~«Survival By War»~ (Warrior cat rp) [Chat Thread]

@Otterkit Meesa gonna make another cloud clan charry so we can play togeder :p totally forgot I had Gingerblaze BUT HEY WHATEVER XD

(BTW Frost, I didn't copy/paste the definite form for SBW.... I memorized the Aham format and that's what I use by default now... Just so ya know. ;) :p)

Name: Amberface
Age: 25 moons
Gender: She cat
Clan: Cloud clan
Rank: Warrior
Personality: Quiet, sharp tounged and stern, yet she has a caring side that she let's slip through occasionally.
Description: Mostly orange/black calico, with one white paw, white nose, and a bright copper colored face; amber eyes
Mate/crush: Open, but she isn't looking for love
Kits: None
Parents: Cats
Siblings: Cats
Other: Bleh
Username: PeepersMama

(And I feel like making two more charries just cause)

Name: Emberfoot
Age: 34 moons
Gender: Male
Clan: Waterfall
Rank: Warrior
Personality: typical epic warrior cat - think Whitestorm, but slightly more impulsive.
Description: Marble orange tabby with green eyes
Mate/crush: Open
Kits: None
Parents: Cats
Siblings: Cats
Other: Bleh
Username: PeepersMama


Name: Stonepool
Age: 20 moons
Gender: Male
Clan: Pine clan
Rank: Warrior
Personality: Cool headed and stern, mastered keeping his face expressionless when he was still quite young.
Description: Lightly built, blueish/slate gray, blue eyes.
History: He is a former Tribe cat (formerly named Stone that Stands in Water), who as a To-Be, fell in love with a Pine clan apprentice, Shadopaw. He truly adored her, and just before he became a Cave guard,brought her to the Tribe to meet his father and his best friend. Both of them where abhorred, and completely shattered Stone's trust in them she they rejected him - and killed the love of his life. He killed his closest friend out of sheer grief and anger, and Stoneteller exiled him from the Tribe - but he was already leaving. He took Shadowpaw back to Pine clan, admitted to what he had done, and begged for mercy. Reluctantly he was accepted into the clan, and he quickly learned that in order to keep a strong reputation, he could not allow himself to show any emotion whatsoever. When the time for his Warrior ceremony came, he took the name Stonepool, in reference both to his past life, and the constantly calm expression he wears.
Mate/crush: Shadowpaw (killed)
Kits: None
Parents: Tribe cats
Siblings: Cats
Other: Bleh
Username: PeepersMama

Alrightly all updated on these cats!!!
Here's some more... >:}
Name: Pebbleheart
Gender: Female
Age: 24 moons
Personality: Serious, strict, fierce in battle
Description: Light tan, white paws, white tip on tail.
History: Normal
Clan/Tribe: WaterfallClan
Rank: Warrior
Mate/Crush: Goldtail (I'll make the form later)
Kits: Rapidkit, Stonekit
Parents: Dead
Siblings: Dead
Username: ChickenCowboy02

Name: Otterkit
Gender: Female
Personality:a shy timd kit but try's to be adventurous
Description:a brown tabby she-kit with green eyes
History:born as a loner, to a cat who's name is long for gotten she was crossing a river with her mother as a tree swept down stream killing her mother but her stranded on a rock
Clan/Tribe: cloudclan
Rank:: Kit!
Other: I am definitely ok with another cat adopting her just ask
Username Otterkit

(Would you mind if I joined?)

Name: Rainkit
Gender: Female
Age: 3 moons
Personality: Calm about everything, almost never gets angry, about the highest patience level ever. The opposite of me.
View attachment 1131263
History: Her father was killed in battle shortly after she was born, but nonetheless, she tries to find the good in everything and everyone. And find it she will, even if the cat doesn't know there's any there.
Clan/Tribe: CloudClan
Rank: Kit
Mate/Crush: None
Kits: None
Parents: Cats
Siblings: Cats
Other: I made a kit cause I don't know what the soft acorn fur is going on.
Username: vachick15
Even more cats

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