ЅℋℐℙᏇℛℰℂᏦℰⅅ- A Horse Rp (Lead ranks open!!!)

(Ill start, just follow me ;) )
Raven lifted on his back legs. The white of his eyes flashed with each strike of lightening. The cries of the sailors echoed in his head as the waves crashed against the ship. All he could do was watch as a gaint wave rushed toward the ship and pushed the ship underneath the ocean's surface. Raven held his head up as the water grew higher up his neck until he was completely under water. With one mighty kick he broke down his stall and squeezed out through the entrance.
Grace, frightened, backed slowly into the corner of her stall as water sprang up through cracks in the floor. Before she realized it cold water surrounded and pulled her down to the ocean's depth.
Crowe circled her stall frantically. For a moment she stood watching as the wave approached the ship. Then she ran towards the door of her stall and sailed over it. Water sprayed over her as she hit the water and paddled off of the boat. Something smack behind her, but when she turned the ship had disappeared.
Sage huddled Sugar and Ginger in the corner. She demanded the twins that they stayed and turned towards the door. Reaching over the door she felt her whiskers touch the velvet nose of her mate. That was the last time she would she him.
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Sapphire struggled to keep her balance as water started to rise. Finally she managed to stand straight and jumped over the stall gate. The water rose higher and soon Sapphire was under water. She swam to the surface and saw the ship sinking away into the ocean.


Night kicked at the gate of her stall. But a wave rocked the ship knocking her over. The water was rising quickly and soon came to her shoulders.
Starlight started kicking at her door as soon as the water started filling the stall. When the wood cracked under the beating, she turned and called Celeste to her side as she ran down the short hallway and out onto the deck, both jumping into the water to escape the sinking ship. Starlight fought the waves, swimming for a shore she couldn't see through the crashing waves and trying to keep Celeste in her sight and beside her. She nickered to her filly, encouraging the foal to keep swimming, to keep trying, to not give up.
Raven gasped as he came up for air. He nickered, searching for the other horses. He saw starlight and pulled Celeste over his back. "Are you alright?" He asked starlight.
Grace's lung grew weak. She was trapped in her stall and she couldn't escape. (Can someone's character save her and later become her mate?)
Crowe dove under the water. She found a mother pulling her twins towards the surface and helped her get them to safety.
"Yes, thank you" Starlight said and looked at Raven then to Celeste on his back now. She looked ahead again "I think there's land up ahead."

Celeste rested against the stallions back as he swam with her.
"You're welcome." Raven lifted his head as he threaded water and saw land in the distance. "You must pace yourself, you must not wear yourself out."
"You're welcome." Raven lifted his head as he threaded water and saw land in the distance. "You must pace yourself, you must not wear yourself out."
Starlight looked to the stallion then ahead again "Alright, We'll stay close to you" She said and smiled at him then looked back to the sinking ship then ahead again.
"You're welcome." Raven lifted his head as he threaded water and saw land in the distance. "You must pace yourself, you must not wear yourself out."

Starlight looked to the stallion then ahead again "Alright, We'll stay close to you" She said and smiled at him then looked back to the sinking ship then ahead again.

Raven huffed heavily as he tried to keep the filly above the water.

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