*°Hell as White as Snow°* (A Role Play)

(Oh goody! )

Returning to the present situation, Janette looked over her shoulder hear what the others were conversing about. "Everything okay?" She asked.

Nora nodded at Janette to signal that everything was fine, but she did worry a little bit about Nigel given how he was acting. "yes I believe everything is ok, we should be back to the cave soon too. It will be nice to get warm again." she added happily as she moved on trudging through the snow.

Nigel followed silently behind them, lost in his own thoughts.
(If you don't mind playing her a little longer, this could be fun XD)

"Sabah," Madeleine said softly as she looked down at the girl. Lovely name, and certainly one she wasn't familiar with. She looked back at Bobo. "Oui, mon chéri," she agreed quickly. That was going to be her next question anyway.

(I'll just let you choose when or if she dies then. XD)

Bobo had to completely guess what Madeleine's response was based on body language, since at this point everything she was saying was gibberish to his ears.
He was a little unsure if she completely understood English, so he gestured to himself as he told her his name.
"I am Bobo." He told her quietly, feeling a little awkward with all of these strangers, some who partially spoke in strange tongues.

The longer Bobo was in their company, the more Dierk had a chance to notice about him. And one thing to notice was very distinct now; one of his hands appeared to be gone.

"Uh, Bobo?" Dierk questioned to get Bobo's attention, "Ist one von ihre hands gone?"

Bobo looked down at his stub, which didn't look very clean cut but did look completely healed, and he only nodded.
"'Tis a important lesson to me." Bobo commented, shrugging as Dierk observed his disability.
Nora nodded at Janette to signal that everything was fine, but she did worry a little bit about Nigel given how he was acting. "yes I believe everything is ok, we should be back to the cave soon too. It will be nice to get warm again." she added happily as she moved on trudging through the snow.

Nigel followed silently behind them, lost in his own thoughts.
Shrugging, Janette turned back around and sped up her pace, equally eager to get to the warmth of the cave.
(I'll just let you choose when or if she dies then. XD)

Bobo had to completely guess what Madeleine's response was based on body language, since at this point everything she was saying was gibberish to his ears.
He was a little unsure if she completely understood English, so he gestured to himself as he told her his name.
"I am Bobo." He told her quietly, feeling a little awkward with all of these strangers, some who partially spoke in strange tongues.

The longer Bobo was in their company, the more Dierk had a chance to notice about him. And one thing to notice was very distinct now; one of his hands appeared to be gone.

"Uh, Bobo?" Dierk questioned to get Bobo's attention, "Ist one von ihre hands gone?"

Bobo looked down at his stub, which didn't look very clean cut but did look completely healed, and he only nodded.
"'Tis a important lesson to me." Bobo commented, shrugging as Dierk observed his disability.

Madeleine nodded, understanding the boy perfectly. She returned her focus to Sabah, adjusting the jacket and murmuring gentle words to her.

Ian listened to the exchange with interest. Dierk didn't seem to be in pain, except for the cold, so he focused on keeping them in the right direction. He was following their tracks as best as possible, but fresh snow was already covering them pretty well.
Shrugging, Janette turned back around and sped up her pace, equally eager to get to the warmth of the cave.

Nora could see the cave up ahead and a small wisp of smoke coming out of the cave front. She was so happy to be almost there, she could imagine the heat of the fire already.

Nigel noticed they were coming up on the cave now and he looked around surprised that he had managed to walk so long without really being aware of where they were going. He was still unsure if he should mention the figures he saw to anyone. As they approached the cave he decided if he saw them again he would bring it up to the rest of the group.

Madeleine nodded, understanding the boy perfectly. She returned her focus to Sabah, adjusting the jacket and murmuring gentle words to her.

Ian listened to the exchange with interest. Dierk didn't seem to be in pain, except for the cold, so he focused on keeping them in the right direction. He was following their tracks as best as possible, but fresh snow was already covering them pretty well.

Bobo followed the group, staying close to Madeleine so he could keep an eye on his sister. He felt protective, like a mother, and didn't want to let Sabah out of his sight.

Dierk asked Bobo many small questions as they walked, but eventually Bobo's voice seemed to just have died out so he too kept quiet, despite his talky nature.
Nora could see the cave up ahead and a small wisp of smoke coming out of the cave front. She was so happy to be almost there, she could imagine the heat of the fire already.

Nigel noticed they were coming up on the cave now and he looked around surprised that he had managed to walk so long without really being aware of where they were going. He was still unsure if he should mention the figures he saw to anyone. As they approached the cave he decided if he saw them again he would bring it up to the rest of the group.
Janette lead the way to the entrance. When she entered, she was hardly surprised at the lack of people present. Ian had mentioned going to look for other survivors. She deposited the backpack on the ground, near enough the fire for good light to sort things through.
Bobo followed the group, staying close to Madeleine so he could keep an eye on his sister. He felt protective, like a mother, and didn't want to let Sabah out of his sight.

Dierk asked Bobo many small questions as they walked, but eventually Bobo's voice seemed to just have died out so he too kept quiet, despite his talky nature.
Madeleine reached out an arm to wrap around the boy, but thought better of it and pulled it back, not wanting to startle him. She turned her gaze to the ground, focusing intently on each step through the deep snow. Being without a jacket, she was quickly growing colder despite the tiny warm body against her own and was more than eager to get back to the cave.

"Hey, Bobo," Ian said gently, "sorry for not introducing myself earlier. I'm Ian. This is Dierk, and the woman holding your sister is Madeleine." He pointed to each in turn with the hopes that the boy would get his meaning.
Madeleine reached out an arm to wrap around the boy, but thought better of it and pulled it back, not wanting to startle him. She turned her gaze to the ground, focusing intently on each step through the deep snow. Being without a jacket, she was quickly growing colder despite the tiny warm body against her own and was more than eager to get back to the cave.

"Hey, Bobo," Ian said gently, "sorry for not introducing myself earlier. I'm Ian. This is Dierk, and the woman holding your sister is Madeleine." He pointed to each in turn with the hopes that the boy would get his meaning.

Bobo nodded in understanding, "You all seem kind in your ways." he told them all politely, still sounding very quiet. He noticed that the woman holding his sister seemed cold, what with the goosebumps accompanying her arms and her obvious lack of sturdy clothing, so he took off the coat Ian had given him and gently placed it on Madeleine's shoulders to cover her arms.
"Take it, I handle weather for now." Bobo insisted to Madeleine, wanting to help out the person who seemed to care so much for Sabah even when she had only seen the child for a few minutes. He assumed that women just had a better motherly instinct to things in need.
Bobo nodded in understanding, "You all seem kind in your ways." he told them all politely, still sounding very quiet. He noticed that the woman holding his sister seemed cold, what with the goosebumps accompanying her arms and her obvious lack of sturdy clothing, so he took off the coat Ian had given him and gently placed it on Madeleine's shoulders to cover her arms.
"Take it, I handle weather for now." Bobo insisted to Madeleine, wanting to help out the person who seemed to care so much for Sabah even when she had only seen the child for a few minutes. He assumed that women just had a better motherly instinct to things in need.
"Oh!" Madeleine quickly changed her look of surprise to gratefulness at his action and words. "Merci, mon petit," she said, smiling gratefully at him. She adjusted it around her shoulders, covering Sabah a little more as well.
Ian pointed up ahead for Bobo's sake. "There's the cave where we are staying," he stated.

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