Food stuck in esophagus! HELP!!


Jun 5, 2022
This morning my Canada gosling that is 8 weeks old was eating his normal pellets (he’s an inside goose, not sure if I needed to say that) and stopping a few seconds in and seemed like he was choking or couldn’t swallow them. He stopped eating right away and came to me. It’s scaring me really bad. I did take a video of him so you can see what I’m talking about and will hopefully figure out a way to attach it.
But also, all last night I was up with him because he couldn’t get to sleep because he was drooling a lot, it was clear, not discolored or a bad smell, or anything like that but he was up and down all night, then he would be panting after that. I’d give him water but he only took a sip. Also, he would jump up for no reason and take off at times and look really confused but then be ok. He had also pooped when he would do this, but it was something new so I wanted to mention it. He had this really thick rancid liquid poop that was a darkish brown color that about stunk me out of the room. I didn’t take any photos, I just wanted it gone asap! But, I do have other photos of his 💩 from a few days before this that looked kinda weird to me.
I am a new goose mom, so I know absolutely nothing about Canada geese..Gilbert was just brought here at 4 days old by the people I stay with, but I absolutely love and adore him. I’m very disabled and have absolutely no way to get him to a vet and am scared for him. If he can’t eat, then…is all of this some kind of illness? Oh he is also kind of clicking his bill. He doesn’t open his mouth all the way, only a little and will usually do it intervals of 3 or 4. He’s finally asleep right now thank goodness. But I love my sweet baby Gilbert and wouldn’t know what to do without him.

Someone told me how to do the video so here it is—

He took a 20 to 30 minute nap then went and ate perfectly fine. Also there’s been No drooling so far today or clicking of his jaw/bill either.


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Does he have access to water when he’s fed? Geese need water at all times, especially while eating or it can cause problems like this.

Another concern is his droppings, runny droppings with bubbles can be a sign of excessive gas from an intestinal infection, the excessive gas will bloat his lower intestine and put pressure on his air sacks, lungs, stomach, and esophagus which will slow down his digestion causing him to excessively swallow like he is in the video.

If infection is the cause various bacterias like clostridium or ecoli could be the cause, intestinal parasites like giardia, coccidia, or worms could be the cause, a yeast infection like candida could be to blame, and then there are viruses. Sometimes, “and fairly often” it can be two or more things at once.

I understand that you are unable to get him to a vet but without diagnostic testing it’s anyone’s guess which of those is the cause, you can buy fish antibiotics online and treat him with that, but treating blindly usually is more costly financially and physiologically in the long run.

Do you have anyone that can help you with this?
I do now have someone, they said they would go to the feed store to try and get an antibiotic but neither one of us know what to even get.
His symptoms are the drooling at night and then panting, I think that might be from a fever tho because he doesn’t want to be anywhere except the cold kitchen floor and he does feel more warm than usual.
He has diarrhea. He’s eating now just fine. Oh and yes, he has two big water bowls. I think he drooled so much last night and when he went to eat he had no saliva left and everything just stuck…idk, that’s probably me hoping.
He can eat, and 20-30 minutes later he’s got diarrhea. Then he goes and eats again. Should I let him just eat?
He isn’t as spunky and acting like he’s king of the house today, he just wants to lay on the cold floor in one spot.
He is “talking” to me, but they are his sweet little peeps. But they are constant unless he’s taking a little goose nap. Ooh, I forgot to say that he had the most horrible, rancid diarrhea for the last two or three days and it’s ALWAYS in the mornings. Never any other time of day.
The super smelly poos could be cecal poo, it will have the consistency of pudding and smell pretty strong, those are normal.

That doesn’t mean that he doesn’t have diarrhea, which is abnormal.

Let him eat as much as he wants, it’s a good sign he’s still eating.

At his age goslings can go through metabolic changes that cause them to overheat easily, and if he’s overheating and panting that could cause him to drool.

Have you seen him drool at any other time during the day?
Does he have difficulty swallowing when he isn’t eating? Will he make the swallowing motion through the day?
Have you noticed any red or orange in his droppings?
This morning my Canada gosling that is 8 weeks old was eating his normal pellets (he’s an inside goose, not sure if I needed to say that) and stopping a few seconds in and seemed like he was choking or couldn’t swallow them. He stopped eating right away and came to me. It’s scaring me really bad. I did take a video of him so you can see what I’m talking about and will hopefully figure out a way to attach it.
But also, all last night I was up with him because he couldn’t get to sleep because he was drooling a lot, it was clear, not discolored or a bad smell, or anything like that but he was up and down all night, then he would be panting after that. I’d give him water but he only took a sip. Also, he would jump up for no reason and take off at times and look really confused but then be ok. He had also pooped when he would do this, but it was something new so I wanted to mention it. He had this really thick rancid liquid poop that was a darkish brown color that about stunk me out of the room. I didn’t take any photos, I just wanted it gone asap! But, I do have other photos of his 💩 from a few days before this that looked kinda weird to me.
I am a new goose mom, so I know absolutely nothing about Canada geese..Gilbert was just brought here at 4 days old by the people I stay with, but I absolutely love and adore him. I’m very disabled and have absolutely no way to get him to a vet and am scared for him. If he can’t eat, then…is all of this some kind of illness? Oh he is also kind of clicking his bill. He doesn’t open his mouth all the way, only a little and will usually do it intervals of 3 or 4. He’s finally asleep right now thank goodness. But I love my sweet baby Gilbert and wouldn’t know what to do without him.

Someone told me how to do the video so here it is—

He took a 20 to 30 minute nap then went and ate perfectly fine. Also there’s been No drooling so far today or clicking of his jaw/bill either.
he needs water 24/7 right next to his feed. They eat and drink to wash it down.
The super smelly poos could be cecal poo, it will have the consistency of pudding and smell pretty strong, those are normal.

That doesn’t mean that he doesn’t have diarrhea, which is abnormal.

Let him eat as much as he wants, it’s a good sign he’s still eating.

At his age goslings can go through metabolic changes that cause them to overheat easily, and if he’s overheating and panting that could cause him to drool.

Have you seen him drool at any other time during the day?
Does he have difficulty swallowing when he isn’t eating? Will he make the swallowing motion through the day?
Have you noticed any red or orange in
Oh my goodness, those pops are normal😳🤢but yes, they do have that consistency.
I did notice him drool and then pant when we went outside for his greens. I did notice it again last night tho. I’m thinking he’s getting too hot on the bed but he cries to get up here and there are two other people sleeping and I can’t bare to hear him cry for me so I get him. I also think he may be a bit scared of the dark.
I’ve definitely kept food down for him, I figured as long as he wanted to eat then I’d let him.

No, he doesn’t have any difficulty swallowing through the day at all. So far it’s only been that one time. This morning I made sure he got a drink of water BEFORE he ever touched his food and he did good.
I have an odd question, we got a a big bag of grit for him and I put it beside his food (it’s really smally rocks) but he doesn’t touch them. I take him outside and he goes nuts looking for them. I sprinkled the same ones outside so he’s still getting the same ones just not very many. Is that ok? Someone said to put a tiny bit in his food but I’m scared to, with what I mentioned, would you guess that he was getting plenty of grit?

I did find a vet that will let me bring in a sample of his poo to run tests, if he doesn’t find anything in the first test he will run a more thorough one. And only 45 bucks🥳! But that will be on Monday.

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