••• NEW BYC CHAT! Please check it out!

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Silkiechicken said something about the chat charging by the hour. Does that mean chat will only be available certain times?
dlhunicorn is mistaken, but I can see how someone could be confused if they aren't experienced in website hosting:

Version 2 of X7 chat is free but you have to download it, install it, and use server resources (which is why the site slowed down when a lot of people were on the old chat).

X7 3 lite edition is not hosted on my server and is not free. I have paid using a monthly subscription.
...the software is free...not the (internet)hosting

ETA: ... found it...
Our yahoogroup is desperately looking for a remotely hosted chat ... this is pretty cheap I will pass it on (however I cant say much after the fiasco of last nite... perhaps the "professional" version isn't so buggy?)...still $3.00 for 300 hours is pretty cheap
For those interested:
(from the website):
Compare Packages
Cost Per Month (USD):
Standard Advanced Professional
User-Hours Per Month
Instead of having arbritary maximum concurrent user limits, X7 Chat LE implements a flexible user-hours system.

...so I guess it didn't crash or freeze, but the scheduled alloted time was simply up last night?
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Well, all I can add is that I can't think of cheaper entertainment, for me anyway, as I laughed my butt off!! That was the funniest thing I have been involved in in a while, my husband came in the dining room to check on me and I was laughing so hard and trying to read and type so fast that I could hardly tell him!! Whne that comment from Carri went whizzing by about holding her hands in the air, I totally cracked up!!
I missed the fun, tried to chat but nothing, I did get to chat early when it was still just a test. Instead I had to go to bed early.
So is chat broke or is time up??

Is chat suppose to be there 24/7?????

If you paid for a month it was a short month.
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It's broke. When I was on yesterday before the spam in and outs till it died. Had nothing to do with money not paying the connection. Looked like a Host problem not even sure if Nifty can do anything from this end. Nifty just has a few bugs to work out, lets give her more than a day to work them out. Instead we shall dig the BBQ pit today. If chat isn't working by tomorrow then by all means, Spark Up The Barbie!

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