«We Could be Heroes» chatterbox

Started a picture.

Gonna be offline now
Hand to hand combat would be useful. I'm just trying to keep her 'specialness' to a minimum. It's a spice, not flour. Best in small doses.

I was also thinking today how sweet it would be for her to ride around on her wolf mommy's back as a 2yo for fun, or for her daddy to take her on starry flights when she can't sleep.

Gage also needs a "World's Okayest Dad" shirt XD

Gage needs that shirt, Rex needs a "Word's worst dad" shirt
I have a few ideas for the next rp...
1. Pretend Ruby didn't exist in this one, bc I'm kinda attached to her but don't like the way I developed her character, and I didn't get that much time to rp her.
2. Have her be on a mission to find her siblings, and just rp her as a middle-aged crazy lady
3. Have her die of heartbreak and move on :'(
4. This is the really weird one... She accidentally gets trapped in one of the bubbles and in WCBHII, her bro finds her.

I don't know why I'm so determined to keep Ruby, lol.
I have a few ideas for the next rp...
1. Pretend Ruby didn't exist in this one, bc I'm kinda attached to her but don't like the way I developed her character, and I didn't get that much time to rp her.
2. Have her be on a mission to find her siblings, and just rp her as a middle-aged crazy lady
3. Have her die of heartbreak and move on :'(
4. This is the really weird one... She accidentally gets trapped in one of the bubbles and in WCBHII, her bro finds her.

I don't know why I'm so determined to keep Ruby, lol.
considering how short a time you got to RP her I think you should get to use her for the next one. Having her stuck in one of the Bubbles would be difficult because they're in New Zealand and the heroes are USA based. I doubt anyone would be making a trip out that way. ;)

I like both options 1 and 2. :)

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