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hmm :/ maybe ask around on BYH? backyardherds *i think i spelled that right* they might know what to do, and serch around, maybe go to horse&rider.com *SP?* it had a awesome magezene (SP) and they have top horse trainers helping use "newbies" *dont kill me!* with horses that have probs, and they even have a Natural horseman that can help you get him over that. just a few ideas :)

well, working on also training diamonds to do barrels too, which is gonna be fun since i never done barrels before that, but good thing my trainer is a Ex-barrel racer

and, i dont want ot hear that "you shouldnt but a green rider with a green horse" yada yada yada, sometimes its for the best, and right now, Diamond has "claimed" me as her owner, and she doesnt listen to really any one but me, we have bonded, we both need some one to lean on, to heal together. we both had a hard life for a while, i lost my pet chickens, and then now, my cat, she is helping me get thro it, even tho it is hard since i still sometimes start to look for Luke *the cats name* when i go outside, then it hits me like a cold bucket of water he is not there.

You guys are so lucky that you have trainers.

I'm afraid I just make Dez worse by riding him and messing up..but is letting him sit out in the pasture and think he's wild any better? I don't know what to do anymore. If Duce turns out to be a terrible riding horse, I think I might just fall over in a heap.
Dez has seen all of those things a thousand times OR MORE. And he's a moody old man. He's only ever bucked my off once. But he knows he can do it again, I think. It's not that he's unsure about them, he flat out doesn't like them. He doesn't want to be ridden, saddled, bridled, caught. And I don't know what to do. I would sell him to somebody who could handle him better, but i don't want him to end up in at an auction or a slaughter house. :( or in abusive hands.

That's too bad. :( I don't profess to know anything about horses worth talking about, but perhaps you could get in contact with a trainer (an old style technique one, the quick-get-it-done trainers I've noticed skimp over a lot of important ground work).
A trainer that has been training for a long time will doubtless have an earful for you (in my experience), and even an over the phone conversation with one may help; I'm willing to bet that the experienced ones have dealt with horses like Dezi before. *hugs* I hope things turn out well for you.
I just found out that the two horses I've been riding for my lessons are going to be sold. :( I won't miss GQ so much, but I'll miss Boomer.
I guess only me and one other girl are currently riding them, and are moving on to different horses, so they are hardly being worked at all. So my instructor figured, why feed them when they're not being worked or anything? Yeah, I feel bad, but IMO I agree with her, and it's not exactly fair for them to not be worked. But I'll miss them.
You guys are so lucky that you have trainers.

I'm afraid I just make Dez worse by riding him and messing up..but is letting him sit out in the pasture and think he's wild any better? I don't know what to do anymore. If Duce turns out to be a terrible riding horse, I think I might just fall over in a heap.

ya. i got the crash course lessons on how to train a rescue horse that was a broodmare, barely fed, and we dont know what she was train for, other then that she was green broke XD

but now, 6 months later, she can trot, and is even trying to lop! she is being work on for barrels *she knows what to do, but i dont :p* we think she was a ex-barrel horse before becoming a broodmare. she has gain so much WEIGHT since i first started working with her, and, boy, she is just gonna be a good lesson horse when fully trained.
Well then don't give up. Do whatever you can. Bribe him with a bajillion treats if you have to, and haven't done so. Be very calm too, but I'm sure you know that already.

I try not too, but sometimes..It's just that he had burned out my confidence in myself. before I even get on, I think I'm going to fail and it always happens. :/ I think sometimes I set myself up for failure. I try to be calm..but sometimes it just doesn't work because I get nervous and worked up VERY easily.

I know the feeling, oddly enough that's how I am everywhere else but with horses. I've been taught by all of my instructors that if you give up, your horses will eventually do whatever they want.

And trust me, I'm sure you're not doing anything wrong.

Also, have you tried being verbal with your horse? Some people give you weird looks for talking to them in a calm tone when trying to soothe them when they're worked up, but it really works. All you really need to say is, "Easy Dezi," or, "It's okay Dezi," or, "You're fine. What's wrong?" or something along those lines a few times while scratching their shoulder or withers (you probably know this already, but horses LOVE wither scratches because its what their mothers did to them as foals). Just an idea if you haven't tried it yet. :p
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ya. i got the crash course lessons on how to train a rescue horse that was a broodmare, barely fed, and we dont know what she was train for, other then that she was green broke XD

but now, 6 months later, she can trot, and is even trying to lop! she is being work on for barrels *she knows what to do, but i dont :p* we think she was a ex-barrel horse before becoming a broodmare. she has gain so much WEIGHT since i first started working with her, and, boy, she is just gonna be a good lesson horse when fully trained.

Kool!! That's awesome, MH. :) And x2 on seeing the pic of her.

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