
Jun 5, 2022
I’m not sure if I told anyone how I got Gilbert but my older sister and brother in law,(sister is only 18 months older) who I live with because I have several disability and disease issues..well, they found Gilbert all by himself, brought him home..not knowing the huge responsibility a baby duck (they thought he was a duck) would be. So I ended up being the one to take care of him. Which I loved because he was the cutest ball of floof.
They kept saying they were going to take him back to the same place once he gets bigger and release him but I tried to talk to them about imprinting, and just basically everything I knew of, all they would say is that if they didn’t rent the house and have inspections 2x’s a year, then it would be ok but since they rent, and inspection is this week, and they already have too many dogs that there’s no way baby Gilbert could stay. So, Gilbert was taken from me at just 11 weeks old today and drove to the lake and that is where he is as of right now.
I didn’t take him, my brother in law did. I am just broken, I can’t breathe half the time because all I can think about is the swishy butt walking down the hall or him trying to steal something from me. Snuggling up to sleep…I keep going to the side door hoping to see him out there waiting. I’m just sick with heartache and worry. I’m just now able to look at a screen without pouring tears all over it. I can’t believe my baby is just gone. Oh, and two and a half days before my birthday as well.
@Miss Lydia


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Omg, I'm so sorry. I'm crying right know after reading this.my heartaches for you. I have so many questions but I don't want to upset you further. Do you know if they released him with any other geese.. if I was close to that lake I'd drive there myself and check on him. I truly think these are really tough little creatures and would think with him being 11 weeks old as long as he finds other geese I don't see why he wouldn't thrive.. I really don't want to say anything upsetting cause maybe it's our attachment and human emotions getting the best of us..was he use to any other person other then you? I'm surprised he went with your brother n law without a fight to find you. Just know my thoughts and prayers are 100% with you and if I can do anything to help I'd be more then happy too. I'm so sorry Kristie.😞
Omg, I'm so sorry. I'm crying right know after reading this.my heartaches for you. I have so many questions but I don't want to upset you further. Do you know if they released him with any other geese.. if I was close to that lake I'd drive there myself and check on him. I truly think these are really tough little creatures and would think with him being 11 weeks old as long as he finds other geese I don't see why he wouldn't thrive.. I really don't want to say anything upsetting cause maybe it's our attachment and human emotions getting the best of us..was he use to any other person other then you? I'm surprised he went with your brother n law without a fight to find you. Just know my thoughts and prayers are 100% with you and if I can do anything to help I'd be more then happy too. I'm so sorry Kristie.😞
Yeah, there were 4 families of like 20-30 in each group. My brother in law used a blanket to wrap his feet and wings up. But he lived here too. He wouldn’t really go to them but he always wanted to see what they were doing. But I’m the only person he would come to and even now he was getting to where he was wanting to be more independent. I know it’s definitely my attachment, I’ve had him every single day for two and a half months.

I would have gone tonight to check on him but I don’t have a vehicle any longer. My ex told me I could keep it at his place for now. I didn’t know this but after a certain amount of time people can sell or do whatever they want to with your things, and that’s what he did. He said he didn’t get money for it but come on..so that’s why I don’t have a vehicle. Oh, and it was only at his because of two flat tires!

