➡I accidentally bought Balut eggs: 2 live ducks! Now a Chat Thread!

Oh I know! Now we’ve started having the older hens sit on top of the young pullets in the nest boxes just to do it. One has taken to sitting in the favorite box (not keeping the eggs warm and still laying so not broody...yet) but just to make sure the young pullets can’t use it.

I know it's not to you or the little ones but this is humorous to me. LOL
HA! I was listening to the radio and they did a story about Halloween and discouraging people from, and I quote, "dressing up their chickens and taking them trick or treating for Halloween." Even the CDC chimed in and was saying not to because of the risk of contracting or spreading Salmonella. This was an actual story. The person talking about this was dumbfounded. I love my chickens but I can't imagine taking one out trick or treating.
The little dog is sooo cute lol

And you've probably tried this already but you can try treating him for being quiet, even if it's only a few seconds (which it probably will be at first). Make sure it's something really high value and tasty like some hot dog or chicken. Slowly build up duration and/or eventually add a "quiet" command. Might work better than the squirt gun and yield long term results. And/or could also teach him enough or a settle command and to go to his bed or something when you say it. Will probably take a while especially if this is a very established habit but even fakers can be trained. :)
He doesn't get treats. :oops:
Complete feed only.
HA! I was listening to the radio and they did a story about Halloween and discouraging people from, and I quote, "dressing up their chickens and taking them trick or treating for Halloween." Even the CDC chimed in and was saying not to because of the risk of contracting or spreading Salmonella. This was an actual story. The person talking about this was dumbfounded. I love my chickens but I can't imagine taking one out trick or treating.
You mean you don't have a special chicken stroller yet? Shame on you.
This is me trying to type.....this is Chef bugging me....

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