🔥☣️🏒The Sin Bin🏒☣️🔥

Sooooo anyway, what’s everybody doing today??? I was hoping to get some gardening done, but I don’t think it’s gonna happen.
I will be enjoying the company of my washer and dryer, while I rearrange the cabinets in the kitchen! It rained over 3" last night and this morning, so outside is not fun.
Me, I gonna get some hay, then try to figure out what to cook for dinner. Oh, might set some eggs too. What about you?
You would love it here for hay, good grass hay is still just 4 or 5 bucks for a large square bale. We use it to bed our coop and duck house.
Excellent! Seems a few people's peahen's are still not laying (several of mine aren't laying yet either)
Can you guys tell me what you think these ducks are?

I had one person say Muscovy/mulard and another say MD. Hopefully they are Muscovies. Mules would be the worst one tho
Can you guys tell me what you think these ducks are?

I had one person say Muscovy/mulard and another say MD. Hopefully they are Muscovies. Mules would be the worst one tho
It does look like it could be a barred black muscovy. Post more pictures and that would help confirm.
You would love it here for hay, good grass hay is still just 4 or 5 bucks for a large square bale. We use it to bed our coop and duck house.
Yeah, sure would like that. Grass hay is $23/bale, alfalfa is ~$19/bale, oat hay is about $15/bale. :th

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