...
  7. tacCab

    Six Chicks Hatched from our "Feral" Hen - Now What, if Anything? Suggestions, Please.

    Good Morning Backyard Friends! I hope your morning is as Glorious as ours, here, in Central Texas! Good news this morning from our lil' homestead. We have our first hatched baby chicks from one of our rescued hens (Henrietta). She was and continues to be feral. Henrietta's History: Henrietta...
  8. Quailobsessed

    Broody for the forth time in a row. Do I stop her?

    I have a king quail hen who has been broody since July. She went broody on eight eggs and hatched out three chicks in July. One chick was rejected the moment she hatched so we hand raised her. The other two were rejected at two and a half weeks old. One died, the other we found half dead but we...
  9. C

    Cold weather for pullets

    Hello, So, I got nine baby chicks. They were hatched on Dec. 2. I have a broader set up in my heated garage and they're doing great. My question is about when I can safely move them to the coop. I had chickens for years and then stopped for a few years and now I'm starting again so I do know...
  10. ValerieJ

    Reptile heat light in coop?

    For all the wrong reasons I am raising 4 chicks in the fall. I want to move them out to a coop in a few weeks, but I will need to heat it for them. Has anyone used one of these lights for heating a coop? How did it work out? I'm going to use my smallest coop and don't think I will be able to...
  11. Wonderling

    Helping Broody Hen?

    I've got two broody hens, one went into mama mode once the eggs started to hatch and the other is all about the eggs and doesn't care about the chicks. I have moved Coco (the mama hen) and chicks into a separate section of the coop so they can be together. Gucci the other hen is still on the...
  12. jaks2578

    What breed and gender?

    Hello all :frow I purchased this chick along with some Silkie chicks. This chick is approximately 10 days old. Does anyone know what is this chick’s breed and, if possible, gender? Thank you all!!!! :jumpy
  13. jaks2578

    Silkie Chick Vent Protruding

    Hello all! My Silkie chick appears to have an “outy” vent. At first, I thought my baby just had pasty butt. I have to clean her every day. Will she grow out of this? Thank you all for your advice.
  14. C

    What I've learned so far...

    We are just finishing up with week two of raising our first chicks. We only have four, as we live in town and wanted them to have more than enough space to be comfortable. Two Saturdays ago, the trip to Tractor Supply was made and we excitedly picked out two little yellow banties (which I...
  15. shessowitte

    My broodies adopted 3 week old chicks!

    Ok I am bragging just a little (as though I had something to do with it) but my two white cochin broodies have successfully adopted 14 three-week old chicks! They’re now fully integrated into the full flock and doing well. Based on what I’ve read here, it seemed like a crap shoot, but hey why...
  16. HOTchick916

    chick vaccines

    I just rescued 4 feral chicks from their squalid living conditions in a ghetto neighborhood. They are the size of the 3 day old chicks I get from the local feed store, however they are starting to get feathers so I'm not sure how old they are. They are probably small for their age as they have...
  17. H

    Using Rooster Booster for Chick with Wry Neck

    Hello all, I have a chick, just about four days old, who appears to have a wry neck. Although its condition is opposite the normal description of wry neck (i.e., stargazing) because it's head/neck bends down. It often tucks its head under its body, starts walking backward and then flips over...
  18. BethyLeigh

    My hen is a molting hormonal nightmare

    My favorite hen, a Buff Orpington named 'Ms Marigold' went broody in late July. I gave her a set of day old (tractor supply) chicks to adopt August 21st and she's been a great mother - but of course very defensive of her babies. I noticed a couple weeks ago that she looked like she was molting...
  19. S

    Hello all!

    I'm new to this site, but not new to raising chickens. When my kids were younger, we raised chickens for 4H. Now that I'm an empty-nester, I've decided to fill it back up! I have 10 Orpington chicks, Lavender and Buff, 4 Australorp pullets, and either a Cuckoo Maran or a Barred Rock (who was...
  20. R

    First Timer Hatching eggs

    Hello, I am new to the chicken world as we got our first chicken a year ago. We have 6 hens and no roos. I have a broody hen and 'adopted' 5 fertilized eggs from a friend. I placed them under my broody hen and she has been diligently sitting on them. They are due to hatch on July 21st. I...
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