“Eggs in the Attic” per say…..


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Aug 8, 2019
Happily caught in the 'Denton vortex', Tx
My Coop
My Coop
Over the last 4-5 weeks I noticed the egg production had gone way down after I had done a) the last spray for mites and stuff & b) the whitewash next coating.

The key details I’m gonna stand with are these two details:
1) the alpha Roo has really been wearing the girls saddle feathers off. So much so one girls chilling in a crate while her side puncture is healing along with the feathers starting to grow back finally…..
2) the curtains not re-attached to the laying nests.

so last weekend I had pulled down 3 of the bags of pine shavings; 2 were opened and “rolled shut” originally. Well I found several in the shaving bags (6-8 eggs iirc) I will likely need to candle them after tonight’s surprise….
The long plastic clear tote has been a egg dropping ground the entire 4-5 weeks! Effectively attic incubator given the nights stayed above 80 the entire time and the days hit 100 routinely.

found ~30 eggs up thar!
These are the 10 best developed egg examples in these photo’s ones of the batch.


here are the 10 eggs (I doubt any are still developing as we had 3-4 nights dip into the low 70’s and none of these have been rotated. They ALL look to have stuck to

As a parting note, 3 eggs had turned green.
And one egg literally exploded when I dropped it intentionally onto the lip/ring of the Sinkerator…whhoooweeee it stank!

(this is just a cool extra shot)

these are the rest of the shots, the website saw fit to overrule my plans to keep all egg shots together after several tr’m debating on putting a few of these under a broody Momma tonight - on the off chance any of these your starts might still be growing???

I see a couple of blood rings that are obvious quitters.

You should be able to tell better in person, in the viable eggs with larger embryos, you should see jerking movements of the embryo along with good strong veining.
The movement should be independent of you tuning the egg. For example, if the content of the egg spins freely when you turn the egg in your hands, then the egg is likely dead.
These are light colored eggs so you should be able to see inside pretty easily.

Try candling from the air sac end also, and see if you can see better that way.
Which looked like quitters to you.
I didn’t state which were which of these 10 but, for my serious ignorance I was able to guesstimate the other 20+ failed that went down the insinkerator
Update just a few minutes ago….
L1 - developing

L2 - developing

L3 - developing

L4 - yesterday it was crushed when kiddo was standing up and somehow something fell toward her with the egg in her hand and it crushed it in her hand.
L5 - was cracked by some chicken today

R1 - developing
R2 - ? Slower development ?***

R3 - ? Slower development ?***

R4 - fail proven since initial post

R5 - fail proven since initial post
***= jury is gonna give them a couple more days to see if they have failed.

So, anyone wanna *Gues-timate* on the hatching timeline at this point for the remaining eggs? I’m gonna bow out of this gues-a-gogo tonight.
All the R ones are no good.

Are there any veining in the Ls?
I went are looked at the pics I put in initial post. If what your saying about the R’s is correct than I am quite curious as to why that only R4 & 5 are the same development level & -too my eyes are the only (currently) failed eggs.

as for the Left 1-5…. Yes we do see viens. Alas I’m still figuring out my phones camera settings….

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