sick hen

  1. StefneyRSA

    Skin issue - Please Help! Do we need a vet?

    New and first time chicken momma here. What could be going on with Lulu here? Her skin is crusty and dry, her wattles and comb are pale and very dry (almost looks like craft glue that’s peeling off) and her face is white (like baby powder). She has also not been growing new feathers at all, I...
  2. crunchygranola

    How good is good enough to put my chicken with heatstroke somewhat outside?

    I had a chicken with heatstroke a few days ago and she’s been residing in my room so I can keep a close eye on her. I also don’t have a dog crate to put her in… I pick up any droppings and disinfect the area daily, have an air purifier, and keep it well ventilated. Though, I will be away for...
  3. 10HensandaRoo

    Sick Chicken with tail down, lethargy!

    So about yesterday afternoon, I noticed my big hen, Burrito was looking lethargic, sitting in the coop. For reference, she is a 4 year old Buff Orphington. I was immediately alarmed as this is of course odd during midday. Later on the chickens got let out to free range and I had to pull her out...
  4. crunchygranola

    Dealing with guilt of having a sick chicken

    I’m a first-time chicken owner and I have my first sick hen. This experience feels so overwhelming and I feel so guilty for not educating myself better illnesses and injuries.I should’ve brought by her in the moment I saw things getting weird… but for some reason, I didn’t. I can’t help but...
  5. crunchygranola

    Is my hen sick or injured?

    I have a hen that is exhibiting some odd behavior. She used to be one of my most active and busy hens, but now, all she does is lay around. When she gets up, she kind of stumbles a bit and her wings go out— when she walks, she’s a little slow and almost waddles kind of wide-legged. Any ideas...
  6. S

    2 Year Old Barred Rock Hen Losing Her Voice?

    My 2yo barred rock Pepper appears to be losing her voice as of yesterday. She normally is quite vocal and has a clear cluck/scream but today she is quieter and her sounds seem more garbled and strained. Her comb is nice and red, she is running and flapping and digging with all her normal...
  7. C

    Blue, floppy comb and recurring lethargy, loss of appetite, diarrhea

    My 2-year-old ISA Brown, Nina, is sick. This is the third time she's been sick this spring, with symptoms flaring up every 4-6 weeks. She goes from her perky self to extremely lethargic, droopy tail, floppy comb, low appetite, excessive thirst, and watery diarrhea. The diarrhea has been going...
  8. F

    Help! Lethargic Hen with Mushy but Emptying Crop

    I have grown up with chickens my whole life and was recently asked to petsit 4 newly adopted hens for a friend. I'm not sure exactly how old they are but I think they are relatively new egg layers so maybe around 30 weeks? The first day hen sitting I noticed one Rhode Island Red was quite...
  9. Quacking ducks

    What’s wrong with my chicken hen?

    I have a hen that is not acting right. Her name is Scottie, and she just turned two years about a month ago. she’s been acting very lethargic the last week or so but I’m not sure what’s wrong with her her symptoms are…. Weak and walking unsure of herself, kind of a bit like she could fall over...
  10. FluffyFeathers_03

    How long does upper respiratory infection last?

    Hi everyone, I have a hen with an upper respiratory infection. I don’t know what kind of infection it is since I’m not bringing her into the vet. It’s my first time with a sick hen, she gasps for air, wheezing, and coughing. Anyways, back to my original question, I was just wondering how long it...
  11. S

    Sick chicken

    My hen is gurgling when she breaths. Which I would assume is some sort of respitory infection. It just started last night. She's worse today and now she has her bum hanging down. I put honey and apple cider vinegar in her water and red pepper flakes and oregano in her food, but I don't think...
  12. Fluff to Feather Farms

    EXTREMELY bloated hen

    My 2 year old hen Rita has been bloated for a few months now. I thought she had worms, so I added apple cider vinegar and garlic into their food. It kept getting worse. I left for a trip last week, and lest the flock to my dad’s care. I came back yesterday. When I let them out this morning, I...
  13. Emrosenagel

    Can probiotic powder cause problems?

    Hello! I made a post yesterday about my hen (9 month old blue andulusian) who suddenly started acting weird, not herself, lethargic. Things got even stranger at night when she decided to sleep in the nesting box and then, at 12am, starting doing the egg song/distress call for about ten minutes...
  14. C

    PLEASE HELP! Sick Silkie Hen

    Hello everyone, this morning when I went to let out my flock I found my black almost two year old silkie hen Onyx not moving. She is laying down and panting. Her butt is dirty and has a lot of diarrhea. She will occasionally stand up but she keeps panting and closing her eyes. She will not walk...
  15. Emrosenagel

    Possible liver disease? Please help

    Hello! I can never seem to catch a break with my hens, and this will be the last time I ever purchase chicks from tractor supply because of it. Anyway, I have a 9 month old Blue Andalusian who has not been acting her normal self today. Normally, she is a piggy and spends the entire day...
  16. F

    Please any insight is appreciated!! Eye infection or something more serious?

    Hello everyone, I could use some guidance/advice. I have one hen, about 9 months old, that isn’t doing great. A few weeks ago, I noticed her one eye was super swollen/crusty and looked severely infected. She also had diarrhea. I took her to the vet, they prescribed an antibiotic, an...
  17. L

    Sick hen! Coccidiosis?

    Our 4 year old hen Sunshine is sick. She's an ISA brown, turned 4 in February, and is usually very curious and outgoing, and probably my most food motivated chicken. I found her in the nest box Friday night, and her entire vent was matted shut with green/white diarrhea all over her. She was...
  18. D

    Sick new hen

    Ok, so on Sunday we bought two new Isa Browns that we were told are both 10mos old... One of them is in great shape, full plumage, bright red comb and wattles, drinking, eating, etc. The other one... she looks like she's been through it. It was our first time buying chickens from anyone, and...
  19. High Mountain Hens

    Lethargic Hen, Not Eating or Moving

    Hello all, I’m back, though unfortunately not under better circumstances. Another one of my hens, 3 year old Barred Rock Luela, seemed to contract a mysterious illness. Over the course of last week, she seemed to slow down and not keep up with the flock as usual. I didn’t think much of it...
  20. S

    young frizzle balding and wounded

    My 8 month old frizzle has a huge bald patch from her back to her tail. she also has a couple of smallish bleeding wounds. what should i do?
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