I hope he’s ok, especially since he doesn’t like the dark.
Omg, I'm so sorry. I'm crying right know after reading this.my heartaches for you. I have so many questions but I don't want to upset you further. Do you know if they released him with any other geese.. if I was close to that lake I'd drive there myself and check on him. I truly think these are really tough little creatures and would think with him being 11 weeks old as long as he finds other geese I don't see why he wouldn't thrive.. I really don't want to say anything upsetting cause maybe it's our attachment and human emotions getting the best of us..was he use to any other person other then you? I'm surprised he went with your brother n law without a fight to find you. Just know my thoughts and prayers are 100% with you and if I can do anything to help I'd be more then happy too. I'm so sorry Kristie.😞
Oh, meant to say you can ask questions. But I’ll probably answer them in the morning. It’s been a really long long day.
I don’t want to alarm you, especially during this difficult time, but for his safety I feel like you should know. Gilbert is imprinted on you, that doesn’t mean that he won’t imprint on other geese, geese are pretty smart, and he won’t necesarily like other humans, but he might not realize the risk that other people are. I don’t know where you are in the world, but here in America Canada geese currently are not safe in lakes, pond, and parks frequented by humans, there has been culling because geese are considered a nuisance species, even though it their natural habitat.
Gilbert is a pet, he’s family, of you can reach out to an animal welfare group that can help please let them know about Gilbert and if there’s anything that can be done for him, like living at a sanctuary where he can be safe.
Oh, meant to say you can ask questions. But I’ll probably answer them in the morning. It’s been a really long long day.
Right, I think you deserve some peace and time to yourself after today. That's dirty your ex did that to you but yea it's something about possession is 9 10ths of the law or some b.s. I currently have my car broke down at my mom's ex boyfriend that broke up like a week ago so for sure need to figure that out before he does the same that happened to you. But most importantly try to ease your mind that supposedly canadian geese can't be domesticated and have that wild streak in them regardless and will eventually take off once they get the urge or once they see other like themselves. I'm going to be a wreck once Meeps goes off on her own, I've been working Self-Employment with working out of my home so it's let me be with her everyday. Plus I'm a very antisocial person so she's honestly been a God send for my anxiety and loneliness. So I know that has a lot to do with me being overly attached and super emotional when it comes to them. Just think we're one of the lucky few that's got to form a bond and I bet once you go to that lake Gilbert will for sure come say HI to his mama and you'll see him being happy with all his new buddies.. Please keep us updated when your able to and hope you get some rest and start the new week fresh. when we think we are at rock bottom at least their is no where to go but up.stay strong girl you got this!
I don’t want to alarm you, especially during this difficult time, but for his safety I feel like you should know. Gilbert is imprinted on you, that doesn’t mean that he won’t imprint on other geese, geese are pretty smart, and he won’t necesarily like other humans, but he might not realize the risk that other people are. I don’t know where you are in the world, but here in America Canada geese currently are not safe in lakes, pond, and parks frequented by humans, there has been culling because geese are considered a nuisance species, even though it their natural habitat.
Gilbert is a pet, he’s family, of you can reach out to an animal welfare group that can help please let them know about Gilbert and if there’s anything that can be done for him, like living at a sanctuary where he can be safe.
I was so afraid of this but was hoping for the best. And it's so sad but it's very true. At the lake I live is Deep Creek Lake in Maryland and these little guys are getting ran off from more and more which is why I think I found the gosling I have. I hate how bad the area has got with multi million dollar homes covering every inch of lake shore possible. I try to take my goose up to swim and find other geese she can bond with and it's rare to really see them and the one place i was use to going to fish and always seen geese. they now have it marked as a private area, i dont know how that even is being its right next to the highway and was always open to the public years prior but there is new homes there and they even have fake owls all over the place on all the docks it truly makes me sick. So I figured she is going to have to be the one to walk away from me when she feels like she found her flock. But I do fear if I'm pushed to it that I'll have to find a rescue for them which there is one for water fowl about a hour away from me in Morgantown West Virginia.. if Kristie would be willing to let someone know where Gilbert is I'm sure someone in this community could help.. I'm so heartbroken for her and can't blame her for being upset, she tried to explain to them about imprinting but they seemed to refuse to listen to her and when she was saying Gilbert was starting to get a little independence I have seen what she is talking about with my little girl being that she is usually right up my butt but when I go outside for her grass time she been going further and further each time but still never out of eye sight for long unless she is distracted. I don't know if it's just how protective my gosling is but she is not friendly with anyone else that comes around other then me or my boyfriend. So hopefully Gilbert is the same way with just the people he is only use to seeing. Would you know with them being Canadian geese do you think they are different from a domesticated breed of goose. Since a human raised them do they have the know how to be a wild goose? I've tried to do a lot of research looking into everything I can find on Google but I usually only get that your not to try and raise these guys and are supposed to contact the DNR but I've made that mistake before trying to rescue a baby deer that they sent someone out to shoot in the head. I will never trust another DNR again.they only care about the hunters in my area and only seem to care about the wildlife is there is a revune for them if not they are just a nuisance. It's so sad to see how many foxes and bears, and even possums are getting ran out of their homes and hit along side the road. I'm one of the many that wishes they could do something so when I see these precious creatures in need of help I always do everything I can.
People move out to rural areas because they think they want the country life, but they can’t stand the country so they turn it into the city, and wildlife are the first to go.

All geese are social and have long memory, they learn migration routes and many things from observing other geese, which is one of the reasons why they travel in groups, the other being that it’s safer to have more eyes to spot danger. Gilbert and your goose will learn from other geese, but it can take awhile to be accepted into another group, or could take no more than a few hours, a lot of it depends on the personalities of the other geese.
I don’t want to alarm you, especially during this difficult time, but for his safety I feel like you should know. Gilbert is imprinted on you, that doesn’t mean that he won’t imprint on other geese, geese are pretty smart, and he won’t necesarily like other humans, but he might not realize the risk that other people are. I don’t know where you are in the world, but here in America Canada geese currently are not safe in lakes, pond, and parks frequented by humans, there has been culling because geese are considered a nuisance species, even though it their natural habitat.
Gilbert is a pet, he’s family, of you can reach out to an animal welfare group that can help please let them know about Gilbert and if there’s anything that can be done for him, like living at a sanctuary where he can be safe.
I already tried to tell them all of that but it was still “you knew we were taking him back because we rent this house.” I tried to explain the imprinting but it was still “we can’t get kicked out because of a goose”…I tried for a solid month to find a place to take him that wouldn’t kill him with no luck. I even called different vets around to see if maybe they would know of any person that could or sanctuary and their aren’t any animal sanctuary’s around here or even in a separate county..not for Canada geese anyways.
I even tried the Arkansas game and fish commission and all they do is rehab then put them back or they just kill them. Most of the time they just kill them. In September is when they can hunt them in this State.
People don’t care about Canada geese around here, that’s why I didn’t care if I got in trouble for having him…that was another reason they had that they said Gilbert had to go was because it’s illegal to have him. But they were the ones that brought him home in the first place.
My brother in law said that Gilbert flew across the water and landed somewhere with the other geese, that he called for him and called for him but he didn’t come, but he wouldn’t come for him..only me. All he did was walk around, wait till gilbert was in the water and he left.
I know that once Gilbert realized no one was there that he cried and cried for me, and I’m so so sick with worry about him right now because he is a mama's boy when it comes to bedtime. He doesn’t understand why he was left there, or what to do, and he still has a hoarse voice where you can barely hear his tweet.. I just want my sweet boy back.😔😭

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