«We Could be Heroes» chatterbox

It would be interesting if James told no-name and dryden that they were going to rescue someone for him and then sent them to be imprisoned too because he no longer had a use for them or felt that they were getting to dangerous to keep near him.
What if they told Dryden that Char was in The Silence and they took him there but locked him there, Char and Barnes find out, try to rescue him.
Maybe the group does end up being imprisioned in The Silence- long enough for them to eventually lose hope in escaping. But, then there's a group of trusted workers at The Silence (who are secretly helping inhumans escape) that takes them to a hidden island, which they can't leave so that they don't get captured again. From there, the inhumans can be taught basic fighting skills, along with improving their powers, and are used as an army to defeat Mr. Firestein and destroy The Silence.

Just a stupid idea...
I agree with this idea %100
but where you said "Just a stupid idea..." is the only stupid part
@Fanci Feathers Marans what if the Silence isn't a prison at all, but a laboratory? And it's different than other laboratories because they use inhumans as test subjects. Maybe that's why they capture them instead of killing them.
I knew we needed a reason for catching as opposed to killing. I think that would be a good reason. It's also a good place to keep his 'pet' inhumans. Since he thinks this group so special (because they did kill one of his most problematic opposers)

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