~•~The Crazy Pullets of BYC!~•~

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So sorry Blue.
First to the Eragon books, did you hear the last one is out in November
(sorry I'm just a little excited)

And I haven't read a full Stephen King, I started Christine and couldn't get into it. But I have a few of his books lying around that I really should try to read.

No, I had no idea really!
(I can tell

I didn't like Christine very much, I have read several of his books.

There's Pet Cemetery. O_O A lot of short stories too, the Stand to name a few. Just started Salem's lot.
Rating wise, erm.. O_O Not fer the younger folks...

I need to look in to them, I think one of the ones sitting in my pile is Seasons or something like that. But I can raid my dad's shelves and I know he has a couple of those.

Let's see... have you read Naomi Novik's His Majesty's Dragon? It's in a series.
Cool. There are a bunch that fly over my house, and a little airport nearby that's full of them. I'd love to try one someday, even if I'm a terrible claustrophobe and hate flying...I think that's just big 'ol jets, though.

We live smack next to an airport.

The jets always freaked me, my first Cessna ride almost gave me a heart attack. It got better after that though!

That would freak me out.
It would feel like something would land on the house at any second...

I hate jets, whenever I went on one I had horrible panic attacks. It's why I can't go on them anymore.

What type of Cessna was it?
Cool. There are a bunch that fly over my house, and a little airport nearby that's full of them. I'd love to try one someday, even if I'm a terrible claustrophobe and hate flying...I think that's just big 'ol jets, though.

We live smack next to an airport.

The jets always freaked me, my first Cessna ride almost gave me a heart attack. It got better after that though!

I wish we did!

That would be cool!!! At the moment, if it's night time, I can see runway 23/05 downwind in the distance, runway 30 final flies over my suburb and runway 12 downwind a little east of my suburb.
NOOOOO how can you say that?!

I love flying on big planes. Especially the ones with flight tracker so you can see what altitude and speed you're at

Cats: You deprived person
JK, JK... was it fun?
I have been on many flights... I think my first was from Leeds to Lanzarote, I was maybe eight or nine.

It was it was a thing at a some what local airport they let little kids fly in a 2 person plane. At the time my sister was too young to do it and my brother was too afraid, so I was the only one of us to do it. But it was fun but I have to say I like road trips, I've been all over the country and have gotten to see really cool things I never would have seen in a plane.

Little planes are okay, but the big ones are the most awesome

I know, I got to see state borders and rivers and mountains.... there was even a delta at the top of WA
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