~•~The Crazy Pullets of BYC!~•~ *Official Thread* the SUMMER EDITION


10 Years
May 26, 2009
who wants to know?

^made by Kooshie


Welcome to the one, the only "The Crazy Pullets of BYC! the SUMMER EDITION" Official Thread!

(*only Crazy Pullets allowed- Pullet: A female chicken less than one year old...This is only for "pullets" and "hens"! no Crazy Cockerals! You guys can start your own "The Crazy Cockerals of BYC" thread

Do you have what it takes to be an official Crazy Pullet of BYC? If you like being random, funny, doing this all the time
, and many other things, then this is the place for you!
If you would like to join, please feel free to post on here and say what your Crazy Pullet title will be. Then put it in your signature! For example, mine is "RAWR the RANDOM" (my title is the Random One) . See it in my signature? If you are a GFM, you can put it in your title.

This thread is for discussing anything at all and requesting that you can join the growing list of Crazy Pullets of BYC!

heres our website link: http://sites.google.com/site/crazypullets/home

: The Crazy Pullets were first created around March, 2010 in the "New 'Most Posts' Thread by Soph X and both Kooshie and 77Horses are the original creators of the Crazy Pullets idea.

If you would like to have a title, post here and let me know. (if you want a particular font color, let me know!

I am the temporary(sp?) leader of the Crazy Pullets, as 77Horses wont be able to be on and manage the Pullets. I promised Horsey that I wouldnt let any random dinosuars/monsters run free on a rampage threw the city, that no firey explosions would happen, or anything of that nature..so y'al can trust me! Also, If any of you need to let off some steam, or need someone to talk to, you can always scream at me, bite my head off, or talk about something to/with me. If you have any questions, feel free to PM or Email me

The Crazy Pullets of BYC!

thechickengoesRAWR - the Random One (temp. leader)
77Horses - The Spontaneous One (leader)
Kooshie - The Talkitive One (co-leader)
mathewschickens- The Non-Feminine One (The Only Cockeral in the Flock)
miss heny- The Hungry One
SmartyChick- The Smart One
ChooksChick- The Agog One
Miss Seabright- The Quirky One
Sassymygirl- The Daring One
Dog Lover- The Wild One
Princess Kumatora- The Fangirl One
HenPen- The Tired One
cuckoo_orpington- The Paranoid One
mangled- The Snarkie One
Miss Red- The Manic One
FluffyColor- The Thrifty One
Ramsdale- The Pesky One
Cats Critters- The Sweet One
chickeypeep101- The Awesome One
Blackbird12- The Thoughtful One
Tinted- The Whimsical One
Nicola- The Kooky One
*chicken+quail=luv*- The Perky One
lex381- The Sneaky One
geese'n'chickenlovr- The Outstanding One
RebekahNicole- The Short One
Iluvmypeeps- The Curious One
eenie114- The Obsessive One
LindseyM12- The Funny One
Morgan7782- The Catchy One
CountryTXChicks- The Addicted One
chickintexas- The Obsessive One
gurooh- The Secretive One
WoodChic- The Mysterious One
MissD'uccle- The Stoic One
Coretta- The Caring One
Lolita- The Misconstrued One
Beakkeeper- The Brilliant One
schellie69- The Shy One
Damummis- The Industrious One
1sttimer- The Angelic One
erner- The Chocolate-Craving One
buffbeauty- The Country One
Layira- The Musical One
DragonEggs- The Flirty One
melissa09- The Mouthy One
newbie donna- The Inscrutable One
Tanichca- The Slightly Eccentric One
NewEnglandChick- The Sarcastic One
HorseFeathers- The Artistic One
Nupine- The Magically Delicious One
Mrs. Fluffy Puffy- The Poultry-Obsessed One
Danceswithchicks- The Awesomely Strange One
duck&chickencrazy- The Enthusiastic One
Elena712- The Jumpy One


_______________________joined this Summer______________________
Ondra's Seramas- The Indecisive One
okieglory - The Preppy One
Rachel'sFlock - The Magical One

have fun!

*If you have a Crazy Pullet title, please add it to your signature such as how mine is! That way you can spread it around BYC when other people see it. *


The Crazy Pullets of BYC moto: "Crazy, charismatic people can do amazing things." ~Kooshie


^made by Miss Sebright! - Pullet flag

*Pullets and Cockerals: If you are going to post on this thread, arguing, fighting, insulting, or anything related to that is NOT allowed. Anyone who does not follow this rule, whether you're a Cockeral or Pullet, will not be allowed to post on this thread! Please read the quoted post below if you haven't already!*

----- 77horses, from the Crazy Pullets Thread wrote:
"OK, this is for the Crazy Pullets and the Crazy Cockerals. I have an announcement to make and it's serious.

Lately, the Cockerals and Pullets have been fighting a lot. I must admit that I've joined in on it in defense for the Pullets, but neither side is right. Cockerals, you are NOT better than the Pullets. Pullets, we are NOT better than the Cockerals. No one is "better" than anyone and lately all the arguing/fighting/talking about "Who is better than who" and everything has not only possibly driven our other members away, but it has spread into other threads and forums, too. Some people are fine with it and think that it's innocent and fun...Yes, it usually is. But sometimes some of you (*not naming names*) take it a little too far and some people are not happy about it. Before we know it, the complaints about it will reach the mods and BOTH threads will be closed down for good.

This is what some people have said about it lately:

"=.= is it just me? or is anyone else tired of seeing the BYC Pullets and Cockrels(sp?) at the top non stop? i like the thread, i really do! im a pullet myself, but LORD ABOVE HAVE MERCEY! O.O slow down some? any other pullets reading this, i sorry! Dx gotta get it off my chest. makes me feel better. (i really like the Games, Jokes and Fun thingy....alot.) <--alot of my posts come from that too..."

"This is pointless and juvenile, who cares. Why are the pullets and cockerels even playing stupid mind games like that “Well MINE is bigger than YOURS!?” Again this is quite foolish and a waste of space and time. This has been going on for a while and it is not only getting out of control, but also more and more insulting."

Someone even started a thread to complain about it.

Now I don't mind the Pullets and Cockerals chatting and having innocent debates about things, but seriously...When it starts affecting other people in the rest of the forum, that's when I think it starts getting out of control.

Please, I'm asking you as the Crazy Pullets leader, to please keep the arguing and fighting between the Pullets and Cockerals to at least once and a while friendly debating. And that goes for both the Cockerals and the Pullets. If some of you cannot handle to do this, you will be taken off the list of this club of Pullets. And it's my responsibility to do that. For the Cockerals, whoever is the leader there will be in charge of being responsible and removing any rebellious Cockerals who continue to cause problems from the list. That's not my problem. And if it continues, either an admin/mod will close this thread down or I will do it myself.

Thank you and I'm only saying this simply to keep the mods from having to deal with any trouble and to keep it from negatively affecting other threads and other parts of the BYC community. "

If you are a Cockeral, feel free to stop by the Crazy Cockerals Thread:
original thread: https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=342622

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