˜~Surviving Stiff ˜~(A gryphon RP)~ (Always Accepting!)~

(I think it'd be a little more cool if you make them on all fours, but it is your choice.)


(Here you go :) )
Name: Miriam
Gender: Female
Personality: Cunning and strategic, prideful and condescending at times, but shows genuine loyalty to friends
Description: Muscular wings and a tall, stately built. Her feathers are all black, except on her face, which is patched with white and gray.
Tribe: Dense Forest
Fighting against: The Fallen Lord
Family (Featherkin): Quill (brother)
User: iluvorpingtons
Other: "Featherkin Famiy"

Name: Quill
Gender: Male
Personality: Passionate and creative, a hopeful spirit who tends to "think outside the box"
Description: Rather frumpy in appearance when compared to his sister, but shares her tall and thin physique. Has a slightly smaller stature. His plumage is a lot like Miriam's, black and gray with a white face.
Tribe: Dense Forest
Fighting against: The Fallen Lord
Family (Featherkin): Miriam (sister)
User: iluvorpingtons
Other: "Featherkin Family"

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