➡I accidentally bought Balut eggs: 2 live ducks! Now a Chat Thread!

Thank you for addressing my points :)
Sorry I went off on a tangent. I can get heated about this. Like I mentioned earlier, I've dealt with irresponsible owners dumping pregnant animals.
I am pro breeding endangered breeds, service dogs and work dogs such as police dogs or search and rescue.
Show.... mmmm... I probably don't understand enough to get with the program.
Do you realize how many breeds of dogs are on the verge of extinction? They are not popular so no one wants to buy them. Of course much harder to keep them going than heritage chickens.
Tbh this one (quoted below) was a little bit harsh and unnecessary so I can see Cy’s point. And I feel like there’s been a couple other times where things were said a little bit unnecessarily harshly. Not saying it’s done on purpose or anything and yes Cy has done some questionable things or maybe had a bit of the occasional attitude but that’s just how teenagers are and then add onto it that Cy’s parents aren’t teaching her this stuff so she has to work extra hard to learn it, and everyone else in the area is doing it that way. I don’t think it’s really fair to constantly bring up that mistake or act like she’s a bad person. Not that you guys are but she’s a teenager and plus she didn’t even sell them. Yeah, it was bad she was even thinking it acted like she didn’t care at first but then she changed her mind once we talked to her and said when she moves out and has her own flock she does plan to practice bio security so why keep bringing it up?

I’m sorry. :hugs
I really like you Kdog, and you’re sweet as pie so I’m not going to argue. Despite what she would have you believe, Cyprus is not a child and she’s not stupid; her repeatedly using her age and all these other factors as an excuse for her behavior is just silly. I can’t come online and act catty and then manipulate people who don’t know any better into excusing my actions; no one should be able to do that. If she wants to act hypocritical by lecturing people on something she has messed up on before, fine, but she can’t expect to not be called out on it. It’s not about bad decisions, it’s about attitude.

She has already bad mouthed me (and others) behind my back on at least one other thread, so quite frankly I don’t have the time or patience for this anymore.
My day just hit disaster. Very, very quickly.

I just found the only two chickens I cared about dead and mauled, pulled through the wire of their coop.

I. Am. A. Mess. I cannot pull myself together, I can't stop crying and I'm losing my mind :hit
The only birds I cared about, dead. :hit :hit

Okay, so actually the rooster is visible but the hen is missing. I think her chances of being alive are next to none. :(
And I can't get the dead chicken out of the fence. I have to cut it out.
So sorry @Cyprus! Hope the hen turns up.
Sounds like a raccoon attack or even a skunk. Both will pull the bird thru the wire, although a skunk will remove the head to consume the blood.
Marek's remains in the soil of the pen or run. Your bantam babies can remain in a large elevated cage for a while so not to be exposed.
I really like you Kdog, and you’re sweet as pie so I’m not going to argue. Despite what she would have you believe, Cyprus is not a child and she’s not stupid; her repeatedly using her age and all these other factors as an excuse for her behavior is just silly. I can’t come online and act catty and then manipulate people who don’t know any better into excusing my actions; no one should be able to do that. If she wants to act hypocritical by lecturing people on something she has messed up on before, fine, but she can’t expect to not be called out on it. It’s not about bad decisions, it’s about attitude.

She has already bad mouthed me (and others) behind my back on at least one other thread, so quite frankly I don’t have the time or patience for this anymore.

I didn’t realize that she had bad mouthed you guys before, I’m sorry. That’s definitely not cool. And all of that is definitely not an excuse and she theoretically should have known better before it was mentioned, and I think she did since she didn’t end up doing it so who knows why she posts what she posts, and she definitely shouldn’t be talking about anyone behind their backs, and I obviously haven’t been on the thread long enough to really know much about any of you or the full story or whatever, but I still feel like age is at least a little bit responsible only because a lot of teenagers are very immature and self centered/selfish or mean or whatever and have a lot of growing up to do. I knew plenty of people who were jerks in high school who grew up and matured and are now better people. But of course I also know plenty who are still jerks. And of course plenty of teens who are wonderful. So it’s not exclusively age and I’m not saying age is the reason she talked bad about people or excusing it or anything, she should definitely know better than that, but idk, I guess I’m just still hopeful that she can grow out of it and mature. Also I did note a little attitude in the initial post too or almost like a know it all vibe, especially the part about desexing not being a real term, that was irrelevant, but I guess I just figured it wasn't intentional. Idk, maybe I’m too nice or too optimistic or something, and obviously I would never defend terrible behavior, such as talking bad about people, manipulating, lying, or knowingly selling sick animals, or anything, but at the same time I guess I’m just still optimistic/hopeful that she can change. Idk. But I am sorry if it sounds like I’m defending her/that behavior or minimizing it or whatever or if my original reply was rude or anything. Gah I hate conflict and having to choose sides and stuff.

Also, for the record, thank you for the very nice comment, I really like you too.
Actually here in calif you can’t adopt from the shelters. Unless you want a badly bred pit bull or chihuahua. That’s all that is left. The rescues sweep through and take any adoptable dog they can find. Nothing left. You can’t find a suitable family dog in the shelter.

I’ve noticed a lot of rescues do that here too. They claim there is a shortage of homeless pets here so they ship up dogs from kill shelters in the south and/or have fosters down there who rescue them and then ship them up once adopted. Personally I think it has to be a money making operation.

Do you realize how many breeds of dogs are on the verge of extinction? They are not popular so no one wants to buy them. Of course much harder to keep them going than heritage chickens.

Very true. And if everyone stopped breeding there would literally be no more dogs left which is what I think a lot of these anti breeders don’t understand or maybe it is what they want.
I’ve noticed a lot of rescues do that here too. They claim there is a shortage of homeless pets here so they ship up dogs from kill shelters in the south and/or have fosters down there who rescue them and then ship them up once adopted. Personally I think it has to be a money making operation.

Very true. And if everyone stopped breeding there would literally be no more dogs left which is what I think a lot of these anti breeders don’t understand or maybe it is what they want.
It is definitely a money making operation. They charge a lot of money too.
I’ve noticed a lot of rescues do that here too. They claim there is a shortage of homeless pets here so they ship up dogs from kill shelters in the south and/or have fosters down there who rescue them and then ship them up once adopted. Personally I think it has to be a money making operation.

Very true. And if everyone stopped breeding there would literally be no more dogs left which is what I think a lot of these anti breeders don’t understand or maybe it is what they want.
PETA does want to end all animal ownership.

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