
  1. E

    Do I have a rooster!?

    Hello everyone! My husband and I are raising our first flock of backyard chickens. We have Rhode Island reds, barred rocks, and ameraucanas (yes, I know they are actually Easter eggers since we got them from a hatchery). We ordered all pullets but decided we wanted to free range, so we are...
  2. Mae98

    Help sexing my 14wo flock of 8!

    There has been some bullying taking place in my flock and I’m wondering if I have more roosters than thought. So now I’m conflicted on genders and am looking for opinions. All chicks are roughly 14 weeks old. Kenny (Necked neck silkie) Panini (Frizzle) Schnitzel (only confirmed rooster...
  3. RayrayB

    Serama pullet or cockerel?

    This serama baby is about 5-6 weeks old and I'm a little stumped on gender. Any guesses? The last two pics are of an obvious pullet and cockerel from the same hatch. And the other is the whole group (lots of roos😅).
  4. Kattzombiee

    5 weeks tomorrow, gender guesses?

    These babies will all be 5 weeks tomorrow. They're a mix of Easter Eggers, rhode island reds, and/or black andalusian. I think I have 2 boys and 5 pullets. Anyone thinking something otherwise?
  5. Chickmomz

    Early guesses? 3 week old polish sexing

    First time chicken owners and we are loving our 4 Polish chicks. Anyone want to take a guess at their sex? I have attached photos at 1 week (ish) and 3 weeks (ish). I also commit to coming back to update when we know for sure if they are Roos or Hens.
  6. Kattzombiee

    4 week olds, I'm guessing roos.

    Hi all. I have a set of 7 chicks I am currently raising and I have my suspicions that 2 of these babies are indeed boys. They are 4 weeks + 1 day old, these are hatched from a mixed lot. Person I got them from has an Easter Egger hen and a Rhode Island Red hen, and they were at the will of an EE...
  7. emslickchicks

    Gender Guess on Buff Brahma Bantam

    This one is about 6 weeks old. Buff Brahma Bantam. Any ideas on sex? I have one already that is for sure a pullet. This one just has a darker comb and wattles coming in. Thanks in advance :)
  8. ellieanne22

    Duckling/Duck Questions

    Hey, everyone! A few weeks ago, I remember seeing a post that was a list of the foods ducks could eat and at what age they could eat it. I looked and couldn't find it again anywhere. Does anyone know which post I am talking about? And if so, could you please link it? Our silly ducklings are...
  9. BlueHorse17

    12 Week Genders?

    Hello everyone! Trying to help a friend out. What are your thoughts on these birds? Cockerels or pullets? They’re all 12 weeks.
  10. H

    Cant tell if my chickens are really pullets

    I have 1 Olive Egger, 1 Black Maran, & 1 Blue Maran Pullets. They are 6 & 7 weeks old ( they look a little younger to me to be honest). According to the person I got them from, they are all Pullets. But, I just don't feel confident that they are all Pullets. Anyone think one of these guys is a...
  11. J

    Hen? Rooster? Oh. Rooster.

    I bought a small chick one day and months later it is now a fully grown chicken. throughout that duration I was talking to a friend of mine online who claims to be experienced in terms of raising chickens and just farm stuff in general. earlier on into the chicken's life, said friend told me...
  12. M

    9 week old easter eggers

    I think 1 & 3 are cockerels, what do you think? They're 9 week old easter eggers from tractor supply.
  13. C

    What breed and gender are these 4-5 week old chicks

    Alright, I confess, I made a big mistake when I decided to bring my three boys along to pick up some chicks. I was completely unprepared for the constant begging and puppy dog eyes. The game plan was just to get three, but somehow we ended up coming home with nine from a straight run. In the...
  14. BlueHorse17

    12 Week Delaware - Cockerel?

    Trying to help a friend figure out the sex. Bird was bought as a straight run chick from a feed store. 12 week old Delaware. I’m leaning towards cockerel but that is still a small pink comb…
  15. O

    Update -- sexing "production reds"?

    Hi everyone, we posted here about a month ago asking about sexes of our chickens that were labeled as production reds from TSC. They're about 1.5-2 months old now and would like your opinions again. One is obviously a starlight green egger (below), which we believe is a pullet. Can anyone help...
  16. M

    Sexing 7 week old Pekin bantam, Polish and silkie !!! Help!!!

    Hi everyone, This is my first time having chicks but we had a v.stubborn broody silkie so I twist DH arm into buying her some day old chicks (chickens for my chicken don’t count right) … I think I may have had worst luck and have all boys . They are 7 weeks old today. I’m hoping to still keep...
  17. LiizardWiitch

    Silkie sexing

    My silkies are nearing 7 weeks old... I know its *extremely* early to sex silkies, but I feel like some are looking rooster like Chick 1 no comb Chick 2 looks like it has big comb already Chick 3 no comb Chick 4 looks like comb is forming
  18. F

    6 Week old Barred Rocks -Sexing

    Hi Team, First time hatching some eggs and I was just after some help sexing these 2 barred rock chicks. I have heard they are easiest to sex when they first hatch however when we bought the eggs we were told they were Rhode Island red eggs so it was a surprise when these guys started growing...
  19. coltgrizzz

    Sexing a few chicks (and a turkey)

    Got these chicks (and turkey) on March 4th so they’re around 10 weeks. Any ideas? Also I am aware #1 is bald he is recovering
  20. M

    5 week old lavender orphington - help needed!

    I have a 5 week old lavender orphington premium pullet from hatchery. The chick ia feathering out nicely, but this comb is having me question the validity of the sexing. Unfortunately my other lavender chick died early, so I have no comparison. Is anyone familiar with this breed to give me some...
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