
  1. Rcl700

    Selling meat birds ??? What, where, why, when.

    Okay, I live in south Atlanta and would like some clarity on the rules for selling processed meat birds. What are the requirements regulations and restrictions put on small-scale producers? Can I sell meat birds that I process? I'm thinking of running a few small pasture raised chicken tractor...
  2. flwrldy

    Selling eggs.

    I am new to selling eggs. I feed my flock both chickens and ducks, soy free organic feed and they also free range. The feed is about $140.00 a month. I’m allergic to soy. Any idea how much I should sell both type of eggs for?
  3. Barn Yarn Chicken

    Need a Farm Name

    Hello Everyone! So I am in need of farm/business name for Facebook! I am selling crocheted projects/handmade items right now and want to start selling chickens and goats. So what would be a good farm name? TIA! (I can post photos of projects I have done if anyone would like to see!)
  4. C

    Kentucky egg laws

    Hey everyone, my husband and I are just starting out. We have 16 hens of different breeds that are now laying regularly. Our plan is to begin selling eggs for $3 a dozen as we get almost a dozen eggs a day. Does anyone know if there are any specific laws, restrictions or requirements to sell in...
  5. TheDuckMother

    How Much Do Ducks Eat?

    I'm currently raising Pekins, mostly for hobby and eggs. But now I wanna take it more seriously and start selling adults, ducklings, and eggs to my local farmers and online. Before I would feed them as much as they could eat but I read that putting them on a diet can help egg productivity by...
  6. Fanci Feathers Marans

    Culls: to eat or not to eat?

    Hi, everyone. I have Marans as you can probably tell, and have found several than I would never want to hatch chicks from. Problem is, I have a small flock. I have names for these things. But I need the space for my next batch of chicks. When I hatched them, I told myself we were going to eat...
  7. TheJournalist

    Most Expensive Breeds

    Hello, I have a few questions regarding the most expensive breeds. I'm trying to get into raising and selling. What are the most expensive breeds? I know the Ayam Cemani is one, however I don't know how hard it would be to get one. I'm more interested in chickens that look like gamecocks, such...
  8. SeattleButtons

    Advice for Picking Buttons for Breeding

    Hi All! :) This Wednesday, I have a good friend willing to drive me out to a farm in the East to go and pick up some Buttons! This farm is known for the love and attention they put into their birds... I'm looking to become a hobby-breeder to potentially sell chicks/adults to others in the...
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