*°Hell as White as Snow°* (A Role Play)

Janette lead the way to the entrance. When she entered, she was hardly surprised at the lack of people present. Ian had mentioned going to look for other survivors. She deposited the backpack on the ground, near enough the fire for good light to sort things through.

Nora followed Janette in and deposited her pack on the ground as well. She tossed a few pieces of wood on the fire to get it to a nice blaze again. After rubbing her hands a bit she too opened her pack to pull out the dishes to start getting something going for dinner.

Nigel followed the women in and gave them his pack and went back to stand by the cave entrance. With just the three women here he wanted to be on guard in case something happened. He watched the light snow coming down as he gazed out into the white expanse.
"Oh!" Madeleine quickly changed her look of surprise to gratefulness at his action and words. "Merci, mon petit," she said, smiling gratefully at him. She adjusted it around her shoulders, covering Sabah a little more as well.
Ian pointed up ahead for Bobo's sake. "There's the cave where we are staying," he stated.

Bobo smiled slightly back, glad he hadn't been considered rude with his offering of the coat to her. He then looked to the cave as Ian spoke,
"Are others living here?" He questioned curiously as he observed the cave in the distance.
Nora followed Janette in and deposited her pack on the ground as well. She tossed a few pieces of wood on the fire to get it to a nice blaze again. After rubbing her hands a bit she too opened her pack to pull out the dishes to start getting something going for dinner.

Nigel followed the women in and gave them his pack and went back to stand by the cave entrance. With just the three women here he wanted to be on guard in case something happened. He watched the light snow coming down as he gazed out into the white expanse.
Janette stepped outside to fill a pot with snow. "How are you faring, Nigel?" She asked, glancing up at him.
Bobo smiled slightly back, glad he hadn't been considered rude with his offering of the coat to her. He then looked to the cave as Ian spoke,
"Are others living here?" He questioned curiously as he observed the cave in the distance.
"Yeah, there are seven of os so far," Ian replied. "You and Sabah make nine, but I'm hoping there are more of us alive out there. Did you notice anyone?"
"Yeah, there are seven of os so far," Ian replied. "You and Sabah make nine, but I'm hoping there are more of us alive out there. Did you notice anyone?"

Bobo shook his head, "No, I noticed no one. Thought I was alone for some time, but thankfully that turned out wrong." He said, sounding grateful. He was still in some disbelief that he had found such a kind group of people, who ignored both his skin color and his disability.
Janette stepped outside to fill a pot with snow. "How are you faring, Nigel?" She asked, glancing up at him.

Nora busied herself with sorting through the options for dinner. She wasn't sure what to prepare, partly because she wasn't sure how many people she would be feeding. Maybe she should wait until the other group got back to figure that out? Yeah she would do that, for now she just sorted the items from her pack and Nigels.

Nigel heard Janette as she stepped out to get some snow to melt for water. He turned to look at her, confused by her question at first. "Oh about as well as someone who has missed the last several thousand years and woke up here I suppose. Considering everything I guess you could say I am alright. I still don't understand all of this, but I am coping." He said simply, fairly calm and well spoken for a man of his age and considering the situation. "And thank you for asking." he added with a nod of his head.
Bobo shook his head, "No, I noticed no one. Thought I was alone for some time, but thankfully that turned out wrong." He said, sounding grateful. He was still in some disbelief that he had found such a kind group of people, who ignored both his skin color and his disability.
Ian nodded solemnly as he listened to the boy's words. That was a dismal idea, that there was no one but this small group left. "Do you know where you are?" He asked.
Nora busied herself with sorting through the options for dinner. She wasn't sure what to prepare, partly because she wasn't sure how many people she would be feeding. Maybe she should wait until the other group got back to figure that out? Yeah she would do that, for now she just sorted the items from her pack and Nigels.

Nigel heard Janette as she stepped out to get some snow to melt for water. He turned to look at her, confused by her question at first. "Oh about as well as someone who has missed the last several thousand years and woke up here I suppose. Considering everything I guess you could say I am alright. I still don't understand all of this, but I am coping." He said simply, fairly calm and well spoken for a man of his age and considering the situation. "And thank you for asking." he added with a nod of his head.
Janette straightened up with the pot tucked securely under one arm. "None of us understand anything about this situation, as far as I know," she said quietly. It was all terribly concerning and worrisome. There was just no explanation for why this select group—if it was that—would be deposited in this freezing land.

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